Notes: Some restrictions.
Can only process objects that support ROLLBACK/COMMIT actions.
Easy configuration
Can be used without the need of an Oracle client.
Database can be accessed from any machine in a network.
Type of Database:
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle 9/10/11
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access 6.0-ACE
Data2Data comes with a free trial version that is a limited demo version which allows you to fully use all functionalities of the program.
If you are not satisfied with the result, you are granted the option to purchase a fully supported licensed version for a one-time fee.
Purchase plans:
Data2Data Developer Edition
Data2Data Professional Edition
Data2Data Enterprise Edition
Data2Data Enterprise Database Edition
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting SQL Server objects to Oracle
Supports converting Oracle objects to SQL Server
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CMake sub-directory path in CMakeLists.txt
I am using cmake to build a software with 3 sub-directories(include, src, lib). I have a CMakeLists.txt file in each sub-directory. The CMakeLists.txt file in lib/ directory is located at the root. The CMakeLists.txt file in src/ directory is located in a sub-directory of src. The CMakeLists.txt file in include/ directory is located in a sub-directory of include.
When I am trying to build the software, I get the following error:
Failed to build docker-engine-18.09.3, error: cd /home/somename/projects/DockerEngine/lib &&../src/CMakeLists.txt:9: /home/somename/projects/DockerEngine/include/CMakeLists.txt: include(autogen): No such file or directory. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (include):
include(autogen): No such file or directory.
I have tried to change the sub-directory paths in the CMakeLists.txt file at all possible locations but still I get the same error.
In this case, you should use quotes in the absolute file path:
instead of:
Furthermore, you can simplify the paths by using set(CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR $) and set(CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR $) before including the CMakeLists.txt files. In this way, the full file path does not need to be written