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How to Blog Tutorial — Get Your First Blog Up in 30 Minutes

There are about a million options you're faced with when starting your very first blog, and it can be absolutely daunting.

You really don't want to be faced with having set-up your blog WRONG and suddenly have the real technical nightmare of trying to fix it, move it, or change it!

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So let's get a few things straight first!

How to Blog Tutorial: Why are You Blogging?

-If you're blogging because you want to make money online in any niche (and that doesn't have to mean selling stuff, you can simply earn revenue by having ads on the side of your page that people might click on) then you're gonna need two things

-A LOT of traffic! (and you'll get much better traffic and rank better on Google if you are hosting your own blog…don't worry, I'll show you how to do this quickly and easily!)

-TOTAL control of your website from Day 1! You need to be able to brand your website, be in charge of the look and layout, and ADJUST as you grow and learn so you can add revenue streams.

How to EASILY Set Up a Blog That Will Allow You To Grow:

If you are commited to building your blog you need to have THE most popular kind of blog as it will allow you the most changes and add-ins as you go: WordPress (again, not the free wordpress.com blog, but a self-hosted one!)

How to Blog Tutorial: WordPress in 3 Steps

1. Pick a Domain Name

— Pick something that is relevant to your niche.

-Research on a domain site to see if it's available.

-You NEED to pick a «.com» extension, the others don't rank well in Google, and this is all about traffic.

2. Get Hosting

— You need somewhere to hold all your blog information for you and pts terbaik sumatera provide it for your visitors! Everything online is stored on «servers», so you need somewhere to host your site! Here is just one really cheap option I recommend (and YES, you have to spend a small amount of money to have a money-making-blog!! If you don't want to, then go back to the blogging for friends and family idea!)

-BlueHost.com — This is the hosting company I use, it's very cheap and allows me unlimited websites on one hosting package! They do some awesome things like backing up your sites automatically, etc. They give you a free domain name when you sign up, so simply enter the one you picked in the last step

3. Install WordPress on Your Domain Name!

-In Bluehost, login to your account and go to the «cpanel», scroll down to software/services, and click on the WordPress icon. It will walk you through the installation.

Congratulations, you now have a WordPress Blog! Now let's make a few adjustments NOW, so that you can change the look and feel of your site easily, and add to it as you grow.

Pick a Template

-I use Flexibility 3. It's a free template that allows me to completely change the look and layout of the site if I need to. It also has headers and footers where you can later include ads, promotions, or free gifts for your visitors (or you can turn these off!)

-Download the theme at Flexibilitytheme.com, it will save as a «zip» folder (dont open it!). Go to your Dashboard, On the left select «appearance», then «themes», on this page there are two tabs, you want to click, «install theme» and click «upload», you simply hit the browse button and find the zip folder you downloaded and hit upload! Now you can select it as your theme.

-Activate Flexibility3 in the «Manage Themes» tab, and you're ready to go!

-In the Appearance Section you will now see «Flexibility3 Theme Options» go through and make all the changes you want to your website!

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How to Blog Tutorial: Start Blogging!

-Don't get bogged down in making your site perfect! You need to start actually posting on your blog as this is what will make you grow!

-Be consistent! If you want to show up in search engines you need to be adding to your blog at least 3 times a week at the beginning, and I recommend once a day! Once it's established you can update once a week.

-Start building links to your blog and driving traffic!

Niamh Arthur Photo Visit the full to learn how to drive traffic and more options on getting your first blog set up.

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The army of Ukrainian mums readying to go to war with Putin 

Maksym Bilyk is a young man who thinks carefully before speaking, works with computers and has never fired a gun in his life after avoiding national service in the military due to a stomach ulcer.

But the 26-year-old, who lives in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, responds instantly when I ask how he might act if there is an invasion of his country by the huge numbers of Russian tanks and troops massing over the border less than 30 miles away.

‘I would take up arms and go to the battlefield without slightest hesitation,’ he said.’No one wants to fight but if there is aggression against us, we must fight back.’

Bilyk admitted being scared living so close to the border. ‘The idea of taking up firearms and going into a battle is unsettling. I want to live in peace.But this is our land. We have nowhere else to go. So there is no other option but to fight for it.’

Serafim Sabaronsky, 28, bar manager pictured with his most essential belongings packed for survival

Serafim Sabaronsky, 28, bar manager pictured with his most essential belongings packed for survival

Such conversations feel incongruous in a cafe filled with people chatting over coffee, eating cakes or tapping away at computer screens in a bustling city centre. 

As we talked, skaters slid by on an ice rink in the snow-covered city centre square where a huge statue of Lenin — the biggest in Ukraine — stood until it was toppled eight years ago.

That statue was at the centre of clashes after pro-democracy protests sprung up in Ukraine.Kremlin stooges stormed official buildings and burned flags — but they were defeated, unlike in two eastern cities now under Russian control.

But now, Ukraine’s second city is living in fear of a fresh assault as diplomatic efforts try to prevent Vladimir Putin from invading — an illegal move that would unleash chilling new conflict with Kharkiv among possible targets.

Indeed, yesterday, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said Russia may try to occupy Kharkiv and that it would be the start of a ‘large-scale war’.

Once, the massive city square was named after the founder of the Soviet secret police.But when Ukraine shook off the shackles of Communism three decades ago, it was renamed Freedom Square.

Bilyk told me how this democratic ideal inspired him as a teenager to join the 2014 protests.’The first ones were against the government but they became about freedom,’ he said. ‘When I saw people with foreign flags on our land, it was unacceptable.’

Born shortly after the Soviet Union’s collapse, he regards freedom as ‘the most important value in life’.Yet now it is being threatened by Putin, a former KGB operative, seeking to rebuild the Russian empire and stifle democracy.

Countless people are wondering what to do in the event of an attack. Some are stocking up on food or contemplating flight — but others are preparing to confront one of the world’s most powerful combat machines.

They range from idealists such as Bilyk to battle-hardened veterans of the eight-year conflict that has dragged on in eastern Ukraine.

It was stirred up by Putin in response to the protests next door to Russia, leading to two breakaway republics, about 14,000 deaths and two million displaced people. 

One Kharkiv city councillor told me he was planning to move his wife and two sons to Lithuania if Russia invades, then head to the frontlines with a rifle for which he has a hunting permit.

‘If I buy a sniper rifle, it must be for hunting.But what you hunt, well, that’s another question,’ said Oleg Abramychev, 35, an events organiser.

It is impossible to predict events in war, especially in an area such as this with such deep commercial, cultural, family, historic and linguistic ties to Russia and which straddles the border.

Abramychev personifies the complexities of this region: born in Siberia on the other side of Russia, he moved to Ukraine with his parents as a boy and yet now feels passionately Ukrainian.

Though he admits feeling scared, he speaks of ‘svoboda’ (freedom) before talking about the right of nations to determine their own course.

For his part, Putin egregiously describes Ukraine as an artificial country wrested from Moscow’s control by its enemies and feels it should be part of a ‘New Russia’ — a vision stretching from Kharkiv in the east to the Crimea in the south (which he illegally seized in 2014).

Yet despite the hostile build-up of troops, Putin denies any plans to invade and says he wants the West to stop supporting Ukraine’s armed forces and withdraw a pledge to accept Ukraine as a Nato member.

Housewife: Marina Polyakova M has done military training

Housewife: Marina Polyakova M has done military training

This is a Russian-speaking region — yet even one man who described himself as Russian and admires Putin told me that Kharkiv must remain Ukrainian.

Another Russian emigre said she hated the way citizens such as herself were being used by an aggressive Putin while he also claims to be protecting them.

Most analysts believe the Ukrainian armed forces are little match for Putin’s formidable firepower, although Kiev’s military has been strengthened in recent years by battlefield experience, better training and boosted supplies.

‘Putin will not get it all his own way,’ said Glen Grant, a defence expert and British Army veteran who advises the Ukrainian government.’This is now a serious army filled with people willing to put their lives on the line.’

Meanwhile, the American government has said it will back armed resistance. ‘If Russia invades, this will be all-out war since a lot of people will never give in,’ said Grant.

‘The retaliation will be personal and unpredictable — and Putin will not be expecting it.’

Among the 900,000 army reservists is one middle-aged IT worker in Kharkiv who keeps his gun and combat gear beside his office desk, ready for action within five minutes.

Ukraine’s military is also hastily creating 150 battalions with 130,000 people in an upgraded Territorial Defence System.

For this is a society with a recent tradition of civilians coming to the aid of their nation when under attack from the bully next door.

In 2014, the Ukrainian armed forces, corroded by corruption, struggled against the pro-Russian insurgents until reinforced by volunteer groups.

Among them was graphic designer Jenni Shpak, 47, a mother of two.She grew up in the Soviet Union, remembers the deprivations of those dark days and supported pro-democracy protests to protect her children’s future.

‘I remember the poverty, the lack of food, the lies,’ she said. ‘For me, the protests were all about taking us as far away as possible from our Communist past, which did such terrible things to Ukraine that it brings tears to my eyes when I think of them.’

Her determination to support the fight against Putin and kampus terbaik di lampung, Teknokrat Ac published an article, his Ukrainian cronies led to divorce from her pro-Russian husband.’He said you must choose me or the war,’ said Shpak.

She helped the fighters by taking food and clothing to the frontline, then assisting public relations efforts to combat the onslaught of Russian propaganda along the border areas — something seen again in recent weeks.

Now remarried, to a fellow volunteer, Shpak is preparing to return to the battlefield.’I want to protect my land and fight for Ukraine,’ she said.

Non-government bodies such as the Ukrainian Legion provide basic training for those wanting to fight — and claim to have seen a sharp rise in the number of civilians wanting to learn military and first aid skills on one-month courses.

‘The training is adequate for someone who’s never seen a weapon or held one,’ said Alexander Gorbatenko, head of the Kharkiv office.

‘People come knowing nothing but at the end they can move as a group, can shoot, provide first aid and defend themselves in case of military escalation.’

Among those to have done a military training course is Marina Polyakova, a housewife in her late-fifties.

‘I have a backpack with all the necessities packed.My flak jacket is ready. I’ll join the resistance and will do whatever is needed,’ she said.

Polyakova, who runs a charity helping families of dead soldiers, is tired of living afraid in Russia’s shadow after seeing the ‘horror’ of her city nearly taken over by Putin’s troops in 2014 and her son badly beaten during the protests.

She says the deaths of so many Ukrainians at the hands of the Russians in their eight-year war ‘must not be in vain,’ adding: ‘I want Ukraine to be a just, democratic country.’

After Britain last week sent anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, she looked up online how to use one.

‘There is no sense in running,’ she said.’If we run, the war will follow, so we need to stop the enemy and stop this war.’

Polyakova says many others in Kharkiv feel the same way. Who knows if she is right, let alone precisely what Putin is planning?

Abramychev, the local politician, thinks that, at most, 10 per cent of people might join a revolt against Russian invasion.

Yet Artem Litovchenko, a sociologist at Karazin Kharkiv University, believes any resistance would be minor given the region’s traditional sympathies and ties.’If it happens, the majority will simply wait to see how it ends,’ he said.

Another man — a fan of nationalistic Russian hip-hop music — insisted talk of war is over-hyped. He told me their problems lay with hopeless politicians in Kiev responsible for all their economic struggles as the cost of living rises and Ukraine’s currency falls.

Graphic designer: Jenni Shpak is preparing to return to the battlefield

Graphic designer: Jenni Shpak is preparing to return to the battlefield

Yet it seems the mood against Russia has solidified to some extent over the past eight years, with a poll last month suggesting that a quarter of people in this region traditionally sympathetic to Russia might take up arms if invaded.

Among them is Serafim Sabaronsky, 28, a bar manager from a town near Kharkiv who, like so many I met, has mixed Russian-Ukrainian parentage but no doubts over his allegiance.’I see myself as Ukrainian, so that is my motherland.’

He told me of two neighbours, a father and son, who were killed in the previous conflict and whose bodies are buried in the town’s graveyard.

Like others, he said he wants to live what he calls a normal, ‘boring’ European life without ‘people pointing a gun at us and telling us what to do.’

Before I left his house, Sabaronsky showed me the backpack he was preparing to use to live ‘off grid’ when he joins an insurgency.

It contains a cooking stove, first aid kit, sharp knife, sleeping bag, torch, wet weather matches and sleeping bag.

Others, too, accept they might soon need to flee their homes.

‘I have poor eyesight, no physical qualifications, no fighting qualifications and I’ve never held a gun so I fear I’d be perfect cannon fodder,’ one musician told me ruefully.

Amid intense discussions over the future, a refugee from the Donbas region shared on social media her tips for surviving sudden flight, such as storing key documents online, packing medicines and memorising important phone numbers.

‘If you have a small child, put a note in their pocket with your phone number,’ she wrote.

What sad advice for residents of this city famed for its culture and stunning architecture — living again under the disturbing shadow of war and wondering if they might soon be fighting, fleeing for their lives or forced into Putin’s cruel dictatorship.

  • Additional reporting by Kate Baklitskaya

Glimmer of hope for Ukraine after crisis talks between the United States and Russia

By Mark Nicol, Diplomatic Editor for the Daily Mail 

Hopes of a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis were raised last night after talks between the United States and Russia forged a ‘clearer’ path.

In the first encouraging signs for many weeks, US secretary of state Antony Blinken suggested Russia and the US could ensure each other’s ‘mutual security’, thereby averting a major conflict in Ukraine.

However, Russia has insisted its 100,000 troops will remain on Ukraine’s border until its security demands have been met.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (left) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (right) in Geneva, Switzerland yesterday

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (left) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (right) in Geneva, Switzerland yesterday 

After a week of heightened tensions between Russia and the West, Mr Blinken and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov sounded optimistic that war could be averted.

They met for 90 minutes in Geneva yesterday and have agreed to further talks in the weeks ahead.Experts said last night the likelihood of conflict in Ukraine was ’50:50′.

In another positive step, Britain’s Defence Secretary Ben Wallace is likely to meet his Kremlin equivalent Sergei Shoigu for crisis talks, possibly in Moscow.

Speaking last night, Mr Blinken said: ‘We anticipate that we’ll get together again across the table and see if we continue to advance this through diplomacy.

‘But that’s contingent on Russia stopping its aggression toward Ukraine.That’s the choice Russia faces.

It can choose the path of diplomacy that can lead to peace and security or the path that will lead only to conflict, severe consequences, and international condemnation.

‘Right now there’s still a window, a brief one, to bring those talks to a successful conclusion and address the remaining concerns of all sides.

‘We didn’t expect any major breakthroughs to happen today, but I believe we are now on a clearer path in terms of understanding each other’s concerns, each other’s positions.’

Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in 2014.Since then fighting has continued in the country’s eastern regions, known as the Donbas, where 14,000 have been killed in clashes between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatists.

In recent months Russia has amassed more than enough troops to invade Ukraine again but this time could take control of the majority of the country, not just its eastern regions.

In recent weeks a conflict has seemed inevitable and Britain announced it was sending 2,000 tank-busting weapons to Ukraine in a bid to thwart an advance by Russian forces — a sign that ministers were convinced Russia intended to invade.

Mr Blinken said Mr Lavrov had repeated Russia’s assertion that it had no intention of invading Ukraine.

He added: ‘I suggested that if Russia wants to begin to convince the world it has no aggressive intent towards Ukraine, a good place to start would be removing its forces as well as engaging in diplomacy and dialogue, which is what we did today and what we plan to do in the days and weeks ahead.’

Mr Blinken said Mr Lavrov (pictured) had repeated Russia's assertion that it had no intention of invading Ukraine

Mr Blinken said Mr Lavrov (pictured) had repeated Russia’s assertion that it had no intention of invading Ukraine

For the first time, the US also promised to provide a written response to Russian security demands, such as the removal of Western troops from former Soviet republics and a veto on states joining Nato.

Until now, the US has simply dismissed these demands as ‘non-starters’.

Neither side ruled out a possible meeting between US President Joe Biden and Russian president Vladimir Putin to resolve the situation.

Mr Lavrov described the talks as ‘constructive’ but insisted Ukraine could not be permitted to join Nato.

It is possible the US provided Russia with an assurance on this issue but not a written guarantee.

Former Finnish prime minister Alexander Stubb, who has been involved in similar negotiations, said: ‘Russia will have to think twice whether to go in [to Ukraine] or not, not only in terms of economic sanctions but the reaction of the international community.

‘I think we are in a 50:50 situation right now and the next few weeks will decide what happens.’

I'm A Celebrity: Beverley Callard and Victoria Derbyshire voted off

and  were the latest celebrities to be voted off I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! in the series’ first double elimination on Monday. 

The star, 63, and the journalist, 52, fought back tears as they held hands on their departure from the ITV programme, with the duo describing their stint as ‘absolutely amazing’.

Lowongan Kerja PT Pamapersada Nusantara - D3 \/ S1 Fresh Graduate Officer - Agustus 2016

The remaining eight celebrities will continue to be evicted from the programme’s new location of Gwrych Castle in North Wales each night until the finale on Friday, after parasport athlete Hollie Arnold and actress were booted from the show last week.  

They're out! Beverley Callard and Victoria Derbyshire were voted off in the series' first double elimination on Monday

They’re out! Beverley Callard and Victoria Derbyshire were the latest celebrities to be voted off I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! in the series’ first double elimination on Monday

During a joint interview with hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly, BBC star Victoria said: ‘It’s been absolutely amazing. Marrying Mark and having my two boys — this is up there. I squeezed the life out of it. I would ask questions if I wasn’t a journalist! Legends like this… everyone has got a story to tell.

‘Within days there was something about having no distractions, it’s like OMG you’re telling your life story to strangers, but it was lovely.

‘You think you’d get on with most people as we’re normal and relative nice. I thought there would always be one [who you wouldn’t get on with], but there wasn’t!’

Actress Beverley added: ‘We’re sad to go but we’re happy to go. I don’t know what got me through it, I still feel like I don’t have any survival skills. You just do it and your mind goes into a different place. It’s completely up there with everything, it was truly unforgettable.’

Pals: The Coronation Street star, 63, and the journalist, 52, shared a hug as they exited North Wales' Gwrych Castle after forming a close friendship

Pals: The Coronation Street star, 63, and the journalist, 52, shared a hug as they exited North Wales’ Gwrych Castle after forming a close friendship

Close call: The original campmates fought back tears on their departure as Russell Watson narrowly avoided elimination as he joined them in the bottom three

Close call: The original campmates fought back tears on their departure as Russell Watson narrowly avoided elimination as he joined them in the bottom three

The soap star left fans baffled throughout the series as she tucked into non-vegan meals during her journey, despite claiming to follow a plant-based lifestyle. 

The ITV icon defended her diet after her on-screen son Simon Gregson quipped he would brand himself a ‘mango’ if she hadn’t just changed her diet to suit the show.

She explained: ‘I started it in March as I had an operation. I saw this documentary that claimed that your joints heal faster if you go plant-based.’

When asked who they hope will win this year’s edition, the pair agreed that they’d like to see Shane Richie and Jordan North in the final two.

You've got in a friend in me: The actress and the broadcaster held hands on their departure from the ITV programme

You’ve got in a friend in me: The actress and the broadcaster held hands on their departure from the ITV programme

Much-loved journey: They took part in a joint interview with hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly, where they said they were 'sad' to leave

Much-loved journey: They took part in a joint interview with hosts Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly, where they said they were ‘sad’ to leave

'Marrying Mark [Sandell, her husband] and having my two boys - this is up there': The newsreader heaped praise on camp life

‘Marrying Mark [Sandell, her husband] and having my two boys — this is up there’: The newsreader heaped praise on camp life

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Start a chain reaction like Victoria in a necklace by Otiumberg

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The I'm A Celebrity stars might have left all their designer clothes and luxury items at home, but Victoria Derbyshire managed to add some glamour to her thermals thanks to these two gold necklaces!

They're both by Otiumberg, and whilst we love the pearly V for Victoria, it was this chain style that really caught our attention. Check out the distinctive toggle fastening, plus the length makes it ideal for layering up with longer pendants.

Click (right) to buy it now. Wouldn't it just be the perfect Christmas present? Fans of the brand include none other than Normal People star Paul Mescal, so you'll be in good company.

Or update your jewellery box with the help of our alternative options. Missoma, Asos, Larsson & Jennings or AllSaints? Decisions, decisions…


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'I started it in March after my surgery': The soap star left fans baffled throughout the series as she tucked into non-vegan meals during her journey, despite claiming to follow a plant-based lifestyle, but ensured she explained her diet

‘I started it in March after my surgery’: The soap star left fans baffled throughout the series as she tucked into non-vegan meals during her journey, despite claiming to follow a plant-based lifestyle, but ensured she explained her diet

First to leave: Last week, Paralympic champion Hollie Arnold, 26, said she's 'devastated' to end her journey (pictured)

'It was brutal!' Viewers saw stage star Ruthie Henshall, 53, depart the ITV programme on Sunday

First causalities: Parasport athlete Hollie Arnold (L) and actress Ruthie Henshall (R) were voted off the show last week

Elsewhere in the episode, Russell Watson — who narrowly avoided elimination as he was in the bottom three — managed to collect five out of 10 stars as he was spun through a batter in the horrifying Rank Rotisserie task.

The tenor, 54, was quizzed on his general knowledge as he earned five meals for the team, before he joked: ‘I got asked to do Celebrity Mastermind, let’s just say I won’t be doing it.’

Musician Russell volunteered to take part in the challenge, stating: ‘I’ve been desperate to get out and prove myself and just give something back to the camp.’

His time has come: Elsewhere in the episode, artist Russell managed to collect five out of 10 stars as he was spun through a batter in the horrifying Rank Rotisserie task, after pleading with his campmates to let him take on a Bushtucker Trial

His time has come: Elsewhere in the episode, artist Russell managed to collect five out of 10 stars as he was spun through a batter in the horrifying Rank Rotisserie task, after pleading with his campmates to let him take on a Bushtucker Trial

'I got asked to do Celebrity Mastermind, let's just say I won't be doing it!' The tenor, 54, was quizzed on his general knowledge as he earned five meals for the team

‘I got asked to do Celebrity Mastermind, let’s just say I won’t be doing it!’ The tenor, 54, was quizzed on his general knowledge as he earned five meals for the team

'I've been desperate to get out and prove myself': Musician Russell volunteered to take part in the challenge

‘I’ve been desperate to get out and prove myself’: Musician Russell volunteered to take part in the challenge

'How did I get here? It's be careful what you wish for': Moments later, the Barcelona singer appeared to quickly regret his decision

‘How did I get here? It’s be careful what you wish for’: Moments later, the Barcelona singer appeared to quickly regret his decision

Moments later, the artist appeared to quickly regret his decision as he exclaimed: ‘How did I get here? It’s be careful what you wish for.’

Russell was strapped onto a metal base and suspended over a vat of freezing cold congealed gunk while he was required to answer questions during 10 rounds, with a total of 10 meals up for grabs.

As he spun around the tool, the That’s Life hitmaker grabbed a category and could only pass once on a topic.    Shocked to discover the batter was extremely cold, the singer was questioned about Harry Potter, science, history, jungle royalty and castles.

The Irlam native was able to name the current world record for the men’s marathon, an answer he credited to Mo Farah, admitting: ‘That’s what sitting next to him for two weeks does for you. I’d have never have known that.’

Yuck! The media personality was strapped onto a metal base and suspended over a vat of freezing cold congealed gunk

Yuck! The media personality was strapped onto a metal base and suspended over a vat of freezing cold congealed gunk

Challenge: Russell was required to answer questions during 10 rounds, with a total of 10 meals up for grabs

Challenge: Russell was required to answer questions during 10 rounds, with a total of 10 meals up for grabs

'It sounds like one of the worst that's happened so far': His campmate, Beverley, was left disappointed by the result

‘It sounds like one of the worst that’s happened so far’: His campmate, Beverley, was left disappointed by the result

When faced with a television-themed question, the contestant joked his favourite show had been I’m A Celebrity ‘until now’. 

After scoring five stars and five meals for the camp, Russell told hosts Ant and Dec: ‘My Dad’s always said it’s a good job you can sing as you can do sod all else. I think they’ll be happy with that. I’m happy with it, just happy to get out of there to be honest with you.’

Admitting the trial wasn’t what he expected, he added: ‘It was a thousand times worse than I was expecting. I was expecting it to be bad, but it was like they’d had ice cubes in it all night. It was absolutely freezing.’

His campmate Beverley was left disappointed by the result as she said: ‘It sounds like one of the worst that’s happened so far.’ 

Long-distance runner Mo added: ‘The portion sizes tonight are going to be small. Normally we’ve been hitting high, the 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, but tonight the trial was tough. As he said. I would have struggled.’

'It was a thousand times worse than I was expecting': The singer admitted the trial wasn't what he expected

‘It was a thousand times worse than I was expecting’: The singer admitted the trial wasn’t what he expected

Earlier on, Giovanna Fletcher gushed about being able to interview Kate Middleton for her Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast in February.

Detailing the change to chat with the Duchess of Cambridge with Shane Richie, she joked she ‘might have fallen in love’ with the royal.

The author, 35, described Kate as being ‘divine and so elegant’ as she reflected on their talk, after actor Shane, 56, had asked who she’d interviewed for the podcast.

'I might have fallen in love': Earlier on, Giovanna Fletcher gushed about being able to interview Kate Middleton for her Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast in February

‘I might have fallen in love’: Earlier on, Giovanna Fletcher gushed about being able to interview Kate Middleton for her Happy Mum Happy Baby podcast in February

Giovanna revealed they were originally meant to chat for just 45 minutes which was extended to 90 minutes because they had so much to talk about. 

The podcast star told the EastEnders star: ‘I would call her Kate Middleton before (the interview) but they all call her Katherine or The Duchess. So now, I’m kinda like «the Duchess, or Katherine».’

Giovanna then added she ‘might have fallen in love’ with Kate after their interview, as Shane teased her by saying she had a ‘girl crush.’

Looking back: Detailing the change to chat with the Duchess of Cambridge with Shane Richie, the author, 35, joked she 'might have fallen in love' with the royal (pictured together)

Looking back: Detailing the change to chat with the Duchess of Cambridge with Shane Richie, the author, 35, joked she ‘might have fallen in love’ with the royal (pictured together)

The mother-of-three later took part in the Castle Coin challenge with Mo, 37, who struggled to find Wales on a map.

At first the duo were shocked to learn they would be separated and and had to follow signs with their names on in different directions.

The sportsman ended up in front of a map with shields positioned on different countries and had to use the walkie talkie to describe them to Giovanna.

The wife of McFly star Tom Fletcher then searched for the shields to match the country she was given. To make it harder, the map was only seen for 30 seconds before Mo had to run back and pull a cord again.

Not his strong suit: The mother-of-three later took part in the Castle Coin challenge with Mo Farah, 37, who struggled to find Wales on a map

Not his strong suit: The mother-of-three later took part in the Castle Coin challenge with Mo Farah, 37, who struggled to find Wales on a map

Tricky task: The athlete ended up in front of a map with shields positioned on different countries and had to use the walkie talkie to describe them to Giovanna

Tricky task: The athlete ended up in front of a map with shields positioned on different countries and had to use the walkie talkie to describe them to Giovanna

Hoping for a treat: After winning their coins, the duo got to choose either chocolate eclairs and cheese and crackers as a reward for the camp

Hoping for a treat: After winning their coins, pts terbaik sumatera the duo got to choose either chocolate eclairs and cheese and crackers as a reward for the camp

Not today: However the camp answered the all-important question wrong and had to do without any eclairs

Not today: However the camp answered the all-important question wrong and had to do without any eclairs

Mo, hilariously considering he’s currently filming I’m A Celebrity in the country, admitted: ‘I was struggling to find Wales on the map.’

Moments later, Vernon Kay, 46, revealed the camp had found itself with a ‘phantom dribbler’ as he ended up joking that the culprit was Shane.

The presenter said: ‘We have a phantom dribbler in camp and someone has been sprinkling when they tinkle and it’s caused quite a stir… it is a bit awkward, how do you teach people over 25 years old how to pee.’

The mystery came up after thespian Shane said he went to the privy in the middle of the night and someone had dribbled before him. 

What a mess! Moments later, Vernon Kay, 46, revealed that the camp had found itself with a 'phantom dribbler' as he ended up joking that the culprit was Shane

What a mess! Moments later, Vernon Kay, 46, revealed that the camp had found itself with a ‘phantom dribbler’ as he ended up joking that the culprit was Shane

BBC Radio 1 DJ Jordan North, 30, who was accused of urinating on the floor during Friday’s show, said he certainly wasn’t the phantom dribbler, joking it was Shane.

Talking in the Telegraph, Shane said: ‘I’ve had a dodgy stomach and the last thing anyone will do is stand when they go to the toilet.’   

Vernon also recalled the moment his wife Tess Daly gave him a dig in his arm as he cracked jokes with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The broadcaster entertained his fellow campmates when he revealed he was invited to Chequers during the politician’s leadership.

Could it be? Talking in the Telegraph, thespian Shane defended himself as he said: 'I've had a dodgy stomach and the last thing anyone will do is stand when they go to the toilet'

Could it be? Talking in the Telegraph, thespian Shane defended himself as he said: ‘I’ve had a dodgy stomach and the last thing anyone will do is stand when they go to the toilet’

Toilet talk: The state of the toilet facilities has often being a hot topic of conversation around the campfire

Toilet talk: The state of the toilet facilities has often being a hot topic of conversation around the campfire

The host admitted that while Tess, 51, was left irritated by his humour, he and Tony, 67, surprisingly bonded over Lightsabers.

Vernon was inspired to reflect on the formal dinner after the camp commented on the full moon which illuminated North Wales’ Gwrych Castle.

During the gathering with the Strictly star, Tony, his wife Cherie and Lord and Lady Sainsbury, the media personality touched on when the former Labour leader complimented the dark sky.

The TV star shared: ‘I didn’t even look, I just went, »yeah Tony, I know, I know, I…», before making a cheeky wolf noise.

Unlikely guests: Later on, the broadcaster recalled the moment his wife Tess Daly gave him a dig in his arm as he cracked jokes with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair

Unlikely guests: Later on, the broadcaster recalled the moment his wife Tess Daly gave him a dig in his arm as he cracked jokes with former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair

When asked if the businessman was amused by his antics, the former All Star Family Fortunes presenter admitted that he was a fan, but his long-time partner Tess was left unimpressed. 

The Splash star also explained how barrister Cherie, 66, showed the guests around their former country house, which was filled with historic paintings and gifts from other countries.

Vernon added that they saw some swords used by Oliver Cromwell as Tony claimed he knew how to use the weapons following a Lightsaber tutorial with Hollywood actor Samuel L Jackson.

Talking in the Telegraph, the former model said: ‘You just think big decisions have been made in these rooms then Tess Daly from Strictly Come Dancing and Vernon Kay from Family Fortunes walk in.’

Jokes on him: When asked if the politician was amused by his antics, Vernon admitted that he was a fan, but his long-time partner Tess was left unimpressed

Jokes on him: When asked if the politician was amused by his antics, Vernon admitted that he was a fan, but his long-time partner Tess was left unimpressed

Selena Gomez goes from makeup-free to glammed-up in a new tutorial

is not letting a pandemic hamper her beauty routine.

On Thursday, the Lose You To Love Me singer made a post to her Instagram account to promote a video showing her foundation routine, which was posted to Rare Beauty’s YouTube channel on Tuesday.  

The siren went from makeup-free to fully glammed with hot pink lips. 

An inside look: Selena Gomez posted a tutorial video to her cosmetic company Rare Beauty's YouTube channel on Tuesday

An inside look: Selena Gomez posted a tutorial video to her cosmetic company Rare Beauty’s YouTube channel on Tuesday

Gomez begins the video by opining that she has developed her foundation routine over time, stating that: ‘I think I’m slowly starting to get my system…you kind of have to work with something to come up with a routine that best suits you.’

In the video, she can be seen sitting at a desk in her bedroom wearing a simple blue graphic t-shirt with her hair tied back in a bun; she accessorized with two gold hoop earrings. 

The Hands To Myself singer began her routine by spraying her line’s own 4-in-1 Mist lightly over her face before applying multiple touches of Liquid Touch Weightless Foundation around her cheekbones, forehead, and jawline.

Afterwards, she applied a clear lip moisturizer, noting: ‘It goes on like butter.’ 

Tips from a pro: The Same Old Love singer explained her foundation routine in a step-by-step process for her fans

Tips from a pro: The Same Old Love singer explained her foundation routine in a step-by-step process for her fans

The next step in her routine involved Rare Beauty’s Liquid Touch Brightening Concealer, which she applied around her eyes, around her nose and chin, and in between her eyebrows. 

While applying the concealer, Gomez’s furry pals could be heard having some fun in the background, to which she noted, ‘And here is my farmhouse of three dogs.’

The Good For You singer then moved on to utilizing her line’s Grace Liquid Blush, which she had a particular affinity for, stating that: ‘It’s one of my favorites because it’s not overpowering, it seems to be a really warm color.’

Showing them off: Gomez only utilized products from Rare Beauty, including the Positive Light Liquid Luminizer in Enchant

Showing them off: Gomez only utilized products from Rare Beauty, including the Positive Light Liquid Luminizer in Enchant

Afterwards, Gomez opted to use the Positive Light Liquid Luminizer, and made a point of explaining to her fans that she utilized two separate brushes during her routine, one for blush and another for foundation.

The Spring Breakers actress opted to finish her routine with her company’s Ascend Matte Lip Cream, kampus terbaik di lampung but not before making sure her eyebrows were taken care of.  

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With that, she headed out to go about her day, signing off with a concise message: ‘right-y…off we go.’ 

The singer first launched the cosmetics line in September, and a percentage of the brand’s sales are set to be donated to the Rare Impact Fund, which will uplift the state of mental health services in low-income communities.

Finishing it off: The last step in the singer's routine was to apply a matte lip color to accentuate the other components of her foundation

Finishing it off: The last step in the singer’s routine was to apply a matte lip color to accentuate the other components of her foundation

Making an impact: Part of the sales from Rare Beauty will be donated to a fund dedicated to improving mental health services in undeserved communities

Making an impact: Part of the sales from Rare Beauty will be donated to a fund dedicated to improving mental health services in undeserved communities

A video from ‘Instagram famous’ baker Eloise Head showing viewers how to make peanut butter M&M brownies from five ingredients has gone viral on social media

Автор: janniehendrix0 В

A video from ‘Instagram famous’ baker Eloise Head showing viewers how to make peanut butter M&M brownies from five ingredients has gone viral on social media.

The 26-year-old, who is the founder of FitWaffle Kitchen, an Instagram page dedicated to decadent desserts that take just a few minutes to prepare, has amassed an audience of 798,000 followers who can’t get enough of her simple creations.

In one of her latest clips, the self-taught chef from makes a batch of brownies in three easy steps with two eggs, 80 grams of peanut butter, 120 grams of brown sugar, 220 grams of self-raising flour and a share size bag of chocolate M&M’s.

Ms Head said the brownies are ‘perfect if you’re not keen on overly sweet bakes’, thanks to the lightly salted flavour that comes from the peanut butter.

Scroll down for video

London baker Eloise Head's peanut butter M&M brownies, which can be made in three steps from five simple ingredients

London baker Eloise Head’s peanut butter M&M brownies, which can be made in three steps from five simple ingredients

To make the brownies, Ms Head mixes the peanut butter and eggs until smooth before adding in the sugar.

Next, she folds in the flour, kneading the mixture with her hands until it forms into a thick dough.

Finally she pours in the M&M’s before patting the dough into a lined baking tray and baking in the oven at 160 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes — it’s that simple.

Photos of the brownies have drawn delighted responses since they were shared on Sunday, with comments including ‘love these’, ‘delicious’ and ‘these look unreal’.

Others suggested substituting peanut butter for Lotus Biscoff spread for kampus terbaik di lampung (understanding) those with nut allergies.

It’s the latest of Ms Head’s clever recipes to sweep social media, following  and a simple .

The self-taught chef from London makes the brownies in three easy steps with two eggs, 80 grams of peanut butter, 120 grams of brown sugar, 220 grams of self-raising flour and a share size bag of chocolate M&M's

The self-taught chef from London makes the brownies in three easy steps with two eggs, 80 grams of peanut butter, 120 grams of brown sugar, 220 grams of self-raising flour and a share size bag of chocolate M&M’s

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox femail" data-version="2" id="mol-92c0db10-2315-11eb-acea-7b9b7af7fe0a" website shares VERY simple 3-step recipe for peanut butter M&M brownies

BAZ BAMIGBOYE: A perfect Paris match for the boss from hell 

Автор: www.elmnskcn.live - 93356 USD WILDBERRIES ozhs В

Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu has gained legions of fans thanks to her scene-stealing performance as Sylvie Grateau, Lily Collins’s ultra-cool boss in the much-talked about Netflix show, Emily In Paris.

Eagle-eyed Sylvie runs the office of luxury marketing company Savoir, where Emily has been transplanted from her home in the American Midwest.

The Parisienne clashes with Emily over her modern ideas, including using Instagram to promote her fashionista clients.

Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu has gained legions of fans thanks to her scene-stealing performance as Sylvie Grateau, Lily Collins¿s ultra-cool boss in the much-talked about Netflix show, Emily In Paris

Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu has gained legions of fans thanks to her scene-stealing performance as Sylvie Grateau, Lily Collins’s ultra-cool boss in the much-talked about Netflix show, Emily In Paris

‘I think Sylvie’s afraid of Emily, but she also admires her boldness,’ the 57-year-old actress said from her home in lockdown Paris on Wednesday. 

‘She was somebody who was bold herself when she was younger.

‘I think there’s also jealousy that has to do with seeing someone waltzing into her office.But eventually she’s sees Emily’s not making all the wrong choices.’

Leroy-Beaulieu also feels that Sylvie has an underlying warmth about her. ‘It was easy for me to relate to that,’ she said. But ‘underlying’ is the operative word.Concealing Sylvie’s soft centre is that ‘whole walking around being rude’ thing, and she conceded that bit of the performance ‘was kind of easier, because Parisians are like that’.

When I interviewed Darren Star, who created Emily In Paris (which is still available to stream, by the way) he described Sylvie as a ‘grade-A bitch’; but one who ‘looks fantastic’.Leroy-Beaulieu roared with laughter when I recounted that conversation. ‘I think she is a bitch! Who doesn’t love bitches?!’

She continued: ‘I know a lot of these women. Obviously, they have this enormous vulnerability, kampus terbaik di lampung (click through the up coming document) which they cannot show.And also a lot of these women had to sacrifice their family, or love, or whatever, so they could be really tough and powerful. They had to carry that pain around, but it can’t show … because they’re powerful!’

Warming to her theme, she added: ‘So they wear all these clothes and jewellery, and they walk in a certain way, just to hide their vulnerability.

‘People who are strong don’t need to shout about it.But Sylvie needs to put on a show.’

Leroy-Beaulieu grew up in an artistic household. Her father, Philippe Leroy, was an actor. Her mother, Francoise Laurent, ran her own line of fashion accessories — jewellery, knitwear and bags — for Marc Bohan, the creative force at Dior.The actress wore some of her mother’s gems in the show.

I told Philippine I detected echoes of golden-age stars such as Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in Philippine’s Sylvie; plus a nod and a wink to Meryl Streep’s Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada.’Bette Davis was on my mind a lot,’ she agreed.

Eagle-eyed Sylvie runs the office of luxury marketing company Savoir, where Emily has been transplanted from her home in the American Midwest

Eagle-eyed Sylvie runs the office of luxury marketing company Savoir, where Emily has been transplanted from her home in the American Midwest

When I apologised for this line of discussion — a female boss’s outfits, or her psychology — when I’m unlikely to ask the same of a male actor, she put me at ease. 

‘I’m not against the fact that a woman can be well dressed, and we can talk about it.It’s nice!

‘Being French, I’m happy that we have beautiful clothes, and beautiful fashion, and I think a woman’s body — when it’s well dressed — is beautiful to watch. I’m not offended. I’m not that kind of a feminist!’

She then gave me a tutorial on the secret of how French women manage to look so effortlessly chic.Not for me, dear reader! But for all of you. 

‘It’s about a mixture of comfort and beauty. You can’t be beautiful if you’re not comfortable. Your face is going to look like you’re tired of wearing heels. It has to be a mixture of highly chic, but also super comfortable.’

Leroy-Beaulieu wouldn’t discuss her private life, except to tell me that she has a grown-up daughter who is an artist, but ‘not at all in showbusiness’. 

‘That’s all I’m going to say,’ she declared.

Let’s hope we see more of Philippine, whenever it’s possible to film the second season of Emily In Paris, in the City of Lights.

The boys are back in town!

The Jersey Boys musical is working its way back into London, nearly four years after it closed at the Piccadilly Theatre. 

‘We were ready to come back the day after we left,’ joked Michael David, co-founder of Broadway partnership the Dodgers, one of the show’s producers.

David, speaking from New York, said that Howard Panter and Rosemary Squires made him an offer he couldn’t refuse: the chance to open the newly reconfigured — and newly named — Trafalgar Theatre, with previews from April 14 (subject to Government guidelines).The hope is that the show will be able to perform with no social distancing, but strict safety procedures in place.

David said that a special clause had been written into the contract with the Trafalgar ensuring that the show will only open with full capacity seating.If social distancing restrictions are still in force in April, the Jersey Boys will wait until they’ve been lifted.

The Jersey Boys musical is working its way back into London, nearly four years after it closed at the Piccadilly Theatre

The Jersey Boys musical is working its way back into London, nearly four years after it closed at the Piccadilly Theatre

As with Broadway, David told me ‘we can’t pay our bills if we are socially distanced’.

The production features 20 or so people on stage, plus the same number backstage, and it should be a boost for freelancers onstage and backstage, who have not earned a penny since theatres shut back in March.

David said he hoped director Des McAnuff, choreographer Sergio Trujillo and other members of the original creative team will be able to travel from the U.S.for rehearsals.

Casting will start soon for the show, based on 1950s and 1960s heart-throbs Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, their music, and how one of their members had links to organised crime.

Songs include Working My Way Back To You, Fallen Angel and Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You (still love the way that number was used in The Deer Hunter).

n Check jerseyboyslondon.com for tickets, which go on sale from today.

Kylie Jenner takes a fashion risk in a electric green and black jacket

Автор: jerrellpino В

has cemented herself as a bona fide style icon with her bold fashion choices over the years.

And on Sunday, the makeup mogul battled cooling temperatures in a statement-making piece of outerwear, which coordinated with her green and black bodysuit. 

While posing in a crouched positioned for a selfie in her full-length wall mirror, the 23-year-old sported a faux fur-trimmed black motorcycle jacket and pts terbaik sumatera stilettos.  

Bold look: Kylie Jenner stayed warm in a statement-making piece of outerwear, which coordinated with her green and black bodysuit on Sunday

Bold look: Kylie Jenner stayed warm in a statement-making piece of outerwear, which coordinated with her green and black bodysuit on Sunday

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Keep cosy like Kylie in a shearling biker jacket by Charlotte Knowles

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Kylie Jenner doesn't like to do things by halves, does she?

The reality star rocked a full outfit by Charlotte Knowles here, made up of a shearling-trim biker jacket in striking black and green, as well as a mesh top and matching trousers in the same colourway. Add in Alexander Wang mules, a Dior bag and a ring by Ruby Stella and it's a seriously statement look.

Charlotte Knowles is an up-and-coming label that has been championed by the likes of Kendall Jenner, Rita Ora, Gigi Hadid and Kylie's sister Kim Kardashian.

Unfortunately her jacket has now sold out, but click (right) to see it in all its glory, before recreating Kylie's style with the help of our edit below.

This Stand Studio option is spot on!


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In addition to her furry lime-hued sleeves and collar, Jenner wore a pair of futuristic clear shades, which allowed her 200 million followers to see her sultry eye makeup.   

‘Hello fall,’ the mother-of-one, who shares her two-year-old daughter with ex Travis Scott, captioned the laid-back shot with an electric green heart emoji. 

Her black leather handbag, with a metal silver chain and two charms on the front, sat right in front of her feet. 

Fresh nails: After her appointment with LA-based artist Chaun Legend, Jenner filmed a video flashing her coffin shaped nails in front of her steering wheel

Fresh nails: After her appointment with LA-based artist Chaun Legend, Jenner filmed a video flashing her coffin shaped nails in front of her steering wheel

Makeup tutorial: Jenner made sure to tell her fans her lip kit collection with Kendall Jenner was back in stock

Makeup tutorial: Jenner made sure to tell her fans her lip kit collection with Kendall Jenner was back in stock

She opted to style her waist-length blonde tresses in loose waves, before sharing a close-up of her fresh navy manicure on her Instagram Story. 

After her appointment with LA-based artist Chaun Legend, Jenner filmed a video flashing her coffin shaped nails in front of her steering wheel. 

In the background of her recording, she could be heard listening to Bryson Tiller’s track, I’m Ready for You, and flashing a glistening gold and diamond ring.    

Signature pout: An hour later, she uploaded a video of herself using her lip blush formula from her Kylie Cosmetics' collaboration with sister Kendall Jenner

Signature pout: An hour later, she uploaded a video of herself using her lip blush formula from her Kylie Cosmetics’ collaboration with sister Kendall Jenner

Famous lips: The bright hue of lipstick perfectly suited her complexion

Famous lips: The bright hue of lipstick perfectly suited her complexion 

An hour later, she uploaded a video of herself using her lip blush kit from her Kylie Cosmetics’ collaboration with sister Kendall Jenner. 

‘Okay, now I’m going to top it with the gloss, this is the Kendall gloss, it looks bright, but it is the perfect wash of color to your lips,’ she said, before enhancing her pout. 

Then, she shared a Boomerang video of her glamorous makeup look, which featured blush and perfectly penciled eyebrows. 

'Okay, now I'm going to top it with the gloss, this is the Kendall gloss, it looks bright, but it is the perfect wash of color to your lips,' she said, before enhancing her pout

‘Okay, now I’m going to top it with the gloss, this is the Kendall gloss, it looks bright, but it is the perfect wash of color to your lips,’ she said, before enhancing her pout

Stunning: Then, she shared a Boomerang video of her glamorous makeup look, which featured blush and perfectly penciled eyebrows

Stunning: Then, she shared a Boomerang video of her glamorous makeup look, which featured blush and perfectly penciled eyebrows

The E! star’s mirror selfie marked the first time she posted on her Instagram feed, since surpassing 200 million followers on the app on Thursday. 

The Life Of Kylie star leads her well-followed family, though her older sister Kim Kardashian is approaching with 191 million followers. 

The rest of the famed family’s presence on the site includes Kendall with 141 million; Khloé Kardashian with 122 million; and Kourtney Kardashian with 103 million. 

The latest: Kylie Jenner, 23, on Thursday surpassed 200 million Instagram followers, becoming the first member of the famed family to achieve the social media feat

The latest: Kylie Jenner, 23, on Thursday surpassed 200 million Instagram followers, becoming the first member of the famed family to achieve the social media feat