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The KeyMACRO is a fast and powerful keystroke logger designed to help you log every keystroke on your PC!
When the KeyMACRO application starts up, it will automatically start recording any keyboard keystrokes that happen on your computer’s keyboard, or on any virtual keyboard you connect to the computer. This means that no additional hardware, program, or setup is required!
KeyMACRO will capture the following:
• Mouse movements
• Clicking
• Window/WindowFrame switches
• Modifier key usage
• Special keys (printscreen, backspace, F1, etc)
• Unicode Characters (special & standard)
• Multiple keyboard & mouse devices
• Mouse gestures (scroll, right click, etc)
• Record the numbers, digits and letters typed by the user (caps lock is off by default)
KeyMACRO can log keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements, mouse clicks, Window/WindowFrame switches, modifer key usage, special keys (printscreen, backspace, F1, etc), Unicode Characters, Mouse gestures (scroll, right click, etc), Multiple keyboard & mouse devices, Mouse gestures (scroll, right click, etc), and the numbers, digits and letters typed by the user (caps lock is off by default) on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016.
Logs can be saved in a folder of the user’s choosing, and are automatically sent to the KeyMACRO cloud as text files in CSV format. (Zip compression is also available).
The KeyMACRO has an extensive amount of options to customise the application’s functionality and enable it to work optimally with your setup:
• Templates: The option to create a new keyboard template or edit the currently stored one.
• Shortcuts: The ability to create shortcuts, which will record keystrokes in seconds.
• Mouse gestures: The ability to record mouse gestures, right click and scroll.
• Log Text: The option to only record the numbers, digits and letters typed by the user (caps lock is off by default).
• Custom Keyboard: The ability to enable or disable the use of a custom keyboard layout.
• Recording Time: The option to set the recording time, from 1-300 seconds.
• Records: The option to record specific events: Window/WindowFrame switching, modifer key usage, multiple mouse devices, Mouse gestures 384a16bd22

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