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KMenu — @ = cmd-enter
KMenu — V — 3 = cmd-f3
KMenu — V — 0 = cmd-f0
KMenu — V — 1 = cmd-f1
KMenu — V — 2 = cmd-f2
KMenu — V -. = cmd-f.
KMenu — V — * = cmd-numpad-multiply
KMenu — V — / = cmd-numpad-divide
KMenu — V — { = cmd-numpad-7
KMenu — V — } = cmd-numpad-8
KMenu — V — [ = cmd-numpad-4
KMenu — V — ] = cmd-numpad-5
KMenu — V — F = cmd-numpad-6
KMenu — V — L = cmd-numpad-1
KMenu — V — C = cmd-numpad-2
KMenu — V — R = cmd-numpad-3
KMenu — V — P = cmd-numpad-0
KMenu — V — B = cmd-numpad-plus
KMenu — V — N = cmd-numpad-minus
KMenu — V — G = cmd-numpad-point
KMenu — V — Y = cmd-numpad-percent
KMenu — V — M = cmd-numpad-equal
KMenu — V -, = cmd-numpad-comma
KMenu — V — ^ = cmd-numpad-caret
KMenu — V — ( = cmd-numpad-openbrace
KMenu — V — ) = cmd-numpad-closebrace
KMenu — V — > = cmd-numpad-angleleft
KMenu — V — < = cmd-numpad-angleright
KMenu — V — { = cmd-numpad-braceleft
KMenu — V — } = cmd-numpad-braceright
KMenu — V — C = cmd-numpad-c
KMenu — V — T = cmd-numpad-t
KMenu — V — B = cmd-numpad-b
KMenu — V — N = cmd-numpad-n
KMenu — V — A = cmd-nump 384a16bd22

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Key Macro for AutoCAD 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. It works on any system where Autodesk CAD Toolbox is installed.
Key Macro adds a shortcut for the Autodesk CAD command. You can open the Autodesk CAD toolbar, select the command, the size and shape of the window, and specify the command to use.Q:

F# Variable Binding Typed Anonymous Record

I’m trying to bind a set of functions (or functions that can be turned into functions) to a typed record, like so:
type Data = { Name : string; Age : int }
type People = { Age : int }

let (^f) = (function
| { Name = n } -> Some n
| { Age } -> None)

let people (^g) = (function
| { Age = a } -> Some a
| _ -> None)

let convert = {
Name = f; Age = g;

let people = convert People.f g

let peopleList = people [1..10]

This works. But if I try to make convert a typed anonymous record, it doesn’t work. I get a message saying: «No overload for function «people» matches delegate «Some». The type of the record variable is «people», not a delegate of type «Some».
How can I bind this kind of function to a record?


This is the same problem as with closures in Javascript: you can pass a function that is parameterless to a variable or a method, but you cannot pass it to a lambda.
I suggest using pattern matching:
let convert (x: { Name = n; Age = a }) = { n; a }
let people (x: { Age = a }) = Some a

Or if you want it to be purely functional:
let (^f) = {
| { Name = n } -> Some n
| { Age } -> None

let (^g) = {
| { Age = a } -> Some a
| _ -> None
