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Port Forwarding is a network tool that makes it easy to set up port forwarding rules to allow you to see any remote machines from any other remote machine. We call this a «Virtual IP Port Forward» for the use of the term. You can use it to inspect your local network for vulnerabilities or to make your development work easier. It is not recommended for use in a production environment.
How it works:
Our Service listens on one port for a new TCP connection. A typical request looks like this:

The Service’s run method parses this request into parameters and passes them to the processPortForward() method. processPortForward will then use the port forwarding rules to forward the data to the desired remote destination. When processPortForward completes, the Service’s run method will return the value of the forwarded port.
Please see the documentation for more information on the way this Service is called.
Here are a couple of tips to help you troubleshoot:
■ Check the service is running by looking at the command line (see: «Service Console»).
■ Check the Windows Firewall. If it is blocking the service, ask your network administrator to temporarily disable it.
■ Use Wireshark or other tools to look at the connections that are being sent.
■ In development environments, use a self-hosted tool that enables you to see the data going out from your application.
AT Port Forward License:
This application is freeware and licensed under the GNU General Public License.
AT Port Forward Source:
You may download the source code for this application from our SourceForge project

AT Port Forward Documentation:

AT Port Forward FAQ:

AT Port Forward License:
Port Forward is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
You may download the source code for this application from our SourceForge project

Port Forwarding is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
You may download the source code for this application from our SourceForge project eea19f52d2


Use MathPlayer to improve the display of mathematical notation in web pages.
Download the MathPlayer script for your web site.
Use the supplied sample file to get a feel for using MathPlayer on your own web pages.
The MathPlayer script is valid for IE 6.0 and later.
Description of MathPlayer commands:
MathPlayer is an add-on to Microsoft Internet Explorer, which allows Internet Explorer to understand mathematical notation. It is based on the MathML format and is, therefore, compatible with all current web browsers that understand MathML.
Almost all of MathPlayer’s special features are accessed by placing the mouse pointer over an equation and clicking the right mouse button. This brings up MathPlayer’s menu. Most of the commands operate on the clicked-on equation. In addition, there are commands to find out MathPlayer’s version and to visit the MathPlayer web site.
Copying equations into other programs
The Copy MathML command puts the MathML description of the equation on the clipboard. The MathML text can be pasted into a text editor (eg, Notepad), an HTML editor (eg, Dreamweaver, FrontPage), or computer algebra system (eg, Maple, Mathematica). If your favorite calculation or mathematical program doesn’t accept MathML, contact the publisher of that software package and request that MathML support be added.
Opening an equation in MathType or WebEQ
The Open with MathType command on the Commands sub-menu will open the equation in a new MathType window. The command will be grayed out if MathType is not installed on your computer or if the equation does not contain MathType information. The Open with WebEQ command will open the equation in a new WebEQ window. The command will be grayed out if WebEQ is not installed on your computer.
Choose the MathZoom command to get a closer look at the equation. This can be handy to view small scripts and accents. To bring the equation back down to normal size, choose Unzoom (the MathZoom command changes to Unzoom on a zoomed equation). A single mouse click in an equation will toggle the zoomed state. Clicking in a zoomed equation while holding the Shift key down will unzoom all equations in the page. Warning: If the equation contains interactive parts that respond to mouse clicks, zoom/unzoom can only be performed using the menu commands.
