This key macro will insert the text into the macro file in the required column
Macro Name: GKJMacroDescription:Insert into the specified cell : macroText:Effect of early mode of delivery on the development of physiological systems in preterm infants.
To assess whether delivery mode at early gestational age (EGA) influences fetal development in preterm infants, a prospective observational study was conducted. The study cohort comprised a total of 121 preterm infants born with a birth weight (BW) below the 10th percentile. Fifty-three infants (group A) were delivered vaginally, and 68 (group B) underwent elective cesarean section (CS) at EGA 34 weeks or before. To determine the influence of mode of delivery on postnatal growth and the development of physiological systems, anthropometric measures were collected at birth, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of corrected age (CA). Anthropometric measures of infants were compared according to delivery mode and mode of feeding at EGA 34 weeks. The body weight (P Video
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Flexible XML editor that supports XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. You can easily create new elements, edit attributes, and add/delete elements. Support XML serialization and deserialization. Edit one line to see change the entire XML document.
XML editor with support for XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. It also supports XSD serialization and deserialization.
Rinzo XML Editor is a powerful XML editor. It supports XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. It also supports serialization and deserialization. It’s a powerful XML editor with support for XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. Support for serialization and deserialization.
Extremely easy-to-use XML editor: Quickly create new elements, edit attributes, and add/delete elements, with visual markers that show where you are. Even better, you can edit one line of XML to see the change reflected throughout the entire document. Rinzo XML Editor supports both text and binary XML files, and is fully customizable.
Start editing with one line: Whenever you type, Rinzo immediately updates to show where you are.
Visual markers: Keep track of what you are doing with visual markers, which show where you are as you type.
Text and binary support: Rinzo supports text and binary XML files.
Edit single line to see change: You can edit one line of XML, and watch the change apply to the entire document.
XML serialization and deserialization: Rinzo supports XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. Support for serialization and deserialization.
XML saving with indentation: Rinzo saves text and binary XML files with indentation.
Support for external tools: Rinzo can integrate with external tools.
HTML and C++ support: Rinzo supports HTML and C++ as well.
MathML support: Rinzo supports MathML.
XML Namespaces support: Rinzo supports XML Namespaces.
Open and close tag: You can open and close tags with a single click, and a list of tags will show with matching properties and values.
Easily switch between XML and HTML view: From XHTML, to XHTML-like, to HTML, Rinzo supports all the subtleties of XML syntax.
XML styles