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Do you know the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement?
For students who need to write an academic paper, the consequences of plagiarism can be very serious. Let’s take a look at some reasons why plagiarism is frowned upon by educators, and what you can do to avoid falling victim.
Even a casual reader will see that plagiarism has been used here, but this is supposed to be an academic paper about an academic subject. If the page says «said», «called», or «noted», it is most likely referring to the original work by the author of the source. If, however, the sentence is word for word, meaning that it has been plagiarized from the source, then you are doing more harm than good, because you are stealing the author’s work and not giving credit to the original author.
Consider this:
-If you write a paper and use the work of someone else, and the editor doesn’t like the paper, they can drop you at that point.
-If you write a paper and use the work of someone else, and the editor likes the paper, they give you the highest grade and you never need to write another paper again.
-If you write a paper and use the work of someone else, and the editor likes the paper, they let you fail. If you are willing to put in the work to improve it, they will take you back.
You should never plagiarize, because it is not only illegal, but unethical. It’s like saying: «I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get good grades. If I don’t do well, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get back into good standing with the university.»
So let’s have a look at some of the things that you need to be aware of when you are using the internet:
-Never steal someone’s work. Even if you think you can improve on it.
-Check the copyright status of any websites you plan to use. Don’t go to a website that says they own the copyright and don’t own the copyright.
-Read the copyright information of any website. Don’t go to a website that says they own the copyright and don’t own the copyright.
-Look at the way that others have done something. If they have done something in a nice way, you should do the same.
-When you use a website, don’t use a website that uses a clip art to display text. Instead, use your own graphics.
