Региональное агенство стратегической аналитики

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The KEYMACRO is a highly effective and effective fully dynamic cryptography algorithm of an advanced cryptographic algorithm.
The project includes an open source license. There are also some algorithms that are ready for the production stage.
The most interesting features of the KEYMACRO are the perfect protection against Trojan horse, backdoor and keylogger threats.
The algorithm has a mathematical proof that guarantees the degree of security of the algorithm with a high degree of reliability and is a key recovery function.
This algorithm is also based on the idea of a cryptographic hashing function: you can find the information that was secreted with the help of the use of a numerical character to extract the secret.
In addition, the KEYMACRO includes a function that hides the secret of the contents of the file you want to conceal, as well as a feature that allows the removal of this data by the sender if needed.
As the algorithm is based on the use of hash-based functions, the strength of the algorithm relies on the current version of the hash functions. The KEYMACRO algorithm is based on 64-bit SHA-1; however, it is possible to adjust the algorithm to any version of SHA-1, using the list of supported algorithms.
Due to the lack of an efficient and fast algorithm, it is not recommended for small files. However, as a person who does not want to work as a hacker, the KEYMACRO can be used easily in any application.
If you want to know more about the cryptographic functions and you want to read more about the KEYMACRO, follow the link below.
The KEYMACRO project was designed to be an algorithm based on hash functions.
Hash function is a key scheme that allows you to encrypt any secret text, making it difficult for anybody to use and steal.
In other words, it allows you to do the impossible: to hide or encrypt any text.
If you want to know more about the cryptographic functions and you want to read more about the KEYMACRO, follow the link below.
How the KEYMACRO works:
When working in hash function, the numerical values of these functions are built into a table called the hash table.
The table has 2 columns:
The first column contains the data in the sequence, and the second column contains the hash value.
When the table is calculated, the data will enter into the first column, and the table will be added to the second column.
Every time the table is completed, the hash d82f892c90

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