This review is based on SFunKey version
The review is based on SFunKey version You may have different program versions and/or additional modules or settings. However, the instructions and results below should be applied on the latest version.
Here are some basic, but very useful features that enable you to modify your keyboard controls and make the most of your functional keys.
The software is divided into three windows: application main window, secondary control pane and the third main window. The application window gives you access to the essential settings and functions of the program. The second pane contains a list of all the functional keys and their assigned actions. You can select a specific button and assign any action to it — this is known as macro.
The whole thing can be dragged around the screen to where you like. You can use the down arrow keys to move, and the up arrow keys to hide it.
The following sections provide a detailed description of each window.
Main Application Window
Main window contains the program’s basic functionality and easy-to-use interface. It is divided into three separate and well-organized panels.
The first is an application window itself. Its top panel contains an application menu with four options: Change Theme, Change Language, Run Program and Exit. The first two enable you to choose the application’s theme and interface language, respectively.
You can choose the default option of applying the current theme and interface language, as well as the option to choose another language. If you select the language for the current theme or interface, you will be shown a secondary pane with a list of supported languages.
The second panel contains the keyboard control area. The top row has the 12 functional keys that you can assign different actions. The left-hand side has two horizontal buttons (up and down arrows), which you can use to select or move the keyboard control area up or down.
Each button also has a horizontal down arrow to display a list of the currently used buttons and control each of the available applications. By clicking the down arrow, you can access any of the controls. A new application will be added to the left-hand panel.
The main part of the window contains the second pane. The top pane has a list of all the currently used functional keys. To the right of each button is a list of available applications.
The bottom pane has the left and right buttons, allowing you to move 384a16bd22
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