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1) Add a directory or volume where you want the file (or folders) to be copied to.
2) Add a destination where the file (or folders) will be copied to.
3) Select one of the following:
A. Copy the files.
B. Copy the attributes.
C. Copy the attributes and file/folder sizes.
4) Adjust the frequency of the log (in minutes) to what you prefer.
5) (Optional) Select the directory or volume to be scanned for changes.
6) Start BlueFish File Mirror (BlueFish is a good editor of the Windows and Linux platforms).
7) After the program start, you can edit the config.ini (the parameters file) to define the destination (the folder/volume where the change will be copied to) and any other needed parameters.
8) In the status bar a message is shown when the program is ready to scan the desired folder/volume for changes.
If you want to change any parameter in the config.ini you must press the «Apply» button.

Quick update for v3.5

Use the «Noop icon» button to display a image rather than a text message in the statusbar.

Use the icon for the «Go to parent» function for Windows.

The program automatically adjusts the transfer frequency to match the frequency at which you log changes (in minutes).

The log file is also automatically updated (at 1 minute intervals)

If the log file does not exist, BlueFish will automatically create the log file when the transfer starts.

When you select a folder and file(s) to be transferred, BlueFish will wait until you click «Go» before performing the transfer.

Small program. About 4K of code

When the program starts, it automatically runs a pre-check on the selected folder, then starts the transfer. You can choose to start or stop the transfer at any time.

If you want to start or stop the transfer in the middle of the process, you can use the «Stop» button on the status bar.

The log file can be any of the following filetypes:





The program automatically selects the correct filetype based on the extension of the file that is selected for transfer.

The program will always select the proper filetype, even if the filetype needs to eea19f52d2


Flash Drive Loader is a free software that can use to easily transfer files from one flash drive to another.
It is a small software which used to run on a single flash drive. In a single flash drive there is only one application.
In this, flash drive has an unique advantage. It takes only one application and the flash drive can easily be attached to different PCs. With the help of this application, you can easily transfer files from one flash drive to another flash drive.

Whats New
Quickly select your required flash drive to load files.
Batch mode to load files from a folder.
Export flash drive to zip file.
Export flash drive to text file.
Export flash drive to CSV file.
Export flash drive to RTF file.
Export flash drive to HTML file.
Export flash drive to EPUB file.
Export flash drive to MOBI file.
Export flash drive to PDF file.

How to Install
Now download Flash Drive Loader from below link.
After downloading successfully, open setup file.
Now Install and Enjoy.


Flash Drive Loader 1.05 Download



If you like Flash Drive Loader you can support us by buying from the License key box on the left of this page.Q:

Fitting a straight line through the points

I have a list of x and y coordinates. I need to fit a straight line through these points that is perpendicular to a given axis.
How can I do this in C# and/or MATLAB?


If you want to fit a line with a perpendicular to the x-axis you can use this simple script:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var points = new List() { new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 2) };
var line = Line(points, new Point(1, 0), 2);

// draw the lines

Console.WriteLine($»X = {line.x} Y = {line.y}»);

public static Line Line(List points, Point p1, int d)
var line = new Line() { x = p1.x +
