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* Allows you to use hotkeys to activate the subtitles found in a.mkv file.
* Automatically insert text, images, frames and stamps in a.mkv file.
* Automatically install the extension (for example, VobSub) and add it to the Video Properties dialog box
* Creates MKV, H.264/AAC, MPEG-4 (.mp4) and MPEG-4 AAC (.m4a) files from DVD with subtitles in MKV, H.264/AAC, MPEG-4 (.mp4) or MPEG-4 AAC (.m4a) files
* Installs all codecs and creates a basic setup
* Quickly change the volume, enable video zoom, specify a background image, or change the thumbnail.
* Advanced filters for Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Enterprise
* Custom filters to work with your system
* High quality subtitle sync with the video
* Home page, history, libraries and presets
* Uninstall from your computer
* Update check: Download and install the latest Codec Pack when required
* Update check: Set up to keep track of all updates of all codecs in one place
* Automatic installation of required codecs
* Automatically extract the audio from video and import it into a file
* Automatically extract the video and import it into a file
* Automatically extract the subtitles from a file and import them into a file
* Automatically resize the subtitles file to fit the video
* Automatically use a different language depending on the language of the video
* Copy audio to the clipboard
* Copy video to the clipboard
* Create and manage libraries
* Create and manage presets
* Extract all audio or video to a file
* Fix the missing or incorrectly detected audio or video format
* Fix the missing or incorrectly detected audio or video stream
* Fix the title text in video files
* Fix the thumbnails in video files
* Hide/Unhide video source filter
* Install filters from your libraries
* Installed filters can be hidden/unhidden
* Install and uninstall filters
* Interface language options
* Move and copy video files
* Rename video files
* Select audio or video file
* Sort video files
* Timer
* Trim video
* Tray icon and error display
* Vendor settings
* Choose DVD/Blu-ray drive or file
* Show DVD/Blu-ray drive or file
* Show title and author
* 384a16bd22

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Send2FTP is an easy to use FTP upload tool it helps you to upload your files and folders quickly to your FTP servers.
Send2FTP adds entries to the SendTo Menu. So if you wish to quickly add files or folders to your FTP servers, give Send2FTPa try!
Send2FTP is easy to use, which makes it a great tool for everybody.
Features of Send2FTP
— Automatically uploads the selected items to FTP.
— Simple to use.
— Users can add commands to the SendTo menu to easily execute a program.
— You can also use it to upload one folder or zip file at a time.
— Can upload files of any type (including.exe) to your FTP
— Very easy to use.
— Ability to select multiple files and folders and send them to your FTP
— Automatic upload of the items to FTP servers.
— Auto complete names of files and folders in the file and folder dialog.
— Ability to exclude certain folders.
— It automatically connects to the FTP server.
— Use the SendTo menu to select any program to be executed when you click a link in your favorite Web browser.
— Ability to send items to FTP using context menu (right click).
— Ability to send items to FTP using dialog.
— Ability to use command line parameters (e.g. batch, wildcard).
— Supports extensions.
— Ability to select multiple extensions in the file and folder dialog.
— Supports drag and drop.
— Ability to upload folders and zip files to FTP server.
— Ability to upload files of any type (including.exe) to FTP server.
— Ability to use multiple server names.
— Auto Open FTP Session Window if you are uploading to remote server.
— Multi-threaded FTP upload.
— Ability to use command line parameters.
— Ability to set custom folder paths.
— Ability to set custom user and password.
— Supports set folder names.
— Supports custom download directory.
— Supports drag and drop.
— Supports batch upload.
— Supports wildcard.
— Supports batch upload.
— Supports context menu.
— Supports custom download directory.
— Supports drag and drop.
— Supports batch upload.
— Supports wildcard.
— Supports auto browse directory.
— Supports set directory name.
— Supports multi-threaded upload.
— Supports multi-thread
