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Key macro is a powerful and easy to use program that helps you to create and save macros, for example for opening program, changing the desktop wallpaper, playing video or audio files, scanning, copying, printing and sending emails.
The program is very easy to install and run. Once installed, the interface is very intuitive and, in general, easy to use.
One of the most useful features is the ability to create customized commands and assign them to hot keys.
Another great feature is the option to automatically load a preset command when it is launched. This ensures that the same commands are always accessed with a single keyboard press.
This program can also be used as a desktop recording device. Simply record your desktop and save the recorded video to a file. This video can then be edited and saved as a movie file.
Easy Clip, a feature that is included, can be used to record portions of the desktop. In addition to that, you can even use it to record audio. You can save the file in WMA or MP3 format.
The program offers a clean interface, a nice feature to have for easy navigation. The Help section is very easy to use and provides access to the FAQs and a online help system.
The great thing about the program is that it is free and there are no hidden charges. There is also no registration needed.
The Bottom Line is that Easy Clip can be a very useful application that is easy to use and enable you to save a lot of time.
KEYMACRO Features:
Add, open, open, add, save, keyboard, shortcuts, hotkeys, preset, repeat, normal, auto, desktop, video, audio, buttons, color, format, name, video, clip, screen, scan, print, email, scan, email, folder, folder, close, notify, shortcut, audio, icons, folder, size, word, e-mail, text, hotkeys, MP3, video, game, URL, text, wma, wmv, power, time, date, wav, mp3, url, image, search, scanning, scan, save, video, image, text, excel, text, filter, editor, preview, file, text, open, click, exit, folder, folder, message, text, folder, screen, find, find, find, find, find, save, folder, desktop, file, email, file, open, folder, windows, exit, folder, folder, video 384a16bd22

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Keymacro is a simple Xkeyboard macro program. Keyboard macros are done using the Windows CTRL+Keystroke combination. Keymacro allows you to create keyboard macros easily by assigning keystrokes to «macros». When you press the assigned macro keystroke a command will be executed on your current application. Since macros are a feature of the Windows operating system Keymacro can run on any computer with Windows. Keymacro uses Windows’ interpreter of keystrokes so it is available on all computers with Windows, even those without a keyboard.
Sudo Description:
Sudo is a replacement for sudo. It was written to provide a «Sudo user» on all Unix-like systems, but not just. Sudo is a user-level application which handles the security of running root-level commands. The user is able to execute any command they wish without a password being required.
Knives Description:
Knives is a program for Windows 95/98/ME/2000 that will easily replace a stock knife with one that has the exact specifications you specify. Knives supports dragging and dropping of files and folders to and from the knife and renaming. Knives supports individual and arrayed commands with arguments.

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