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KeyMacro — one keystroke to rule them all.
It is designed to allow any user that can operate a pointing device (mouse, serial joystick, headmouse, trackball, single switch, etc), but cannot press the mouse buttons, to have the computer do mouse button functions for them.
Double-clicks, right-clicks, drags, and keyboard options are just the beginning. Useful features such as Auto-Repeat (mouse clicks or up/down arrows), Close Window, and Escape key add even more capabilities.
So if you can move the mouse cursor (whether by mouse, trackball, joystick, laser-eye tracker, or any other means), you can completely run & operate Windows quickly & easily!
Here are some key features of «KeyMacro»:
■ Keystroke Setup:
■ Up to 10 different hotkeys
■ Arrange in any order
■ Horizontal or Vertical layout, with on-the-fly changing available
■ Attract to screen edges, auto-sizing
■ Palette icons can be sized larger or smaller, with spacing & borders
■ Text descriptions available
■ Select colors for palette, icons, or text
■ Drag Prompts for help with dragging operations
■ Info Window to display visually countdown / selected option
■ Sounds for aural feedback (optional)
■ Standard or Quiet Sounds
■ Activation On or Off (Dwell active or Idle)
■ Palette On or Off (SmartClick Visible)
■ Advanced Options
■ SingleClicker � option for users who can click, but have trouble with double-clicks, other buttons, or holding buttons (drags)
■ TouchScreen � special mode so SmartClick can be run from a touchscreen device
■ The demo runs for about an hour, and then pops up a «Demo» window, and will not operate unless it is closed & restarted.
KEYMACRO Description:
KeyMacro — one keystroke to rule them all.
It is designed to allow any user that can operate a pointing device (mouse, serial joystick, headmouse, trackball, single switch, etc), but cannot press the mouse buttons, to have the computer do mouse button functions for them.
Double-clicks, right-clicks, a77f14ba26

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Automate common tasks with key combinations.
KEYMACRO is a utility for Microsoft Windows, it runs in background and is activated by a key combination. It provides easy control over major processes like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, sending you timely messages when macros run. In addition, you can pause, resume and stop macros by pressing special keys and save your macros by pressing a button.
KEYMACRO offers you instant access to macros, you can easily save them, load them from clipboard and use them as you wish.
Keymacro is a fast, powerful, reliable and easy to use tool.
KEYMACRO comes with built-in AutoRun DLLs that will help you to start many Windows programs (or any other program for that matter) and synchronize their settings with the program that starts them.
How KEYMACRO works?
By default, every time a program is launched, KEYMACRO creates a Windows registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KeyMacro. This key stores the name of the program and the name of the macro that will start it. The program name can be different every time you launch the program, so each time a program is launched, the macro will be a different one. So in addition to this, KEYMACRO allows you to set a fixed macro for every program. The macro name is the one you use to start it. The fixed macros are stored in the registry as a key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KeyMacro\Fixed. You can use the same macro name as the one you use to start it to remove an existing key.
If you want to start a program but don’t want KEYMACRO to create a Windows registry key you can set the KEYMACRO Options dialog (or its shortcut key CTRL+T) to create a «no-key» macro.
If you want to start a program and synchronize the macro name to the program, you can use the «Key Macro AutoRun» program.
If you want to start a program, synchronize its macro name to the program, and create a fixed macro for the program (you can use the same macro name as the program to remove an existing key), you can use «AutoKey».
If you want to start a program and synchronize its macro name to the program, create a fixed macro for the program and remove a program