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Covenant Eyes Helping You Win The Battle Against Porn

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Pornography has become a big nuisance to parents in many places worldwide.With the World Wide Web anyone, anywhere can have access to porn on the internet using a net connection. It creates a problem for individuals, parents, businesses and kids too. To solve this, here comes Covenant Eyes — Helping you win the battle against porn.

Covenant Eyes is award winning software which monitors and filters your internet usage.It is used by many individuals, parents and businesses for monitoring and filtering purposes. This software is easy to install and use. It comes with a one month trial period and after that for a modest monthly charge. Try it today using this Covenant Eyes Promo Code «onedegree».

Kids today even from average age of 8 have access to the internet.

It becomes a headache for parents to monitor their usage. And now children have become smarter and delete the internet history to avoid getting caught. Internet porn filters and Internet porn protection is also employed for monitoring their kids. Now Covenant Eyes-an award winning software, which is used for monitoring and filtering can be employed for developing better surfing habits.

If kids are not stopped at a young age, they may get addicted to pornography. To avoid this, Internet steven universe porn Filters like Covenant eyes are very useful.

Many employees at work have a habit of surfing through pornographic sites. This results in lower productivity which in turn results in losses for the company which may in turn result in lower job satisfaction. According to a 2008 Nielsen online report, 25% of employees visit porn sites on a working day.

To avoid wastage of time and potential harassment issues Internet porn protection is needed. To help employees and improve the work environment, monitoring and filtering is essential for businesses. Many businesses employ Covenant Eyes to hold their employees accountability for how they use the World Wide Web.

It helps in improving the overall atmosphere of the business.

Lack of accountability is one of the biggest reasons for individuals getting addicted to pornography. To avoid this, try Covenant Eyes today using the Covenant eyes promo code. This tool will also help if you are already addicted to it.This software which is monitoring and filtering software helps you to avoid falling in the trap of addiction to porn.

This software can help everyone from parents to kids to businesses. So what are you waiting for? Try it today using the Covenant eyes promo code.

Owen Morgon is found a great group of guys like me who wanted to make sure our future lives and ministries were porn free — Covenant Eyes Promo Code has been part of our strategy. An important tool set to have is Internet Porn Filters.

Protect your children by installing Internet Porn Filters software

There are various means by which you can get lot of information. Internet is one such means of information. Even a small bit of information can be obtained with just a few click of mouse and press of a key.

As you frequently get updated information of every small thing occurring around the world, this is certainly a benefit for all of you. But there is also a risk involved in using Internet. There are many people making wrong use of Internet by watching porn sites.

Such sites can destroy the minds of small children. Therefore, to protect your children from surfing porn sites, it is essential for you to install Internet Porn Filters software. Installing this software will provide your children a secure Internet surfing.

Internet Porn Filters play the role of the parents.

It is true that there is no one who can take care of your children better than you.

But sometimes you may have to leave your kids alone. Again it is not possible to stay with them always. This will become risky for you, if your kids are using Internet. At such times, Internet Porn Filter can prove to be useful software. By performing act of a protective cover, they can take care of your children. They can stop them from viewing improper content available on the web inclusive of words or images.

There are many online contents that you don't want your kids to view or read them. With this software, you can relax, as it will not allow your children to surf such contents and thereby prove to be successful in playing a role of parents.

Pornographic sites and materials can be obstructed.

Internet is stuffed with Pornographic sites and materials.

Obviously, you would not like to give access of these sites to your children. With the help of Internet Filters, you can block access to such sites. This is one of the major benefits for you. Therefore, it is recommended for you to use this feature and provide your kids a secure browsing experience.

In this way, you can make the internet a good and prosperous means of information for your children. Sexual predators that attract your innocent kids can be blocked.

With the chat boxes, many online sexual predators use to catch innocent people. This may become extremely dangerous for your kids.Since, children usually like to make new friends and easily get caught in the hands of false personality. With the feature of Internet Filters, you can block such chat rooms and sites in order to give your kids a secure web surfing.

In order to prevent the delicate mind of your kids, it is highly recommended to install Internet Porn Protection software.

Rosario Gayle is a USA author, working with CovenantEyesPromoCode as an marketing manager. CovenantEyesPromoCode software helps you manage contacts and sales with minimum efforts. Effective customer relationship management is now as easy as never before by our Internet Porn Filters and Internet ebony lesbian porn Protection.

OnlyFans CEO on why site is banning porn: ‘The short answer is banks’

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Robert Rodriguez/CNET

After facing criticism over the app’s recent  starting in October, OnlyFans CEO Tim Stokely pointed the finger at banks for the policy change. 

In an  published Tuesday, Stokely singled out a handful of banks for «unfair» treatment, saying they made it «difficult to pay our creators.»

«The change in policy, we had no choice — the short answer is banks,» Stokely told the outlet about the move to ban pornography from OnlyFans. Stokely added that «he would ‘absolutely’ welcome interracial porn back were the banking environment to change,» according to the Financial Times. 

Last week, the London-based livestreaming site said it would begin prohibiting sexually explicit content starting Oct. 1. The new standards will still permit nudity, provided creators post in accordance with the site’s acceptable use policy.

«In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform, and to continue to host an inclusive community of creators and fans, we must evolve our content guidelines,» an OnlyFans spokesperson told CNET on Thursday.

Founded in 2016, OnlyFans says it has more than 130 million users and 2 million creators worldwide. However,  suggest the site’s status as a popular destination for amateur adult content has made it difficult to attract investors. 

The ban came just days after OnlyFans kicked off a promotional push for the . The site has been gearing up to capture a market beyond its established base of pornography seekers, and to position itself as another online gig-economy platform for content creators, akin to Patreon.

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Benefits of a Porn Blocker

Gone are the days when children and adolescents use to stash away their cache of porn magazines in their secret hideouts.

With the advent of internet accessing porn websites and reading stories related to extreme pornography is very easy. Porn blocker is a unique kind of software which is used not only for monitoring the content that your children are viewing while using internet but also for filtering and blocking the content depending on the setting you choose to make.

The software used for web filter will provide a detailed log of the user and his activities. This would include the timing of access and the URL of the website.

Every coin has two sides. Same is with the internet which can be immensely beneficial as well as hugely detrimental to the people if used in an inappropriate way. There are many benefits of installing software for internet watch. Some of them are enumerated below.

>> Is operable with almost all the major browsers including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc.

>> Filters and blocks pop-ups and website with objectionable content.

>> Records a detailed log related to the activities performed online including the details of data and downloads.

>> You can also pre-schedule the usage of internet by setting time related guidelines.

>> Web filter software can monitor internet activity even if you are on a vacation.

Parents and adults can monitor what a child is watching thereby preventing him for getting exposed to unwanted stuff at an age when he is mentally not prepared to handle it. In fact, a porn blocker can be a nice and decent way to let you know what your child is up to.

This will save you from asking embarrassing questions to your child or going through his cupboards or school bag to see what he is up to.


It is imperative to keep an internet watch on the web related activities of your child. We understand that many would feel that this is akin to not trust your child but this is not so. Children are very vulnerable and if they are exposed to something such as pornography then it can leave some bad impressions on their mind.

A porn blocker is a way to ensure that all sorts of unwanted content are blocked. In the meantime, you as a parent get time to educate your child about sex education which is a must for all children.

X3 is free porn hub accountability software designed to help with online integrity. When you browse the internet and access a site which may contain questionable material, the program will record the site name.