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I am new to MySQL. I am trying to execute a nested loop, but I am not able to execute nested loop in MySQL query. It is displaying the result of last value in the table
For example:

1053| | | |1053|
1055| | | |1055|
1005| | | |1005|

My query is:
SELECT arID, arID, sID FROM test
WHERE id IN (1,2,3)

But I am getting the wrong result.


I hope this is what you are looking for:
FROM test
WHERE id IN (1,2,3)

I assume the result you are looking for is like the following one:
| arID | arID1 | arID2 |
| 1005 | 1005 | 1005 |
| 1055 | 1055 | |

If so, the following query will provide that:
SELECT arID, arID1, arID2
FROM test
WHERE id IN (1,2,


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(ENVIRO NEWS) — Navistar International Corp. will become the first manufacturer to produce gas-powered engines in Niles, using the low-emission version of the Indian brand NVT.

The 2012 engine is equipped with a low-emission version of the company’s XUV engine, called XUV400LF. It is paired with a 6.7L Cummins ISB turbo diesel, with transmission and driveline assembly based on an International Truck & Engine production unit from Navistar, according to the announcement.

The Cummins diesel will also be available in Navistar cargo and medium-duty trucks.

Meanwhile, the engine will be delivered in October, with production fully in place by November.

The engine and transmission will be produced at the Navistar Niles facility, which also produces a Linehaul version of the XUV engine.Q:

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