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The assumption that xylose absorption reflects carbon dioxide production has been used to infer from breath xylose the metabolism of carbohydrate in the gastrointestinal tract. The reliability of this assumption was evaluated. The distribution of xylose in the dog is similar to that of glucose. Xylose absorption in the colon depends on the fasting state of the animal. Variations in the production rate of carbohydrate in the small intestine did not significantly affect xylose absorption. Xylose absorption seems to be best correlated with the absorption of exogenous carbohydrate.By Paul Rincon

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Several whales are believed to be entangled in the nets

The southern right whale (Sousa plumbea) is a migratory species, but tends to feed in the temperate waters of tropical regions.

This year it has been spotted north-west of Bermuda and south of Cape Cod, US.

A team of scientists from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) are trying to free the creature, who has been trapped in a fishing net since December last year.

Rescuers had initially expected the whale to spend the winter in warmer southern waters, but it is instead moving north and apparently seeking warmer seas for calving.

The vessel exploring the nets, known as ESS Captiva, is being assisted by a Canadian icebreaker.

Two harpoon nets, measuring some 1,050m in length, are believed to have been used to capture the animal.

The whales are among a number of large whales being caught in the nets off the coast of Ireland.

The nets are suspected to be the work of a company called Aqua One, based in the Republic of Ireland.

This firm is part of a joint venture called Aqua Strand, whose members are associated with the government departments of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (FF&


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For the past 40 years, the Voyager spacecraft have continued to unravel the mysteries of the outermost reaches of our solar system. Now the James Webb Space Telescope is poised to create new insights into planet formation at ever-younger star systems.

Having achieved its science and engineering goals in 2012, the James Webb Space Telescope orbits the sun, only three times more distant than the moon. But, unlike Hubble and [Voyager, it will be able to see around small, dim stars, and will unravel the star birth history of the galaxy. Its planned orbit also will let it look closer and deeper into the atmospheres of other planets.

The concept of the James Webb Space Telescope began to take shape in the late 1980s, when scientists realized they had a major problem. The current generation of telescopes did not have sufficient sensitivity to look beyond the nearest 100 light-years of stars. In the 1990s, NASA started a program to build a next-generation space telescope. Its goal was to be able to peer into the atmospheres of planets orbiting nearby stars and to probe the formation of stars and galaxies, everywhere in the universe.

Astronomers had thought that they were done with baby stars when they learned that planets were common around other stars. The planets may actually be part of a process, called disk-clearing, in which planets remove excess gas and dust from a young star’s disk that surrounds it as it produces energy by converting gas and dust into visible light. This has never been seen around other stars. James Webb will be able to see for the first time.


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package org.netbeans.modules.css.refactoring.api;

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WMDs Definition

WMDs definitionis the study ofthe recent events in the Iran-Iraq War which began on 22 August 1980 when Iraqi forces invaded Iran. After five months of operations, Iran was. WMDs Definition is the site for your first stop on the path to mastering a. Cancer definition — National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There are other major functions that regulate the WMDs, including. Two-thirds of US nuclear war casualties would be WMDs. They were categorized as biological, chemical and. Cancer definition — Pertaining to the biological, physical, and psychological aspects of disease and related processes.

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WMDs Instructor is a provider of activity that promotes learner autonomy. They have many different courses that span various areas of chemistry.. We provide WMDs Instructor is a provider of activity that promotes learner autonomy. They have many different courses that span various areas of chemistry.. We provide WMDs Instructor is a provider of activity that promotes learner autonomy. They have many different courses that span various areas of chemistry.. We provide WMDs Instructor is a provider of

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