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A suicidal obstetric emergency during the second stage of labor is a rare but severe complication. Suicidal women must be carefully evaluated. It is essential to examine the history of the pregnancy as well as the circumstances of the event to determine the specific causes of this act. Sometimes in such cases, a request for assisted reproduction is a surrogate for mental disturbance. The authors report the case of a suicidal obstetric emergency during the second stage of labor in a woman in her first pregnancy who had attempted suicide one month earlier. The pregnancy was complicated by premature rupture of the membranes, oligohydramnios, intrauterine infection and abnormal presentation of the fetus. After a spontaneous vaginal delivery, the authors present the histological examination of the placenta which revealed the presence of small white fragments, consistent with fetal bone and skin. This finding strongly suggests that the attempt of suicide was related to this obstetric complication. The authors review the literature and make a diagnosis of emotional infanticide.If you’re like me and aren’t exactly thrilled by the piles of emails you get on a daily basis, you’ll love the new Gmail Labs feature Send to Apple Mail. This new Labs feature takes email list management to the next level and really lets you control your email how you want.

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Eigermann is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

Christian Eigermann (born 1945), German avant-garde artist
Franz Eigermann (1884–1968), German entrepreneur
Heinz Eigermann (1894–1938), German swimmer
Peter Eigermann (born 1943), German biologist
Sigrid Eigermann (born 1964), German actress
Sophia Eigermann (1903–1944), German artist1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a laminated glass having good safety against impact.
2. Description of the Related Art
Glass is strong in itself, however, a laminated glass having good safety against impact has been demanded in order to protect the human body or the like from an injury caused by a collision or the like.
Conventionally, in such a laminated glass, an interlayer film having a surface density less than that of a plurality of glass plate layers is included. The interlayer film is applied to a surface of a glass plate in an adhesive state.
Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. 8-325341 discloses an impact resistance improving glass having an interlayer film disposed between a plurality of glass plates in order to prevent the breakage of the glass plate layers caused by impact applied from outside.
The glass described in the above-mentioned Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. 8-325341 has a disadvantage in that an interlayer film is substantially applied to the entire surface of the glass.



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// Copyright Abel Sinkovics (abel@sinkovics.hu) 2015.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at





namespace boost
namespace metaparse
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namespace impl
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What if you could face the ball from even more angles? What if you could see the pitch up close and from a perspective you’ve never seen before? The new Field Play Feature allows you to create a field from a variety of angled positions, which is the closest you can get to having your own personal F1-style virtual pitch.

Here’s how it works:

Select a Field Location from the Field Play menu
Select one of the Field locations and press the Fire button to have the ball bounce toward the sensor from that spot. Your effort will determine the trajectory of the ball and its velocity.
Then watch in real-time as the field and ball move and react as you strike.

The Field Play feature will be available in your game after the official release of Major League Baseball 2K11!

Breathe life into your pitching grip
Increase the power of your pitches, and relax your fingers even further thanks to the Pitch Revive Grip customization feature.

Pitch Revive is at its core an accessory to the Field Play feature, but it can be used on its own to make pitches that are even more impressive.

Pitch Revive allows you to display a soft, rubber grip on the ball so you can grip the ball like a pitcher would. Once the ball is in your hand and your stylus is on the screen, you will see the grips from all angles. You can customize the exact placement of the grips and the number of grips on the ball. Pitch Revive will only be available for batting and pitching operations.

Get even more out of your pitching logic
Updated pitching logic lets you increase the power behind your pitches even more. When you hold the right stick down, the ball will drop from your hand and drop more. If your ball strikes out of the screen, the ball will remain inside the strike zone longer. Additionally, when you release your right stick after pitching a ball, the ball will return to your hand at full velocity.

When you need to make sure the ball strikes a certain spot, be it a zone or the batter, the new Strike Zones let you get even closer. Put a Strike Zone over the plate, and the ball will make the same contact if it strikes that Zoned area. If a ball is not hit inside that zone, it will be forced in a different direction.

Pick your pitch with an action-packed pitching engine
Speed up pitches with the Pitch Generator and make sure you strike with


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