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KeyMacro — one keystroke to rule them all.
It is designed to allow any user that can operate a pointing device (mouse, serial joystick, headmouse, trackball, single switch, etc), but cannot press the mouse buttons, to have the computer do mouse button functions for them.
Double-clicks, right-clicks, drags, and keyboard options are just the beginning. Useful features such as Auto-Repeat (mouse clicks or up/down arrows), Close Window, and Escape key add even more capabilities.
So if you can move the mouse cursor (whether by mouse, trackball, joystick, laser-eye tracker, or any other means), you can completely run & operate Windows quickly & easily!
Here are some key features of «KeyMacro»:
■ Keystroke Setup:
■ Up to 10 different hotkeys
■ Arrange in any order
■ Horizontal or Vertical layout, with on-the-fly changing available
■ Attract to screen edges, auto-sizing
■ Palette icons can be sized larger or smaller, with spacing & borders
■ Text descriptions available
■ Select colors for palette, icons, or text
■ Drag Prompts for help with dragging operations
■ Info Window to display visually countdown / selected option
■ Sounds for aural feedback (optional)
■ Standard or Quiet Sounds
■ Activation On or Off (Dwell active or Idle)
■ Palette On or Off (SmartClick Visible)
■ Advanced Options
■ SingleClicker � option for users who can click, but have trouble with double-clicks, other buttons, or holding buttons (drags)
■ TouchScreen � special mode so SmartClick can be run from a touchscreen device
■ The demo runs for about an hour, and then pops up a «Demo» window, and will not operate unless it is closed & restarted.
KEYMACRO Description:
KeyMacro — one keystroke to rule them all.
It is designed to allow any user that can operate a pointing device (mouse, serial joystick, headmouse, trackball, single switch, etc), but cannot press the mouse buttons, to have the computer do mouse button functions for them.
Double-clicks, right-clicks, a77f14ba26

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Automate common tasks with key combinations.
KEYMACRO is a utility for Microsoft Windows, it runs in background and is activated by a key combination. It provides easy control over major processes like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, sending you timely messages when macros run. In addition, you can pause, resume and stop macros by pressing special keys and save your macros by pressing a button.
KEYMACRO offers you instant access to macros, you can easily save them, load them from clipboard and use them as you wish.
Keymacro is a fast, powerful, reliable and easy to use tool.
KEYMACRO comes with built-in AutoRun DLLs that will help you to start many Windows programs (or any other program for that matter) and synchronize their settings with the program that starts them.
How KEYMACRO works?
By default, every time a program is launched, KEYMACRO creates a Windows registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KeyMacro. This key stores the name of the program and the name of the macro that will start it. The program name can be different every time you launch the program, so each time a program is launched, the macro will be a different one. So in addition to this, KEYMACRO allows you to set a fixed macro for every program. The macro name is the one you use to start it. The fixed macros are stored in the registry as a key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KeyMacro\Fixed. You can use the same macro name as the one you use to start it to remove an existing key.
If you want to start a program but don’t want KEYMACRO to create a Windows registry key you can set the KEYMACRO Options dialog (or its shortcut key CTRL+T) to create a «no-key» macro.
If you want to start a program and synchronize the macro name to the program, you can use the «Key Macro AutoRun» program.
If you want to start a program, synchronize its macro name to the program, and create a fixed macro for the program (you can use the same macro name as the program to remove an existing key), you can use «AutoKey».
If you want to start a program and synchronize its macro name to the program, create a fixed macro for the program and remove a program


KEYMACRO is a powerful and efficient keylogger software which can capture all the keystrokes and click of any user by creating a hidden USB-Drive on their computer. It runs silently in the background of the targeted computer and will capture any keystroke and mouse click at any time from any application you choose.
Keylogger Features:
Keylogger is a software that monitors the user activity of the targeted computer and saves each keystroke to a log file. After capturing all the log files, you can easily export them to a folder on your desktop.
Keylogger is a software that records keystrokes, mouse clicks and any browser activity. It records the time and date as well.
Keylogger is a software that captures all the activity of the computer, not just the Internet browser. It is capable of capturing all the keystrokes from any application being used.
Keylogger is a software that is capable of recording the activity of all the applications that are running in the computer including any windows and shortcuts.
Keylogger is a software that captures the activity of the computer even in the background. It is capable of capturing the user activity even when the computer is in sleep mode.
Keylogger is a software that records the history of all the keystrokes and mouse clicks. It is capable of capturing any keystroke from any application.
Keylogger is a software that is capable of capturing all the user activities, not just Internet browser activity. It is capable of capturing all the applications in the computer including all windows, desktop shortcuts and etc.
Keylogger is a software that captures and saves all the log files into a log folder. You can export those log files into a text file and get the list of all the captured log files.
Keylogger is a software that captures all the activity of the computer, not only the Internet browser activity. It is capable of capturing all the activity of all the applications that are running in the computer including any windows and shortcuts.
Keylogger is a software that monitors all the keystrokes and mouse clicks in the computer. It captures and saves all the history of all the keystrokes and mouse clicks.
Keylogger is a software that monitors all the activity of the computer including any open windows, opened/closing applications, applications being run in the background, email session.
Keylogger is a software that records all the activity of the computer including the applications and web sites. It captures the user 384a16bd22

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Capture a Keystroke sequence and play it back using macros in Notepad++.
KEYMACRO is a simple, yet powerful, tool to record the keyboard strokes and play them back. Keyboard strokes can be recorded into plain text files in one go, and then played back using a macro.
The tool offers a range of recording options. Keyboard strokes are captured as-is or are automatically assigned to matching user macros or variables. The tool features both user macros and system-wide macros.
The tool also allows you to play back the keyboard strokes one by one, one at a time, or a range of them in any order you choose.
Record keyboard strokes as-is
Record keyboard strokes as user macros
Record keyboard strokes as system variables
Playback of keyboard strokes one by one, one at a time, or a range of them in any order you choose
Record and play back sound files
Supported extensions:
Keymacro is compatible with the following files and extensions:
Text files (.txt)
XML files (.xml)
HTML files (.html)
JAVA files (.jav)
JavaScript files (.js)
PHP files (.php)
Python files (.py)
Batch files (.bat)
PowerShell files (.ps1)
Shell scripts (.sh)
JSP files (.jsp)
HTML files (.htm)
XHTML files (.xhtml)
CSV files (.csv)
RTF files (.rtf)
KEYMACRO is a freeware, and works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows Mobile.

NEW: Templates.Find out more:
Support this work:
Keymacro is a simple, yet powerful, tool to record the keyboard strokes and play them back. Keyboard strokes can be recorded into plain text files in one go, and then played back using a macro.
The tool offers a range of recording options. Keyboard strokes are captured as-is or are automatically assigned to matching user macros or variables. The tool features both user macros and


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KEYMACRO is a Windows application that lets you assign functions to keys. It comes with a lot of predefined functionalities like starting your web browser or your word processor.

The table of key commands is customizable, which means that you can add more functions.

KEYMACRO has a database that can be used to define your own functions.

Once defined, the function can be stored and used on any keyboard.

In order to define a new function, just press the combination you want.

KEYMACRO has three modes:

Hide All Keys: If you want to hide all keys on your keyboard, simply choose this option.

Hide All But: This is similar to the previous function, but now you have the possibility to hide some of the keys of your keyboard.

Hide All Except: In this mode you can define which keys you want to be visible on your keyboard.

Further Info:
KEYMACRO is available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32/64 bit)

KEYMACRO has a full user manual.

The download is available as a ZIP file and you can extract the contents directly in your computer.

There is an installer that will allow you to install the program without extracting the file.

This product is available for free.
You can download the product from the page «KEYMACRO» and then extract its contents, or you can download the ZIP file and then extract the contents directly on your computer.

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KEYMACRO is a powerful macro recorder and recorder that provides you with everything you need to easily record your keystrokes. It runs on Windows and can record the keyboard on both keyboard and Mouse. With KeyMacro, you can easily record the keyboard and mouse on both keyboard and mouse. Macros can record many times, one by one, in a few seconds. And you can set the recording interval as you like. The timer can set itself automatically, so that the default recording interval is 2 seconds, and you will not need to set the interval yourself. Now, recording and recording are very convenient. Now, recording and recording are very convenient. Whether you use a laptop or desktop PC, you can record the keyboard and mouse. When you finish recording, the recording will save in the default location and can be played back at any time. However, if you want to change the default location, you can change the default location. You can change the default location by clicking ‘Options’ -> ‘Change the default location’. You can record any application program that has focus. You can record many applications at the same time. You can record them for a few seconds, minutes or hours, whichever is appropriate. You can edit recorded macros. You can view macros with KeyMacro’s recorded data. You can add, delete, rename macros, and edit macros. You can check macros by displaying the recorded data in the macro editor window. The app is free to try; and offers a trial version. To access the full version, it’s $4.99. Also, you can purchase the pro version, which unlocks all the features of the app. The app is available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Swedish, and Danish. The app runs on Windows.
— Easy to use, straight forward interface.
— Available in various languages.
— Basic features available for free.
— Pro features available for $4.99.
— Full details at www.keymacro.com

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If you want to completely automate the access to your desktop and its files, you need a powerful, easy-to-use and efficient macro recorder, such as the KEYMACRO. The keystrokes are recorded into macro recording system then are scheduled to start automatically. Your work will be as easy as you can use a mouse.
KEYMACRO Features:
2.Compatibility with Windows and UNIX platforms.
3.Support multi-key recording.
4.Support record shortcuts and edit text.
5.Import and export macro.
6.Automatically generate task scheduler.
7.Automatic startup.
8.Support hotkeys to set up hot keys.
9.Support WinMd.
10.Support hot key navigation.
11.Supports all languages.
KEYMACRO Windows and UNIX version
The windows version has been tested in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012. And it can work in Windows 10 and above. So you don’t need to install the Windows 10.
The UNIX version supports in Mac OSX Yosemite, OSX Mavericks, OSX Mountain Lion and OSX Lion. You can download KEYMACRO here:
KEYMACRO v2.4 (Windows)
KEYMACRO v2.4 (Mac)

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Project home:
Cytoscape Plugin Website:

MODAM is a plugin for visualizing and analyzing multidimensional omics data on a network. You can interact with the visualization to zoom in and out and apply filters to see only specific data.

ModuleCreate: Import data from Excel into Cytoscape with a drag and drop interaction.

InterfaceSave: Load a Cytoscape network from a.cys or.xml file. This can also be used to save as a network from a module created in Modular.

ModuleSave: Import data from a folder of files into Cytoscape with a drag and drop interaction.

Module2: Create a new module of your data. Modules can be saved to be used later.

Make sure you check out the interactive demo to get a better idea of how to use ModAM. We are continuously working on the plugin and encourage you to use it in your projects and let us know if you have any suggestions.

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LAN Employee Monitor is a Windows software application specialized in monitoring employees’ activity in real time via remote connections. It is able to capture desktop operations, automatically take screenshots, terminate programs, turn off or restart computers, as well as send messages to an employee’s computer.
The program includes a server and client version in the package. You need to install the server on the computer from where you want to control the monitoring process and deploy the agent on the remote PCs.
Working with the agent
The agent delivers a clean and simple interface where you only need to input the IP address of the server and port number. There’s also support for an advanced set of parameters designed to help you set up a password and reassign hotkeys.
Server settings
LAN Employee Monitor gives you the possibility to add a new user by providing information about the user name and port number. In addition, you are allowed to organize users in custom groups.
You can run the utility at Windows startup, set up a master password, pick the saving directory where all recordings are stored, and automatically clear data after a custom number of days.
The multi-tabbed layout offers you the freedom to easily keep track of several monitoring parameters, namely typed keyboard characters, real-time screen preview, list with all accessed websites, as well as download and upload transfer rate.
Remote actions
Remote file management options allow you to upload, delete, rename or run files, create new folders, as well as refresh the list. Plus, you can view a list with all running processes, send messages to other users, and turn off or restart the computer.
Monitoring settings
LAN Employee Monitor gives you the possibility to disable USB connection, block the downloading of IE, as well as restrict users from running several custom processes. You can automatically save the screenshots to local disk and export the key logger, web histories and transferring speed to local disk.
Several filters can be activated for Internet Explorer, as you may block user-defined websites and allow visiting several websites.
An overall efficient monitoring app
All in all, LAN Employee Monitor implements a handy suite of features for helping you keep track of employees’ activity. The intuitive package of configuration settings makes it suitable for rookies and professionals alike.
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Microsoft Communicator (formerly, MSN Messenger) is a popular Internet instant messaging client (or: client) developed by Microsoft, which is designed to support voice, video, instant messaging, text chat, and presence. It is the successor to MSN Messenger (formerly, MSN Messager).
Features of Microsoft Communicator:
· Users are able to receive text, audio, and video messages sent to their e-mail address or instant message contact from other people online (or: IMing), as well as from friends in chat rooms or from other sites.
· Users are also able to chat with other people by typing text messages or conducting instant messaging conversations (or: IMing).
· Users can share photos, audio, and video files with other people online (or: IMing), and at the same time receive files from other people (or: IMing).
· Users can set up a shared contact folder on the Internet with which he or she can receive IM messages in real time.
· The client supports voice over IP (VoIP), allowing users to talk to each other in real time.
· The client supports online telephony in the form of Voice Mail, a technology that uses a centralized server to send and receive voice mail messages over the Internet and through telephone lines.
· The client also supports video chat, a technology that allows users to communicate over the Internet by moving a camera or a webcam and having a video camera display the other person in real time.
· The client supports web conferencing (or: live video chatting), a technology that allows users to share and display a computer screen in real time with other users.
· Users can customize their MSN client by choosing from hundreds of add-on software (or: plugins) that increase the functionality of the client.
· Users can also customize the client to their own preferences by changing its appearance and layout.
· The client is Web-based, so it can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer.
· The client can be used on any operating system that supports Internet communication protocols (or: communication) such as HTTP, TCP/IP, and POP3, as well as Internet web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Mozilla.
· The client also supports AIM, MSN and Google Talk.
· The client also supports Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, Skype, and other instant messaging protocols.
· Users can also connect to the Internet using a dial-up


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KEYMACRO is an application that is meant to be used by keyboard enthusiasts who’d like to monitor what key they hit each time they use the computer. After installing the application, you have to configure the settings so that it can recognize the keys that you would like to watch. An application of this type has a lot of potential as well, as you can use it to keep an eye on the way your keystrokes are, what key you use in what circumstances, and if you have certain preferences in this regard.

Cortana helps you manage your appointments, contacts, and tasks. It knows what you need to get done and makes it easy to get those things done.
You can ask Cortana questions about the things you’re interested in, like sports scores, traffic, flights, or your calendar. Cortana listens and understands and will tell you what you need to know.
Cortana integrates with third-party apps and services so you can quickly add information to your conversations.
When you’re ready to get things done, Cortana suggests actions you can take right within the conversation. For example, you can request a meeting request, email a contact, or text someone with just your voice.
When you go shopping, Cortana can pull up suggestions or product information for the items you’re looking at. Just tell Cortana to help you and she’ll do the rest.
Cortana is also proactive. It learns about the people and things you interact with and uses that knowledge to surface relevant information and action items. It knows, for example, that you’re more likely to want information about upcoming flights while on the go.
You can get Cortana on your Windows PC, phone, or tablet. Cortana can even be used from across the web.
To get Cortana, download the Windows 10 Software Development Kit (SDK) from the Microsoft website. Then visit the Windows Store and download the Cortana app.
* In this preview build, Cortana is available for use on only U.S. English language users. On Windows Insiders builds 1607, 1703, and 1709, you can try out Cortana on English (U.K.), French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish.
Cortana is built by the same team that created the Search, Speech, and Fluent APIs. They are part of Microsoft’s Platform Technology Group (PTFG), which also includes the Cortana team.
(Optional) Learn more about Windows 10 at 384a16bd22

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KeyMacro is a professional and powerful command-line utility that helps you to easily control which registry keys Windows OS is using and changing at any time. KeyMacro provides you with full control on the Windows registry and remove unwanted registry keys, even when Windows is not running.
KeyMacro shows you the keys Windows is using and changes. It shows you all the registry keys used by Windows in registry location HKLM (Local Machine), HKCU (User), HKCOM (System) and HKPROC (Process) registry keys. You can remove unwanted registry keys, even when Windows is not running.
KeyMacro offers you a full command-line interface and advanced options.
KeyMacro provides you with full control on the Windows registry, the Windows registry can be:
■ You can remove unwanted keys to free hard disk space.
■ You can prevent your registry files from access by Windows and all users of your PC.
■ You can easily activate or deactivate Windows.
■ You can use KeyMacro on an existing Windows.
■ You can easily select which Windows to check or repair.
■ You can search the registry with a list of keys or keywords.
KeyMacro Features:
■ Remove unwanted keys, even when Windows is not running.
■ You can export or import all keys and values in the registry.
■ You can easily remove all registry keys.
■ You can easily remove all registry keys with several character keys.
■ You can easily remove all registry keys with a list of keys or values in any text file.
■ You can search the registry with a list of keys or keywords.
■ You can search the registry with one or more keywords.
■ You can export and import the keys, values, list, and edit.
■ You can export and import the keys and values.
■ You can import the keys and values in a file or the clipboard.
■ You can export and import keys in a text file.
■ You can export and import keys and values in a list of strings.
■ You can export and import keys in a list of strings.
■ You can export and import keys and values in a text file.
■ You can export and import keys and values in a list of strings.
■ You can export and import keys and values in a text file.
■ You can export and import keys and values in a list of strings.
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The Partitur-Editor is a graphical tool for the creation of grammatically correct spoken language texts, and for the annotation of the text with
types and subtypes. Key macro-annotations are used to express semantic categories and relations, to label the structural elements of the text, and
to indicate syntactic relations among the elements. For example:
· The basic concept of the grammatically correct spoken language text can be defined as a string of text, that is fully grammatically correct.
· The semantic category of the word “correctness” can be labeled as an adjective.
· The subtype “grammatically correct speech” is a subtype of “grammatically correct text”.
· The relation “is a kind of” is linked to the two concepts “grammatically correct text” and “grammatically correct speech”.
· The syntactic relation “is a part of” is used to label the different parts of the text.
The Partitur-Editor allows the user to create grammatically correct texts that are annotated with types and subtypes, and are stored in
a structured textual representation.
The Partitur-Editor facilitates the construction of grammatically correct texts by offering the user a set of tools that help to build a
grammatically correct text, to navigate the text, to edit the text, to insert key macro annotations, and to navigate and manipulate key macro
A second main tool in the Partitur-Editor is a typing program that allows the user to define new types and subtypes.
The typing program also facilitates the transcription of spoken language texts. Users of the Partitur-Editor can define new types and
subtypes, and insert them into the structured representation of the text.
Finally, a third tool is an analysis tool for the EXMARaLDA database. This tool allows the user to extract, for example, occurrences
of subtypes from a corpus of spoken language texts.
The Partitur-Editor provides the user with means for the construction of spoken language corpora. Using the Partitur-Editor, users can
create grammatically correct texts that are annotated with types and subtypes.
Users of the Partitur-Editor can export a sequence of texts, or a grammatically correct text, that has been annotated with key macro
annotations, as a text file. The text file can be inserted 384a16bd22

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KEYMACRO is a unique back-end key manager that stores and retrieves encryption keys for any number of Sybase databases and database tables. It allows the provision of encryption keys on a per database, table or row basis to enable secure connections to these database objects.
KEYMACRO manages keys for Sybase Server databases and database tables. It is used by the SAP SQL Anywhere client to protect connections, and it can be used to protect data for the Sybase Server database engine.
In addition, it works with any encryption algorithms that are supported by the Sybase Engine.
KEYMACRO removes the need for the user to deploy and manage encryption keys or to generate and store them in the database.
It also enables you to encrypt data for multiple Sybase databases at once.
KEYMACRO generates keys for encryption from any combination of the following data:
database name
table name
row name
database name and table name
database name, table name and row name
database name, table name and column name
Use cases:
KEYMACRO is a convenient way to provide secure connections to Sybase databases.
For example, it can be used to encrypt connections between mobile and desktop applications.
Another use case is to protect sensitive or valuable data, such as private information or personal financial data.
Import, export and export to SQLAnywhere Studio
The SAP SQL Anywhere Studio is a solution that allows the creation of mobile apps or web applications, with the main goal of providing the developer with a platform that will help them get an app up and running as quickly as possible. The studio offers a visual designer for creating interfaces, with the possibility of adding all the UI elements required to deploy an application, as well as other assets such as graphics and sounds. It also provides an integrated compiler that generates native code that will be used by any mobile platform.
SAP SQL Anywhere Studio is designed to help developers quickly deploy database-driven apps to devices and mobile platforms.
The Studio allows the developer to build a single database-driven app, and then deploy it to devices and mobile platforms. This makes it easier for the developer to deploy the app and change it to meet any changes in design.
The Studio’s visual designer allows the developer to add interface elements to an app. There is a separate page where the developer can add text, graphics and other elements and combine them into a user interface.
The Studio includes a compiler that converts the app into native code for the


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Turn any text into a macro.
Deliver text or files by e-mail with a single click.
Use your computer as an HTTP server for use on the web.
Create hyperlinks with one click, a web camera or a picture.
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Play a text and sound file with only one click.
Drive a cursor with your mouse and touch screen.
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KEYMACRO is a professional developer, not just a QuickTime Player replacement. KEYMACRO gives you unparalleled power for developing professional QuickTime-based multimedia content. Whether your project is a mobile application, video post-production, games, or a multimedia application for the web or a new QuickTime-based Web Browser, KEYMACRO is the program that makes it possible. With help from your rich and powerful set of macro commands, it’s easy to accomplish a wide variety of tasks.
• Develop the best application. Create professional animations and game levels that can be viewed on your desktop or with a mobile device, from either storyboards or the keyboard.
• Jump directly to a scene, thanks to scene markers. Keyframe and dissolve effects let you easily switch between scenes. Create complex animations with branching paths and transition effects between scenes.
• Quickly make a video. Develop full-featured video applications using your mouse to create transition effects and blend together multiple images. Make video playback interactively smooth when dragging the screen.
• Look like a pro. With QuickTime player support, you can seamlessly blend any of your video clips into your new project. Create captions, titles, and a variety of special effects. Take full advantage of the powerful editing tools you have at your disposal.
• Show your best. Easily view and view slideshow presentations. Once your slideshow has been created, share it with your friends using DVD or the Web.
• Get more from your hardware. Work with multiple images and layers. Expand the capabilities of your hardware. Extend the speed of your machine with kernel mode drivers.
Keymacro Features:
■ Simple One-Click Installation
■ Hundreds of Pre-Built Macros
■ Layers: Separate each keyframe individually so you can easily edit any part of the layer independently.
■ Puts the power of the computer at your fingertips
■ Built-in video-playback controls
■ Displays and hides all the video clips in the project simultaneously.
■ Powerful editing tools
■ Interactively control the playback of any video clip or layer
■ Included QuickTime Player Plug-In. Run your app without special QuickTime installation.
■ Supports virtually any QuickTime Compatible file
■ Full-featured multi-image layers: Combine multiple images, add effects, and create animation sequences
■ Works with all standard Quick 384a16bd22

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This feature is a powerful macro processing tool for C++ programmers. It can dramatically speed up the process of creating code, and help to reduce the number of codes written by hand.
KEYMACRO has the following features:
· Automatically perform searching and replace: many miscellaneous words and symbols can be replaced easily, such as using the keyword: if, while, for etc.
· Sorting and archiving: if you want to see the macro codes in a certain order, you can specify the order at macro processing.
· Compile multiple macro: a macro can be included with its name or in full text mode to make a collection of codes.
· Run multiple macro: you can run macro in group to achieve more convenient code compilation.
· Support search/replace multiple time.
· Support replace for repeated words, such as a keyword is included in a line of code.
· Support multiple value for replace text, such as if/else keywords is excluded from the replace.
· Support automatic code indentation.
· Support multi-threaded compilation.
· Support C++ template.
· Support Windows resource.
KEYMACRO is also a powerful tool to improve development efficiency. If you create a new macro, you can automatically create its import and export interface. If you have a macro you want to use, you can specify its project name and specify the directory and code of that macro. You can also specify the mode of the macro, such as the output file type or the input file type.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
A-B: autocompletion of a function name
F6-F10: print the macro code
F11: compile the macro
F12: open the compiling log window
KEYMACRO supports the following template:
C# :
C# template:
#include «..\test.h»
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
public ref class Test

void bla(String^ )

// int main(Array ^args)
// String^ name;
// int value;
// //…
