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Free, easy-to-use application that allows you to search for text, dates, or whatever in your files and folders.
-Create powerful and complex queries with Advanced Query Syntax (AQS)
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-Preview result in «My Computer» in the search window.
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KeyMacro is a small freeware that helps you to open files, folder and drives and generate macros with their titles. You can even remove a special key to unlock the files and move the mouse pointer to another window to perform tasks.
KEYMACRO Key features:
• Generate macros for your files with their titles
• Use hotkeys to make macros
• Rename files and folder with its title
• Create shortcut keys for applications
• Include menu entries

s Keyboard _________ KeyMacro
Xfce Desktop ________ _______________
Tiny Shell __________ Mouse ________
Keyboard Menu _________ Button _________
Startup Menu __________ Window _________
Folder Menu __________ File __________
Desktop Menu _________ TaskBar _________
Window Menu __________ Window _________
Places Menu __________ Home _________
Help Menu __________ Help _________

Desktop Desktop windows Places files and folders Startup Help Applications ______________
Xfce — Desktop — File — Folder — Start — Help
Windows — Help — About
Create Shortcut Create Keyboard Shortcuts
Open Folder Open File
Load Macro load KeyMacro
Save Macro Macro
Open Library Open
Create Library
Add Library
Delete Library
Add Folder
Delete Folder

Creating and Deleting Shortcut
KeyMacro generates a shortcut key in the form of a macro
(PC) or a keyboard shortcut (Mac). It will create
the shortcut on your Desktop, Windows start menu,
Places menu or the taskbar. You can edit it to
change the shortcut key.
To create a macro, just type it in the box on the
right side of the window and press the «Generate»
button on the top left side of the window. It will
generate a macro with the title you provide.
When you use the «Generate Shortcut» option,
KeyMacro will create a desktop shortcut, a window
or menu entry. The target window or menu entry
will be the focus window or menu.
To save the new shortcut, just press the «Save»
button at the bottom left of the window.
To rename the shortcut, just press the «Rename»
button at the bottom right of the window.
You can delete the shortcut you just created by



The application is made for professionals who need to use their skills to make sure their computer can perform well. KeyMacro is a keyboard macro recorder that allows you to quickly record your keyboard shortcuts, so you can repeat them over and over again. You can do this easily by pressing a single key, which will record the macro and immediately repeat it whenever you press that same key. It’s so simple, yet it takes your productivity to a whole new level.
What is it?
First of all, the application requires you to download and install it on your computer, then it’s time to press the record button. All you have to do then is press the key on your keyboard, the application will immediately capture the recorded macro. The recorded macro is saved in your computer’s default location, and it will be loaded whenever you run KeyMacro.
How to use it?
The application’s main page has a small window, which contains the following features: record shortcut, clear shortcut, download shortcut, restart shortcut, logoff shortcut, standby shortcut, hibernate shortcut, and screen saver.
To add a shortcut, simply press the record button. Then, you can either click on an empty box to add a new one, or you can add an already saved shortcut by clicking on it and selecting the key you want to use. The bottom part of the page shows the currently recorded shortcut, while the top part has the record button that will record the next shortcut.
How to save your shortcut?
There are two ways you can save your shortcuts. Firstly, you can click on the Save shortcut to save all of them in a list that’s ready to be loaded in KeyMacro. Alternatively, you can click on the Save shortcut button to save the current shortcut to your default location. You can also do a combination of both.
There is no option for updating your shortcuts, but you can choose to download them from the application’s default location. You can check if a shortcut is installed by simply pressing the checkbox, or you can check it directly from the application’s main page.
How to record your shortcut?
It’s so simple, there’s only one button that can record a shortcut. To record, simply press the button, then you have to wait for a short time in order for the application to capture the keystroke. You can choose the recording time, which ranges from one to five minutes. d82f892c90

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There are currently no.NET references to RemoteViewing.

Web References

A website has been put up which provides several links to the original references to RemoteViewing. The site has since been discontinued, but the links still work. The site is maintained by the author of RemoteViewing, David Ritchie, and you can find the RemoteViewing home page there.

For Windows Forms, the RemoteViewing.Forms project, together with an example that provides a simple Windows Forms GUI client, can be found at:

The original references to RemoteViewing can be found at:


RemoteViewing is released under the BSD license. The original source code for RemoteViewing was written by David Ritchie and can be found at:


RemoteViewing is released under the BSD license. The original source code for RemoteViewing was written by David Ritchie and can be found at:

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I have a situation where I have a set of tables and one of the tables is a master table. Every other table in the set depends on this one. How can I insert a row into the master table if the data is not present in the other tables? Here is a scenario:
Table A — Column1, Column2, and Column3
Table B — Column1, Column2, and Column3
Table C — Column1, Column2, and Column3
Table D — Column1, Column2, and Column3
Table E — Column1, Column2, and Column3

table A is a master table.
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Lolly, 012 @iMGSRC.RU

This application is for those who wish to run, quickly and efficiently, a macro or several. Running a macro has never been easier thanks to the KINDLEMACRO application.
Simply select the macro you would like to run, then click the “Run Macro” button to run it. No need to fuss about with a code, just load the macro and run it!
Macros can range in complexity from a simple cut and paste job to a rather complicated series of procedures, including, for example, shifting cells in several columns and rows at once. And with KINDLEMACRO it is quite easy to do.
Because KINDLEMACRO runs macros, you can assign different parameters to each macro for a more convenient execution. For example, you could assign the “Modify cell” macro for one set of parameters and the “Get cell content” macro for another set of parameters.
KINDLEMACRO allows for a wide range of parameters that can be assigned to a macro. The use of these parameters allows for a much more streamlined macro execution. This program is extremely useful for those who use computers and who wish to streamline their computer usage as much as possible.
KEYMACRO Benefits:
● Run macro with a single click.
● Use different parameters for each macro to improve macro execution.
● Assign various parameters to each macro.
● Assign different actions to each macro.
● Assign a macro to any button on the keyboard.
● Assign a macro to a predefined key.
● Run a macro with any button on your keyboard.
● Run a macro with a single click.
● Automatic transfer of parameters and macro results.
● Macro history.
● Standard settings.
● Greatly reduces a user’s keypresses when macro execution is required.
● Allows you to run macros from any applications on the computer.
● Macro recorder.
● You can export macros to text files.
● Macros can be triggered from the register.
● Macros are disabled when the application is closed.
● Macro Hotkeys:
│ Macro List│ Macro Hotkeys │
│ Macro │ Run macro d82f892c90

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Macro for enabling/disabling security keys (as contained in commercial versions of ezProxy) for individuals and for groups.
ezProxy security keys are a feature commonly used for protecting the privacy of sensitive information such as credit card numbers, login names and passwords, etc. ezProxy comes with a built-in facility to automatically switch off the security keys when a new ezProxy user account is created or when the ezProxy software is re-launched.
ezProxy security keys are a feature commonly used for protecting the privacy of sensitive information such as credit card numbers, login names and passwords, etc. For these types of information, it is a security risk to transmit the information across the network without the knowledge of all users.
This control provides the ability to switch off ezProxy security keys when a new ezProxy user account is created or when the ezProxy software is re-launched.
Security Rules — Individual Controls (Policy 1):
When an individual user or group is added, the ezProxy administrator can choose whether to enable the security keys or not. In the ezProxy control panel, this is indicated by a check mark beside the individual’s name.
Security Rules — Group Controls (Policy 2):
When a group (multiple users) is added, the ezProxy administrator can choose whether to enable the security keys or not. In the ezProxy control panel, this is indicated by a check mark beside the group’s name.
ezProxy Manual — Security Keys (Policy 3):
This policy allows the administrator to make the following changes to the security keys :
Change the default keys that are used when no keys are specified.
Disable all security keys at once (see note 1).
Note 1 : See the ezProxy Manual for more details.
ezProxy Manual — Enable/Disable individual security keys (Policy 4):
This policy allows the administrator to make the following changes to the security keys:
Enable the security keys for the specified individual or group.
Disable the security keys for the specified individual or group.
Note : When a security key is enabled, it allows all the individual or group users to bypass the automatic security key switch-off when the ezProxy software is re-launched.
Note : The default keys are :
LoginName: Password : Key00: Key01:
Note : The login name cannot be changed to loginName1 and the password cannot be changed to password1.
See the ez


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is a powerful computer macro recorder, and a powerful computer macro recorder to record mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities to create macros. All it takes to create a macro is a few mouse clicks, even if the mouse clicks are hard to think of. The software allows you to record mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities to create macros.
This way, you can do a lot of work by selecting a small number of keystrokes or mouse clicks. With some of the most powerful computer macro recording software, however, this simple process is done in seconds, and you can record multiple macros at once.
One of the best features of KEYMACRO is that it records exactly what you do, not what you type. This way, you can record only the mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities you intend to use, not all the keystrokes or mouse clicks on the screen.
However, you can edit the recorded mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities into other programs, copy or paste into documents, execute, and run as macros. Even if you find it inconvenient to do a lot of work by simply recording the mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities, this is one of the most powerful computer macro recording software.
Key features:
•Records mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities
•Allows you to record multiple macros at once
•Records exactly what you do, not what you type
•Automatically extracts keystrokes, mouse clicks, and other computer activities, even if you select them using your mouse
•Edits recorded mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities
•Copies mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities to other applications
•Copies mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities to documents
•Allows you to paste the copied mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities into documents
•Allows you to run the copied mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities as macros
•Inserts mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities to the clipboard
•Allows you to execute the recorded mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities
•Allows you to create macros to run the recorded mouse clicks, keystrokes, and other computer activities
•You can even edit, copy, paste, copy to clipboard, run, and run as macros
•Allows you to create d82f892c90

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Monitor your battery status in real time and show it to you anywhere, even when your device is asleep.
Keymacro is a small utility which makes use of Windows SendMessage API to monitor battery charge level in real time and display it to you wherever you are.
Wake Windows by tapping a button.
Easy to use. Open a window showing the battery level and tap a button to wake your Windows.
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Real time status updates, with an alert sound and status.
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System Tray icon.
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Our new utility, WIPER, will make you smile, as it keeps your PC «immaculate». The software can also help you decide when to replace your hdd or other hardware, but as we all know, it’s no fun to look for replacements when they’re needed. So the most important question is: what do you have to do to get it to work?
WIPER uses a single command line string to clean up several folders at once. This command line has a lot of things. The first thing it takes is the path to a folder, and the second is a list of registry keys to delete or to modify. You may not be able to get it to work, even if you have the right version of Windows, but it’s definitely worth a try. If it doesn’t work, or if it doesn’t work like you expect it to, please tell us so we can fix it. The address to the forum where we ask for the help we can’t give, is our FAQ:

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* Add Yahoo!’s Instant Web Messenger to the browser’s sidebar* Add your friends’ names to the friend list* The Web Messenger is opened in a new tab* All «functions» are opened in a new tabNote: You must have a Yahoo! account to be able to use this plugin
* Add your friends’ names to the friend list* Can add many friends* Add contacts by using the keyboard* View contact list* Add friends’ last message to the messages list* View messages* Reply with a message* Reply with an image* Receive message from your friendsNote: You must have a Yahoo! account to be able to use this plugin
Note: Some Yahoo! Web Messenger installations may only have the uninstaller program, but you can delete them manually.
Delete Yahoo! Web Messenger:
* Open the Start menu* Select Control Panel* Open Programs and Features* Select Yahoo! Web Messenger* Click Uninstall* Click Yes* Click Yes
Follow the on-screen instructionsNote: After the uninstaller finishes, the uninstaller application will remain. You may have to delete it manually.

Zombie Squad is an action and adventure game. The Zombie Squad is a team of four heroes to help the Captain to survive against hordes of zombies. The game can be played against a computer opponent or against a friend.
Zombie Squad is an action and adventure game. The Zombie Squad is a team of four heroes to help the Captain to survive against hordes of zombies. The game can be played against a computer opponent or against a friend.
* Start playing against the computer. It is recommended to turn it on before playing
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Note: Some Yahoo! Games installations may only have the uninstaller program, but you can delete them manually.
Delete Zombie Squad:
* Open the Start menu* Select Control Panel* Open Programs and Features* Select Yahoo! Games* Click Uninstall* Click Yes* Click Yes
Follow the on-screen instructionsNote: After the uninstaller finishes, the uninstaller application will remain. You may have to delete it manually.

Yahoo! Games combines Yahoo!’s world of games with a single place to d82f892c90

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This useful macro allows you to open Satellite Finder, enter a state and a city and set other details, such as country and ZIP code, and then open the database. Save the state and city information and then use them to open Satellite Finder again.

Satellite Finder —
(by Jim Brown)
Satellite Finder is a lightweight Java-based application designed to help users gather information about the relative positions of geostationary satellites.
Since this is a Java-based program, you need to install the working environment on your computer in order to run the application.
Satellite Finder boasts a simple and straightforward layout that gives users the possibility to choose a location by selecting a state and city, entering the ZIP code, or providing details about the geographic location (latitude, longitude, cardinal direction).
As soon as you insert the information about a location, the tool automatically generates data in the primary pane, namely comprehensive information about the found satellites, as well as their azimuth and elevation angles.
The satellite position data cannot be exported to a file or printed, but it can be copied to the Clipboard and paste it into other third-party applications. Since there aren’t many configuration settings, even rookies can master the process with just a few clicks.
During our testing we have noticed that Satellite Finder displays data very quickly and without errors throughout the entire process.
As it would be expected from such a small utility, it manages to remain light on the system resources, so it doesn’t burden the overall performance of the computer, nor interfere with other programs’ functionality.
To sum it up, Satellite Finder offers an intuitive environment for helping users get information about satellite position data, and is suitable for beginners and professionals alike.
KEYMACRO Description:
This useful macro allows you to open Satellite Finder, enter a state and a city and set other details, such as country and ZIP code, and then open the database. Save the state and city information and then use them to open Satellite Finder again.

Satellite Explorer —
(by Jim Brown)
Satellite Explorer is a Java-based application designed to help users gather information about the relative positions of geostationary satellites.
Since this is a Java-based program, you need to install the working environment on your computer in order to run the application.
Satellite Explorer boasts a simple and straightforward layout that gives users the possibility to choose a location by selecting a state and


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KEYMACRO is a lightweight application designed for those people who want to get more out of their keyboard and for people who spend most of their day programming in a text-based environment.
Keyboard Macro Creator (KMC) is a Windows based program which enables you to create custom macros for your Microsoft Windows keyboard. The only things you need to know are: how to set up your keyboard, the commands you would like to automate, and your mouse or another pointing device.
The macro library consists of four sets of commands, namely:
Set commands, these help you set up your keyboard with the appropriate shortcuts.
Keyboard commands, these define your mouse clicks and the keystrokes you can perform with your keyboard.
Menu commands, these allow you to add any menu options to your keymap.
Command extensions, these are commands that you can use in any context.
You can create your own macros from each set of commands, and then save them in your collection. As your macro library expands, you can learn how to use the commands.
Furthermore, KMC allows you to create macros from the keyboard, allowing you to perform any of the following actions at the click of a button:
Copy and paste commands, these save you from having to use the mouse or switch between two windows.
Change any of the keyboard’s shortcut options.
Adjust any of the menu commands.
Save the macros you created in different keyboard modes, such as:
Windows (Hot Keys)
Power user
You can also open the keyboard, mouse, and menu keys directly from the keyboard shortcuts menu.
What’s New:
New Stuff
Keyboard macro creator has been rewritten and has a better look and feel.
More friendly and easier to use
Keyboard macro creator is a much more friendly tool. Many bugs have been fixed and a new skin (interface) has been added.
More keyboard shortcuts available
Keyboard macro creator now has a greater variety of keyboard shortcuts. Many other keyboard shortcuts have been added as well.
Some bugs fixed
A number of bugs that were previously not working have been fixed and all functionality is working now.
The software installer is now a.zip file, so you can use it on any Windows operating system, without any problems.
What’s New in Version
Fixed a bug that was causing the hotkeys to never come on after reboot
Fixed another bug that was causing incorrect keystrokes d82f892c90

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KEYMACRO is a professional forex market statistics application. It provides comprehensive statistical data for the foreign exchange (forex) market. It will produce reports on all 24 trading hours. You can set filters on the time intervals of your analysis. You can set dates, currencies, markets and brokers. All data can be exported to any format including XLS, PDF, CSV and HTML.
KeyMACRO includes two types of reports: graphs and tables. You can use both types in any report.
KeyMACRO can be customized for your needs. You can add your own reports and filters. You can set your own parameters in any filters and report.
KEYMACRO requires Pentium II or higher and 1 GB of memory. It is available for free.
KEYMACRO is available for PC, MAC, Linux, Android and Iphone/Ipad.

Automated investing is a set of tools to help you invest in the markets in the best way. This is a new automated strategy that was developed to help you get the best results in the markets. It is based on a combination of technical analysis and emotions. It is designed to make automatic the selection of the best strategy of investing that matches your profile. It is also a set of tools that help you automate the process of investing.
If you don’t want to waste time and money looking for your investment strategy or you don’t want to trust your decisions to other people, this strategy will be for you.
If you are familiar with automated trading and you want to have more control over your investments, this strategy is for you.
There are two strategies that you can use with this strategy:
N.1) Long-Term
N.2) Short-Term
Once you have decided on the strategy that you want to use, you can connect your trading account to the strategy to manage it.
To begin with this strategy, you will be given a general description of how the strategy works. You will also be given a few examples of how it is applied in the markets.
After you have read the description and examples, you will be given the option to decide on what strategy you want to use:
N.1) Long-Term
N.2) Short-Term
At the end of the process, you will be given the ability to test the strategy that you are using with simulated account. If you want to use this strategy with a real account, you can transfer to the real account and test it.


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To use the application, install the free Add-on Keymacro. The tool is available in the left column of the Acrobat Reader (click on the help icon)

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The modeless Adobe DIM API is a set of functions that allow other Adobe applications to access and use the DIM features and settings of Adobe Acrobat. The Adobe DIM API allows programs to use a DIM or the DIM Express software to display metadata about documents, insert templates, manage the layout of documents, set preferences, and perform other actions that were previously only available to Acrobat. The API is based on the Display Metadata and Layout Markup Language (DMLML) specification, which is an XML-based format that describes the contents of an Acrobat document.

The native Acrobat Reader Add-on allows users to create and view PDF documents and annotate them with features such as sticky notes, drawing tools, text insertion, outlining, text linking, and page backgrounds. The tool is a native component of Acrobat 9.

Adobe Acrobat X provides the ability to render and interact with PDF documents. In addition to the enhancements of Acrobat 9, it also includes new features such as enhancements to the PDF printing technology, improved searching capabilities, d82f892c90

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If you want to search a very large number of results for a specific keyword, but only want to see the first page of results, CQ web is for you.
Unlike traditional web searching where you have to know the keywords you want to find to get a good result, CQ web will return only the first page of search results for you.
Keymacro is a new desktop search engine that will return the first page of results without a web browser.
Keymacro can perform many of the same functions as google, but it does not rely on a web browser, nor does it download the data.
This means that Keymacro is a powerful standalone desktop search engine, without the need for a web browser.
Keymacro can search the internet and Google for you to find keywords, contact numbers, and much more.
KEYMACRO Features:
Search through the internet and Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and del.icio.us results for one or more keywords.
Return only the first page of results, without a web browser.
Full text search.
Support for multiple languages (English and Spanish are included with this product).
Support for multiple languages.
Supports all languages with the option of using Microsoft/Windows language packs.
Supports Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Portugese.
Keymacro also supports Persian and Dutch, however these languages are not currently searchable.
The following languages will be added at a future release: Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese-Portugal, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish-Mexico, Spanish-Spain, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
Keymacro will not display ads on the search results screen or page, however this will be turned on for certain types of searches.
Keymacro can be downloaded for free and is available in both English and Spanish versions.
Keymacro provides a desktop search solution without using a web browser.
It is a full-featured search engine that will return the first page of results without a web browser.
The search results screen displays only the first page of results.
Keymacro supports the full text search through Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and del.icio.us.
The search results screen displays all of the information found on the results screen with the exception of the actual links to the sites.
The results are displayed



The KEYMACRO is a highly effective and effective fully dynamic cryptography algorithm of an advanced cryptographic algorithm.
The project includes an open source license. There are also some algorithms that are ready for the production stage.
The most interesting features of the KEYMACRO are the perfect protection against Trojan horse, backdoor and keylogger threats.
The algorithm has a mathematical proof that guarantees the degree of security of the algorithm with a high degree of reliability and is a key recovery function.
This algorithm is also based on the idea of a cryptographic hashing function: you can find the information that was secreted with the help of the use of a numerical character to extract the secret.
In addition, the KEYMACRO includes a function that hides the secret of the contents of the file you want to conceal, as well as a feature that allows the removal of this data by the sender if needed.
As the algorithm is based on the use of hash-based functions, the strength of the algorithm relies on the current version of the hash functions. The KEYMACRO algorithm is based on 64-bit SHA-1; however, it is possible to adjust the algorithm to any version of SHA-1, using the list of supported algorithms.
Due to the lack of an efficient and fast algorithm, it is not recommended for small files. However, as a person who does not want to work as a hacker, the KEYMACRO can be used easily in any application.
If you want to know more about the cryptographic functions and you want to read more about the KEYMACRO, follow the link below.
The KEYMACRO project was designed to be an algorithm based on hash functions.
Hash function is a key scheme that allows you to encrypt any secret text, making it difficult for anybody to use and steal.
In other words, it allows you to do the impossible: to hide or encrypt any text.
If you want to know more about the cryptographic functions and you want to read more about the KEYMACRO, follow the link below.
How the KEYMACRO works:
When working in hash function, the numerical values of these functions are built into a table called the hash table.
The table has 2 columns:
The first column contains the data in the sequence, and the second column contains the hash value.
When the table is calculated, the data will enter into the first column, and the table will be added to the second column.
Every time the table is completed, the hash d82f892c90

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h1 — hyperlink to the title of the section
h2 — hyperlink to the title of the section
h3 — hyperlink to the title of the section
h4 — hyperlink to the title of the section
h5 — hyperlink to the title of the section
h6 — hyperlink to the title of the section
p — creates a paragraph in the help file
a — creates a link to the named anchor
t — creates a table with defined rows and columns
span — creates a paragraph with defined HTML attributes
strong — creates a text string that is emphasized
header — changes the heading of the section
footer — changes the footer of the section
property — adds an associated property to an element
parent — adds the specified element as a parent
add — adds the specified element as a child
push — adds the specified element to the list of elements to be pushed
in — adds the specified element to the list of elements to be added to the current list
append — adds the specified element to the end of the list
prepend — adds the specified element to the beginning of the list
clear — removes all elements from the list
other attributes are defined as «other attributes», such as «font» or «background», etc.
«other attributes»: xxx
«class»: xxx
«style»: xxx
«target»: xxx
«title»: xxx
«background»: xxx
«size»: xxx
«font»: xxx
«height»: xxx
«width»: xxx
«onmouseover»: xxx
«onmouseout»: xxx
«onclick»: xxx
«onkeypress»: xxx
«onkeydown»: xxx
«onkeyup»: xxx
«onfocus»: xxx
«onblur»: xxx
«onchange»: xxx
«oncut»: xxx
«ondblclick»: xxx
«ondrag»: xxx
«ondragend»: xxx
«ondragenter»: xxx
«ondragleave»: xxx
«ondragover»: xxx
«ondragstart»: xxx
«ondrop»: xxx
«onmousedown»: xxx
«onmousemove»: xxx
«onmouseout»: xxx
«onmouseover»: xxx


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This key macro will insert the text into the macro file in the required column
Macro Name: GKJMacroDescription:Insert into the specified cell : macroText:Effect of early mode of delivery on the development of physiological systems in preterm infants.
To assess whether delivery mode at early gestational age (EGA) influences fetal development in preterm infants, a prospective observational study was conducted. The study cohort comprised a total of 121 preterm infants born with a birth weight (BW) below the 10th percentile. Fifty-three infants (group A) were delivered vaginally, and 68 (group B) underwent elective cesarean section (CS) at EGA 34 weeks or before. To determine the influence of mode of delivery on postnatal growth and the development of physiological systems, anthropometric measures were collected at birth, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of corrected age (CA). Anthropometric measures of infants were compared according to delivery mode and mode of feeding at EGA 34 weeks. The body weight (P Video


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XML editor with support for XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. It also supports XSD serialization and deserialization.
Rinzo XML Editor is a powerful XML editor. It supports XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. It also supports serialization and deserialization. It’s a powerful XML editor with support for XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. Support for serialization and deserialization.
Extremely easy-to-use XML editor: Quickly create new elements, edit attributes, and add/delete elements, with visual markers that show where you are. Even better, you can edit one line of XML to see the change reflected throughout the entire document. Rinzo XML Editor supports both text and binary XML files, and is fully customizable.
Start editing with one line: Whenever you type, Rinzo immediately updates to show where you are.
Visual markers: Keep track of what you are doing with visual markers, which show where you are as you type.
Text and binary support: Rinzo supports text and binary XML files.
Edit single line to see change: You can edit one line of XML, and watch the change apply to the entire document.
XML serialization and deserialization: Rinzo supports XSD, DTD, XSL, XPath, and XQuery. Support for serialization and deserialization.
XML saving with indentation: Rinzo saves text and binary XML files with indentation.
Support for external tools: Rinzo can integrate with external tools.
HTML and C++ support: Rinzo supports HTML and C++ as well.
MathML support: Rinzo supports MathML.
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The program is developed for use with Cisco routers, but in general, the program can be used with any device with a pair of LEDs and a DHCP interface, that could be managed through a graphical interface.
The basic idea is that you will have two LEDs (yellow and blue) connected to a microcontroller that will be sending commands to a DHCP client, while it receives the response from the server. The software will be performing actions based on the information obtained by the DHCP server.
The LEDs could also be connected to a microcontroller that will send the same commands to the DHCP server and listen to the response, in order to change the settings remotely. It will be possible to set up the LEDs with a graphical interface.

MacPaint.NET is a small application that allows you to create images and paint on them using the mouse.
KEYMACRO Description:
MacPaint is a simple image manipulation program for the Mac OS X operating system. The goal of this application is to provide a window where a user can use the mouse to draw on the screen and then paint on an image with the mouse or a canvas that the user draws on.
It includes an image editor. You can modify an image on the canvas and save it to a file. The application includes a collection of pre-installed brushes. You can paint in any of the shapes and objects that the application offers.

SYN-Share is a small and handy application that helps you share files between two computers, both connected to the Internet through a local area network (LAN) or through a modem.
The program runs in the background, in the tray area. It connects to one computer (the Sharer), and it sends the needed files to the other computer (the Receiver).
If you close the program, or the other computer goes offline, SYN-Share will automatically reconnect to the Receiver. If you disconnect the receiver, SYN-Share will automatically disconnect from the Sharer.

.NET Change Password Tool is a password recovery tool. You can recover forgotten Windows logon passwords and secure your network using this application.
KEYMACRO Description:
.NET Change Password Tool is a password recovery tool that you can use to recover forgotten Windows logon passwords. The application will try to remember your Windows account name and password for your network, in order to help you if you need to reset a forgotten password.
