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It’s been such a tough year, but we made it! I don’t know what I want more now: to die or to celebrate. I am extremely proud of who I am today. I am grateful for everyone who came to this project and who stayed in it forever.
we didn’t get a perfect cartoon, but we got something that we can call our first movie. we are grateful


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Oren ElAwwad: 30. «I’ ll be able to share more information about my partnership with the other lady and our song and have my goals to become a better singer and.

Because the first person has the upper hand.. Because the life path of each individual is different and it is a person’s journey to achieve their goals and find their own way.

I do not want to be a burden on anyone but I need to make a living and I have children to feed.

It does not mean that I’m not smart or don’t know anything about my career, I’m just a little quiet in the beginning.

Ideally, the movie would be in 3D but this is not a priority right now.

When we talk about 3D, each screen is created with a different process and requires a different price tag.

The budget of the movie is about two-thirds of what I had previously planned for because of the cost of creating 3D.

This is a very important time for me because I have a great opportunity to expand my career and the movie is a way of me becoming a better singer as it is written by a famous singer.

I hope this comes to fruition.

I’m just a little quiet in the beginning.

Ideally, the movie would be in 3D but this is not a priority right now.

When we talk about 3D, each screen is created with a different process and requires a different price tag.

The budget of the movie is about two-thirds of what I had previously planned for because of the cost of creating 3D.

This is a very important time for me because I have a great opportunity to expand my career and the movie is a way of me becoming a better singer as it is written by a famous singer.

I hope this comes to fruition.

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People are going to the movies, and the studios want more of that. But for every sunny, breezy movie night, there are many others where people don’t go and would never go to the movies.

What does this mean for the local economy?

Clayton Walters, Head of Government and Communications at the British Film Institute, explains:

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