Региональное агенство стратегической аналитики

Архив метки

Wonderful Boy Model — Andrei, IMG_6741 @iMGSRC.RU

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Other applications:
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Drag and drop support, Mouse location tracking, Target text and style (can select text, highlight it, add other text to the selection), Copy to clipboard, Ability to paste from clipboard, Show/Hide keyboard shortcuts, Hide/Show extensions menu, Select different languages, Select language to translate to/from, Pop-up Translations, Pop-up selection, Custom size, Pop-up icon.
Other applications:
SmoothScroll extension:
MouseWheel extension:
Text to Speech:

KEYMACRO Description:
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The instant invention relates generally to fencing and more specifically it relates to a switch for a gate which is provided with a manually operated gate-opening mechanism.
Numerous fence gate have been provided in prior art that are adapted to be automatically opened and closed by an electric motor, and generally include a switch or gate-opening mechanism connected to the motor to turn it on and off. For instance, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,773,046; 3,874,605 and 4,369,865 all are illustrative of such prior art. While these units may be suitable for the particular purpose to which they address, they would not be as suitable for the purposes of the present invention as heretofore described.Nafek

Nafek (full title: National Association of Film Editors), is the main professional association for film editors in India, registered under the Bombay Public Trustee Company.

It was founded in 1944 as the National Association of Film Editors. In 1949, it changed its name to the National Association of Film Editors and Solicitor. In 1970, it became the National Association of Film Editors, Solicitor.

In 1994, the name was changed again to the National Association of Film Editors, Solicitor, and the associations became a public trust company, the Bombay Public Trustee Company Limited. In 2014, the association changed its name to Nafek (National Association of Film Editors).


External links
Nafek website

Category:Organisations based in Mumbai
Category:Film organisations in IndiaQ:

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