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Standard in the radiography world, a key is the piece of hardware that a user must hold in order to successfully initiate a particular function. They serve the purpose of relieving users of the cumbersome task of having to remember long and complex combinations of keys.
Here, we’re going to analyze the best key macro controls for Windows and Mac OS systems, for both professionals and novices.
Windows Key Macro
Adding a key macros to the stickies menu is a quick and easy way to activate them while you are logged in to your machine. Being able to access your macros from anywhere is definitely a big benefit for many users. You can even have key macros added directly to your Windows taskbar.
You can quickly access your macros using an interactive keyboard. Choose Wordpad to add your macros to it and they’ll appear in the text document as buttons. No need to go through a separate process of writing macros.
This is a window you’ll find by clicking the Start button on the taskbar. You can access your macros via the QuickList menu and access your favorite macro through it.
Chromium (Firefox)
Firefox users will find a key macro section in the browser itself. Under the settings section, the web browser has a feature that allows users to define Macros. You can also have Macros added directly to your browser’s URL bar.
From Notepad
Open Notepad and click on File → Open, and you’ll find a box that looks like the screenshot below.
The box is not a file browser, but the most convenient way to open a text document.
Closing the box will close the Notepad file you opened, and after you reopen it, you’ll find the macros you specified as your shortcut keys.
Mac OS Key Macro
The Command key is a fundamental component to the Mac OS. It has a long history as a standard keyboard key to control other keys. You can press Command by itself and get a couple of options.
The first is to open your files and folders. You can also perform various actions like moving them to different locations, or creating a new document.
Mac OS key macros are straightforward, as long as you know where they are.
Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer)
Go to Tools → Macros, and you’ll find a new section that allows you to add a specific macro.
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System Requirements:
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-.NET 4.0
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NTRsupportPro is the most powerful, portable, easy to use remote support solution available today. It is also the easiest to customize and has a unique interface.
NTRsupportPro has been the preferred remote support solution for IT Professionals and SMBs for over 30 years. NTRsupport