Saver Starter is a small freeware program that allows you to control your current screensaver’s behaviour.
Saver Starter has no automatic install process. The zip archive contains two
files, SaverStarter.exe and readme.txt (this file). To start the program
simply run SaverStarter.exe.
You might like to add Saver Starter to your start-up group, that way Saver Starter will be available every time you start Windows.
Here are some key features of «Saver Starter»:
■ Allows a screen saver to be started by moving the mouse over a corner of the screen.
■ Prevents a screen saver from starting when the mouse is in a corner of a screen.
■ Starts the current screen saver quickly.
■ Gives easy access to the screen saver configuration settings.
■ Tries to keep the annoying «clickety clack» of mouse pointer sounds to a minimum.
Saver Starter Usage:
«Saver Starter» can be run by clicking the start-up icon «Saver Starter» that can be found in the start-up folder.
«Saver Starter» does not install any new files and will not change any of the default behaviour of the screensaver.
«Saver Starter» will only change the mouse pointer sounds when the mouse is clicked.
Saver Starter Configuration:
Here are the main features that you can change using the «Saver Starter» configuration menu.
Prevent a screen saver from starting:
■ Disables the «clickety clack» mouse pointer sounds
■ Prevents the screen saver from starting when the mouse is in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
■ Prevents the screen saver from starting when the mouse is in the top left hand corner of the screen.
Saver Start Time:
■ Change the time at which the current screen saver starts.
■ The time is given in the format: h:mm:ss.
■ Specify if the screensaver should start at the same time each day (see below).
■ Specify if the screensaver should start when the computer wakes up from sleep mode (see below).
■ Specify if the screensaver should start immediately (see below).
Screensaver Waking On Computer Boot:
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The KEYMACRO feature allows the user to enter common sets of keystrokes in order to avoid making the same entry several times. This is particularly useful when, for example, there is a one-to-one correspondence between keys and numbers and so the keystrokes cannot be rearranged to any other meaning. There is also a small problem with such a key system as the user could put down the wrong key with each successive entry! However, if the user knows the correct sequence, there is no need to enter it again and again. The KEYMACRO function can help.
(1) The KEYMACRO function can be set up with a list of KEYMACRO codes which are to be used. For example, you may want to allow the user to enter two sets of data into the database using two different keystrokes. This could be used, for example, if pupils at a school where two lessons are taught in two separate rooms and you want them to enter the same data into two separate databases. When the pupils type in the correct data in both databases, the data is automatically combined.
(2) Once the KEYMACRO codes have been set up, then when a pupil wants to enter data into the database, they must press the key which corresponds to the KEYMACRO code for that entry. (3) The system is configured so that if a pupil presses a key and then immediately presses the ‘tab’ key, the KEYMACRO code for the next entry will be activated.
(3) Enter the KEYMACRO codes for each entry and also a description of the intended action (e.g. Enter the student’s name, etc.) and a name (e.g. Student Data). Then click the ‘Record Macro Code’ button. You will then be asked to enter the KEYMACRO codes for the entry.
(4) Once the KEYMACRO codes have been set up, then when a pupil wants to enter data into the database, they must press the key which corresponds to the KEYMACRO code for that entry. (3) When the pupil presses the ‘tab’ key, the KEYMACRO code for the next entry will be activated. (5) The system is configured so that if a pupil presses a key and then immediately presses the ‘tab’ key, the KEYMACRO code for the next entry will be activated.
(6) Once the KEYMACRO codes have been set upгѓг¤гѓ-rb-leipzig-vs-manchester-united-fc-гєгѓігѓг¤гѓіг/гlгcharger-un-fichier-camilla-simon-вђ-initiation-with-my-enemy-2020-epub-24747-kb-in-free-mode/