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KEYMACRO is a simple Mac OS X application, that lets you change your keyboard mapping to another language or to add a customized symbol for a keyboard key.
Each input is stored in a simple.plist file. The plist file is located in the ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ folder. The plist file allows to control the keyboard layout for Mac OS X.
How to add a new keyboard layout:
1. Double-click on the new keyboard layout in the ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts/ folder.
2. Click on the + button to add a new.plist file.
3. In the properties sheet, add an new input for your keyboard.
4. Select the «MacRoman» in the language field and click OK.
KEYMACRO Category:
Keyboard, tools, languages, mac
Transforming binary files into C or C++ source code
Adding a keyboard key to MacOS X
Creating a new keyboard layout
Translating binary data into C/C++ code
How to create or retrieve a binary file:
1. Select the folder that contains your binary file.
2. Drag and drop your binary file into the main window of Key2bin2c
3. The key2bin2c will transform the binary file to a C file that can be compiled or a C++ file that can be compiled to an object file.
The binary file will be transformed with ease using Key2bin2c.
How to create or retrieve a key:
1. Double-click on the key.
2. Select the language and press OK.
3. Click on the + button to add an input.
4. Select the language. Press OK.
How to convert binary to C/C++ code:
1. Click on the Main Menu icon on the top left corner.
2. Select the Convert to C Code or Convert to C++ Code option.
KEYMACRO»I WAS an average woman who found out that there are strange things happening in the world, like people walking across water, or the cities of men. It made me want to share my experiences. And then the music business took off. All of a sudden I had a life and a career, and I had to quit my job. It’s easier to be a mother than to be a musician.»

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— Projector: Multi-touch controls that allow you to rotate or zoom your projector
— Printer: Easy access and control for printing from NVIDIA Quadro cards
— Media: Play media and browse your files using CUDA based GPU
— Scanner: Supports LTO4, LTO5 and tape
— Timer: Perfect for digital timer

Not registered?

You can register yourself for free and obtain a license for unlimited installations.

64 bit version?

63 bit version available.


5 CUDA and 4 Tesla for Quadro.

Is 64 bit version necessary?

Yes, NVIDIA Maximus VXG-5852 requires a 64 bit version of Windows.

CUDA 5/Tesla?

NVIDIA Maximus VXG-5852 allows you to integrate NVIDIA Quadro GPUs (Quadro 200 series and up) and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs (Tesla V100, V100, V100) into a single workstation.

The NVIDIA Maximus toolbox will automatically check for the version of CUDA and of the NVIDIA Maxwell/NVIDIA Pascal GPU driver.
If the system is missing a CUDA driver or NVIDIA Maxwell/NVIDIA Pascal GPU driver, the corresponding NVIDIA driver will be automatically installed.

NVIDIA Maximus will also automatically detect and integrate the NVIDIA Tesla GPU accelerator, a model M210 or M220.

NVIDIA Maximus installs a complete workstation driver and a set of NVIDIA drivers including CUDA and Tesla drivers into one package.
After installation, you can start NVIDIA Maximus without restarting the computer.


You can uninstall NVIDIA Maximus using the Uninstall-nvidia-maximus.exe file in the directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Maximus VXG-5852\
If NVIDIA Maximus is already uninstalled or there is no MSI uninstaller for NVIDIA Maximus, you can remove the NVIDIA Maximus file manually.


Hotkeys for NVIDIA Maximus have been defined in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Maximus VXG-5852\Control Panel\NVIDIA Hotkeys

Note: Keys can be assigned from Control Panel (application NVIDIA Maximus Control Panel) or from NVIDIA Maximus (application).

Keys can be created either in Control Panel or in NVIDIA Maximus.

To use hot
