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The MSU Cartoon Restore Filter was designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by removing ringing artifacts.
Ringing noise preferably manifest itself around edges due to coarse quantization. Filter is intended for recovering quality of video after decompressing by H.261, H.263, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (DivX 3, DivX 4, XviD) and H.264 (x264).
Unpack this file into the «Plugins» folder of VirtualDub directory
Distributing file via «Remote» button (file sharing service like Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, etc.)

Smooth decompression quality of video with MSU Cartoon Restore Filter can help get more dynamic range, more sharpening of details and restoration of original image color

MSU Cartoon Restore Filter allows applying image processing techniques to the compressed animation and help in case of over-compression.
The filter improves the compression quality by removing unwanted artifacts caused by decompression.

Apply 1st filtering step (sharpening) — use buttons on the user interface:

Apply 2nd filtering step (sharpening) — use buttons on the user interface:

Use «Normalize» button to enhance the quality of colors (in case of over-compression)

This Plugin is intended for «The MSU Cartoon Restore Filter was designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by removing ringing artifacts.»
KEYMACRO Description:
The MSU Cartoon Restore Filter was designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by removing ringing artifacts.
Ringing noise preferably manifest itself around edges due to coarse quantization. Filter is intended for recovering quality of video after decompressing by H.261, H.263, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (DivX 3, DivX 4, XviD) and H.264 (x264).
Unpack this file into the «Plugins» folder of VirtualDub directory
KEYMACRO Description:
The MSU Cartoon Restore Filter was designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by removing ringing artifacts.
Ringing noise preferably manifest itself around edges due to coarse quantization. Filter is intended for recovering quality of video after decompressing by H.261, H.263, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (DivX 3, DivX 4, XviD) and H.264 (x264).
Unpack this file into the «Plugins» folder of VirtualDub directory
Distributing file via d82f892c90

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%q prefix
%e file name
%t file name
%h hour (0-23)
%m minute (0-59)
%s seconds (0-59)
%n line number
%t string to match
%n or /t line number to match
%v occurrence of string or regex to match
%b line number to match
%c column number to match
You can use the -s flag to get help with the %*s operators, or man 5 log-watch for a full list.
The file name and hour, minutes, seconds and line number are optional. If they’re missing, the tool will ignore them. If the line number is absent, the tool will print the line number from the log file.
A regular expression can be specified with the -r flag. The sample output I’ve provided is the result of a regular expression search on a Windows server log file. The full list of options are in the help file.
You can run the log-watch tool from a single source file, like this:
log-watch -s logfile.txt
Or from several files, like this:
log-watch -s logfile1.txt -s logfile2.txt -s logfile3.txt
The tool will watch the log files in sequence, so that events in one file will have the opportunity to play before events in the next file.
The error.wav file I referenced in the usage example above was created as follows:
log-watch -s logfile.txt -e error.wav
The log-watch tool includes a module named LogWatch which is included as a normal Perl module. It contains methods for setting up the wave files and accessing the information found in the log file.
use LogWatch;
my $wavpath = «code_400.wav»;
my $wavfilename = «error.wav»;
my $file = «logfile.txt»;
my $line = «ErrorPage»;
my $line_to_match = «400»;
my $sound = LogWatch::Utilities::Sound->new();
