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KeyMacro is a useful utility that allows you to add custom keyboard shortcuts in Windows programs and other Windows applications.
The program is designed to help you take advantage of custom actions that you may perform frequently with your mouse, or keyboard, but don’t find them in the default application’s configuration.
A very simple interface makes KeyMacro a useful tool for those people who are not much experienced in setting up keyboard shortcuts.
During our testing, we have noticed that this application doesn’t require any technical knowledge or skills to set up keyboard shortcuts and shortcut combinations.
KeyMacro requires a basic understanding of how to use the program interface, as well as the command line.
As we have already mentioned, KeyMacro is not a program that leaves any traces in the Registry, and its installation is extremely simple.
The program is portable, so it can be installed on any removable media, and you can take it with you at all times to achieve the desired results.
We have noticed that in a number of situations the program behaves unexpectedly, but generally, it does the job without any problems.
We have also found out that the application consumes a considerable amount of RAM, which affects the overall performance of your computer.
KEYLOCK Description:
KEYLOCK is an application for locking certain keys of the keyboard that are not meant to be used as such, or to avoid that other people can accidentally use them, for instance, the letters “S”, “C” or “V” on the keyboard of a computer.
The program helps you create an ASCII-based password that will lock your keyboard’s buttons so that you cannot press the letters “S”, “C” or “V” accidentally.
This application is a great help for those people who want to use the Windows’ Control Panel to create a security solution that will prevent you from pressing on those keys accidentally.
KEYLOCK is a free software application that supports Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10, and once installed, it doesn’t leave any traces in the Registry.
You can copy this program anywhere you wish, but we advise you to keep it on a USB flash drive, as it might eat up your drive space quite fast.
KEYLOCK sports a simple and intuitive layout, and allows you to create a password that will lock the keyboard’s keys.
The program allows you to define 384a16bd22

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A powerful and simple video recording program that allows users to record, save, and later edit, multiple webcam videos simultaneously.
— Supports both streaming and local videos (streaming is preferred for longer recordings)
— Video Capture (webcam)
— Desktop recording
— Fast Motion Recording
— Mic/Line-in support for audio
— Fast and accurate audio recording
— Supports video capture software
— Audio capture in Mic or Line in
— Effects support
— Audio and video text (CR, CP, CRS, TXT)
— Overlay text
— Resolution (width/height)
— Buffers (number of frames)
— Offset
— Bit depth
— Audio and video properties
— Set audio volume
— Audio blending (mute audio)
— Bit rate
— Frame rate
— Frame size
— Resolution (pixels)
— Quality (bps/kbps)
— Type (frames per second, number of seconds)
— Numerical data (snippet)
— Numerical data (frame rate)
— Audio and video duration
— Recorder length
— Capture length
— Save duration
— Record duration (rolling / overwrite / append)
— Record interval (roll over or restart)
— Record settings (speed, format)
— Schedule
— Delay (at time, at duration)
— Stop and start
— Open File (select save location)
— Audio File (in.aif)
— Video File (in.avi or.mov)
— Settings
— 1: Off
— 2: Auto-Record (15 sec)
— 3: Off
— 4: Audio Capture (bluetooth, microphone)
— 5: Off
— 6: Scale Audio (fade in/out for audio)
— 7: Off
— 8: Off
— 9: On
— 10: Off
— 11: On
— 12: Microphone Volume (dB)
— 13: Video Format (jpg, png, gif)
— 14: Off
— 15: Windows Media (wmv, wma)
— 16: Off
— 17: Off
— 18: Off
— 19: On
— 20: Off
— 21: On
— 22: Off
— 23: Off
— 24: On
— 25: Off
— 26: On
— 27: Off
— 28: On
