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* »’ File/Open in RvHtmlImporter
* »’ Edit/Replace — If URL is »'»file:///»»’ or »'»file:///n/d/»»»,
it will replace with the name of the directory,
e.g. if in a folder named «My Documents» and the URL is «file:///n/d/My Documents», it will be replaced
by «My Documents»
* »’ New/Open File — Shows URL
* »’ New/Open Folder — Shows URL
* »’ Special/Paste — If URL is «file:///», it will be pasted as is
* »’ Special/Paste — If URL is «file:///», it will be pasted as is
* »’ File/Save — If URL is «file:///», it will be saved as is
* »’ Paste/Special/Paste — If URL is «file:///», it will be pasted as is
* »’ Edit/Replace — If URL is »'»file:///»»’ or »'»file:///n/d/»»’,
it will replace with the name of the directory,
e.g. if in a folder named «My Documents» and the URL is «file:///n/d/My Documents», it will be replaced
by «My Documents»
* »’ Edit/Replace — If URL is «file:///», it will be replaced with the name of the folder,
e.g. if in a folder named «My Documents» and the URL is «file:///n/d/My Documents», it will be replaced
by «My Documents»
The original author of this component is »’
Rhys Dros
Other contributors:
»’ Makedon Cornelius
v1.0:2013-07-16 — Initial Release

Actions Icons Usage

by Rhys Dros

Called-upon Actions with icons can be found here: 45cee15e9a

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KeyMacro turns on and off key combinations and is an ideal tool for fixing system conflicts on your computer. It helps you keep track of your shortcuts, so that you don’t have to write them down.
KEYMACRO Installation:
KeyMacro program is designed to work without registry modifications and does not modify system files and registry. It is completely safe and will not make any changes to your operating system. This program will be installed on your computer and run from your startup folder.
KeyMacro Features:
KeyMacro turns on and off key combinations and is an ideal tool for fixing system conflicts on your computer. It helps you keep track of your shortcuts, so that you don’t have to write them down.
KeyMacro Installation:
KeyMacro program is designed to work without registry modifications and does not modify system files and registry. It is completely safe and will not make any changes to your operating system. This program will be installed on your computer and run from your startup folder.
KeyMacro Features:
KeyMacro turns on and off key combinations and is an ideal tool for fixing system conflicts on your computer. It helps you keep track of your shortcuts, so that you don’t have to write them down.
KeyMacro Installation:
KeyMacro program is designed to work without registry modifications and does not modify system files and registry. It is completely safe and will not make any changes to your operating system. This program will be installed on your computer and run from your startup folder.
KeyMacro Features:
KeyMacro turns on and off key combinations and is an ideal tool for fixing system conflicts on your computer. It helps you keep track of your shortcuts, so that you don’t have to write them down.
KeyMacro Installation:
KeyMacro program is designed to work without registry modifications and does not modify system files and registry. It is completely safe and will not make any changes to your operating system. This program will be installed on your computer and run from your startup folder.
KeyMacro Features:
KeyMacro turns on and off key combinations and is an ideal tool for fixing system conflicts on your computer. It helps you keep track of your shortcuts, so that you don’t have to write them down.
KeyMacro Installation:
KeyMacro program is designed to work without registry modifications and does not modify system files and registry. It is completely safe and will not make any changes to your operating system. This program will be
