The Piracy is not only restricted to movies and games only but a web based community has also cropped up to serve the purpose of community based software piracy. Its not surprising that almost all software online including the most used android and iOS applications are already available on torrent sites, which at a very minimum has provided a helping hand to the software authors who are busy developing and testing their programs. It is also not difficult to find other people who are willing to share programs they are proud of to help the needy developers and makers.
Downloads From Us is another community based website with the sole purpose to serve users with software they want. The website is a search engine for cracked software with a simple interface. You can browse the categories, search, or use the built-in filters to find the software you want. You can even download the software to your computer or tablet. They list cracked software with a trial version (where you can actually install and use the software).
You will find that popular programs like Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja can be hacked within a minute or two with the use of pirated software. A very popular app called ApkPure is one of the most secure web portals where you can find cracked software apps for Android.
In all honesty, 10 Software Download Sites can be overwhelming to sort through, so we decided to come up with a list of our favorite sites. So, you can stop browsing and start downloading, that is if you have a browser.
While it is more akin to Netflix, is a dream for those who love to look for and download Android apps and games. It is a one-stop shop for everything Android on the internet. It offers access to over 800,000 apps and games that are available in different languages. Some of the other features of is file sharing, a forum for users to interact and promote Android-related Apps and games, a free Google Play Store account and a digital magazine to keep you updated on new Android Apps, Games and News.