Региональное агенство стратегической аналитики

Easy Dental 76rar

Easy Dental 76rar


Easy Dental 76rar

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us for more information.1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a system and method for displaying three-dimensional (3D) objects and, more particularly, to a system and method for displaying 3D objects such that the user has an enhanced perception of the size and shape of the displayed objects. 2. Discussion of the Background As is known in the field of computer graphics, there is often a desire to visually indicate the size and/or shape of an object on a display. In this manner, the objects shown on the display will appear to be the same size and/or shape as the object on the object itself. When referencing objects having physical size and shape, these objects may be referred to as «true» objects. To provide the appearance of a true 3D object, the object can be displayed using at least one of a variety of methods. One such method is referred to as point light rendering. In this method, an object is mapped onto a plurality of point light sources. The point light sources can be disposed around the object in a predetermined spatial relationship. As seen by the viewer, the intensity and location of the light sources can simulate the appearance of the object. Another method of simulating the appearance of a 3D object is to render the object as a wire frame. In this method, the object is mapped onto a plurality of lines which define the outer surface of the object. The lines are then displayed so that they appear to provide a 3D object. A line is a geometric entity, and can be described by its terminators, which may be points on the line. A line may be a smooth line or a stepped line. When displaying a stepped line, a convention can be employed to indicate which region of the stepped line is to be drawn. Conventionally, if a line is to be displayed by a plurality of stepped lines, a region of the background scene is selected on which to draw the stepped lines. The region of the background scene is referred to as an «edge» or «edge line.» To display a true 3D object using a point light rendering technique, an object is assigned a point light source for each vertex on the object. This results in an undesirable amount of memory in using an object having a large number of vertices. Also, assigning point light sources to each vertex requires a large amount of computation by the display device rendering the object. To display a true 3D object

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