— Cross Country Planning — Work the way you practiced. Fill out the distances and headings in the guide, then enter wind and climb for it to show you how the winds will impact your flight.
— Calculator — Check your calculations to see if you’re off a bit. Did you get the right numbers from the winds? If not, this program will tell you.
— Print Page — When you’ve calculated the flights, print them out and bring them in. You’re done with the flights, so let someone else worry about your logbook.
— Generate a cross country flight plan for free — without calculating the heads, distances, and speeds yourself.
— Calculate the actual flights in the air — don’t let the instructor do it for you. You need to know what’s happening in the air to actually fly well.
— Adjusts for different course lengths — the calculations work out the average speed you can fly over a given distance, so you can calculate the courses for the various courses you are required to fly.
— Works for a variety of plans — from a few waypoints to a multi-leg, some cases even include cross-country plan with an airport.
— A guide to help you plan your flight — if you know the route, then you can enter the waypoints into the program.
— Weather — enter the winds, and it’ll add them into the flight calculations.
— Edit the courses — if you change the courses later, you can easily change them here.
— Save or Print Logs — the program can export and print your cross country flight log.
— Print Logs — you can print off the flight plans, and have them ready for your instructor.
— Small enough to carry — an install and run under 3MB
System Requirements:
— Windows XP and higher.
-.NET Framework 3.5
— SP2 or higher
— Copy the files and run Setup.
— After installation, unzip the application.
— Go to the.exe folder and open it.
— Run XCPlan.exe.
— A new XCPlan window will pop up. You can now close it.
— Go back to the program folder and unzip the downloaded.zip file.
— Move the.exe file to the location where you have installed XCPlan, and it should work.
Known bugs:
— The program should be able to do a perfect plan when d82f892c90
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