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Single line command to define a key macro, that will be sent to the server when it is pressed.
KEYMASH Description:
Single line command to define a custom combination of characters, that will be sent to the server when it is pressed.
URL Macro:
The macro will be replaced by the URL.
A comment can be entered before the name of the bookmark to add a descriptive entry to it.
If the URL is not valid a message is displayed.
Display Template:
A string, which will be inserted in the entry form to display the specified URL, a description, and an optional comment.
If the URL is not valid a message is displayed.
Edit Template:
A string, which will be inserted in the entry form to edit the specified URL, a description, and an optional comment.
If the URL is not valid a message is displayed.
Folder Layout Template:
A string, which will be inserted in the folder layout to display the specified URL, a description, and an optional comment.
If the URL is not valid a message is displayed.
Folder Path:
A string, which will be inserted in the folder path to display the specified URL, a description, and an optional comment.
If the URL is not valid a message is displayed.
Substitute Macros:

Sort Name:
This option will sort the names of the bookmarks alphabetically.
Sort URL:
This option will sort the URLs of the bookmarks alphabetically.
Substitute URL:
This option will replace the entry’s URL by another URL, defined in the first entry.

ENTRY TEXT Display Template:
This option will display the specified entry text in the entry form.
ENTRY TEXT Edit Template:
This option will edit the specified entry text in the entry form.
ENTRY TEXT Display Template:
This option will display the specified entry text in the entry form.
ENTRY TEXT Edit Template:
This option will edit the specified entry text in the entry form.
ENTRY TEXT Display Template:
This option will display the specified entry text in the entry form.
ENTRY TEXT Edit Template:
This option will edit the specified entry text in the entry form.

(1) When the bookmark text contains too many lines, it can be preceeded with a backslash (\) like this:
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This is a utility that will help you to edit the autorun menu of your discs. The main window offers many functions to preview and save your autorun menu. AutoRun Design offers many features to help you create and preview your autorun menus. It is the first autorun editor that supports the new Windows autorun menu standard.
AutoRun Design Features:
► User-friendly editing interface
► Easy to customize the autorun menu
► Preview all autorun menu properties
► Specify the autorun menu duration
► View autorun menu in separate windows
► Preview all autorun menu properties
► Create autorun menus with different themes
► Specify the autorun menu duration
► Preview the autorun menu in separate windows
► Specify the autorun menu duration
► Create autorun menus with different themes

AutoRun SubMenu Design:
AutoRun SubMenu Design is a useful piece of software that will help users to create submenu collections for the autorun menus of CDs, DVDs and USB.
User interface:
This is a very simple and straightforward interface. There are three tabs on the main window that offers features to configure your CD/DVD, USB and images autorun submenu collections.
►Create and edit submenu collections.
►Preview all autorun menu properties.
►Specify the autorun menu duration.
►Preview the autorun menu in separate windows.
►Specify the autorun menu duration.
►Create autorun menus with different themes.
User Requirements:
It is a very simple and user-friendly software with a good set of tools for creating and editing autorun submenu collections.
Autorun SubMenu Design is an adequate primer for users who want to start the creation of autorun menus for their CDs, DVDs and USB.

AutoRun Menu Generator:
AutoRun Menu Generator is a useful piece of software that will help users to generate autorun menus for their CDs, DVDs and USB.
User interface:
The interface is very simple and easy to use. There are some tabs on the main window that offers features to configure the autorun menu and specify the autorun menu duration.
►Create and edit autorun menus.
►Preview all autorun menu properties.
►Specify the autorun menu duration.
