ADDED July 10, 2017: I do not draw or do any artwork of same-sex couples of any kind and will leave some LGBT characters out of my artwork (One of my few exceptions is Luna Loud. One of the biggest problems that couples have in the bedroom is the lack of communication. Thirdly, one of the things that Mr. Buffett mentions is that he only buys businesses that have three criteria, the second of which is able and honest managers, and that the most important duty for a board is to find and retain a talented CEO. I second the motion to adjourn. The ballot of the proxy holders in response to the proxies that were received through last Thursday evening cast 65,925 votes for the motion, and 485,824 votes against the motion. As the number of votes against the motion exceeds a majority of the number of votes of all class A and class B shares properly cast on the matter, as well as all votes outstanding, the motion has failed. But you’ve covered it well.

According to a 2016 Harvard Business Review study, including more than one woman or a member of a racial minority in a finalist pool helps combat the unconscious biases amongst interviewers, and increases the likelihood of a diverse hire. We would also like to recognize that the executive pipeline includes diverse candidates including Mr. Ajit Jain, another board member. Our proposal requests that Berkshire Hathaway board adopt a diversity search policy requiring that the initial candidates from which new director nominees and external CEOs are chosen include qualified female and racially or ethnically diverse candidates. Fourthly, we would like to clarify that through this shareholder proposal, we are not asking for the Berkshire Hathaway board, our guardians, to have a quantifiable end result in terms of its composition, but that an initial pool of candidates for a board seat include a woman and another individual who is racially or ethnically diverse.
In essence, the companies that Berkshire Hathaway is found fit to invest in are those that have more diverse boards. With our share owner proposal, what we are seeking is to nudge this particular process forward. In the interim, we strongly urge Berkshire Hathaway share owners to support proposal four. The funds have approximately $211 billion in assets as of February, and our substantial longterm Berkshire Hathaway share owners with 2.5 million shares. He said, «Please, did I understand correctly Mr. Buffett, to say that Berkshire Hathaway sold its interest in four different airlines and if so, can you name them? He asked, «Did you sell your whole stake in all four of those companies? Yeah. When we sell something, very often it’s going to be our entire stake. I mean Fuck The Police is a strong so, and it’s provocative for all the right reasons. Secondly, we applaud Mr. Buffett’s recognition that women in the boardroom have historically been rare, and even more importantly that although women won the right to have their voices heard in a voting booth a century ago, attaining similar status in a board room remains a work in progress. First of all, we would like to commend the directors for the addition of Mr. Kenneth Chenault and the fact that 21% of the board is made up of women.
The first question though comes from one that just came in based on the comments that you were actually saying. I bumped into her a few months ago — the first time in 20 years — and she hadn’t changed a bit. And she had an older coworker who was a bit perverted. Check out our list of A-list celebrities who carry Bottega Veneta handbags, Jimmy Choos and more. So who knows how we come out of this. And we did not take out anything like seven or eight billion. I mean, it’s been seven weeks since I’ve had a haircut. So thank you. I’ve just looked at my watch, and Webcam Porn Tubes I talked a lot longer than I should have probably. So now we’re ready to have questions, which Becky quickly selected from those that’s been forwarded to her directly and from Carol Loomis and Andrew Ross Sorkin, and Greg and I are available to be… These positions are guaranteed to get any women in the mood and ready for sex!