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Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2019.0.1 Demo is a handy application which will provide the .

How can I get the names of an object’s functions in Matlab?

In Matlab we can use the help command to see the documentation for an object.

But how can I see the documentation of each function?
Specifically in my case I am interested in a function I wrote that has many functions that are used as arguments, e.g. myFunction(x,y,z) instead of myFunction(x,y,z,axis).
So that when I try help on myFunction, I can see the documentation for the individual functions (i.e. for each function).


You can use the built-in doc command
m = myFunction(1,2,3);


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Category:Video game development softwareFor the first time, scientists have managed to convert a plant species into an insect-pollinated source of durable fiber. The next stage is to transform this new crop into crops that feed people as well as turning this new fiber into clean, fuel-efficient cars.

The genome and epigenome of Arabidopsis thaliana, the plant from which many modern crops are derived, have been sequenced and the sugars within the plant, known as sugars, have been chemically modified into a high-performance polymer known as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). The plant can store about four times the amount of glucose in PHB than the maximum normally found in other plants.

Most importantly, researchers showed that this enhanced PHB is physiologically indistinguishable from the unmodified sugars. By chemical modification of sugars, including PHB, plants can be transformed into a viable source of durable fiber that can be used to make cars and other products.

“From our research, we have identified a few key genes we can target to better utilize the sugars in plants, resulting in edible plants that can produce a large amount of fiber,” said Chenxi Liu, Ph.D



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