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HXTT Character Set Converter Crack+ With License Key Free Download For PC [Updated] 2022
Character set converter application for character set conversion.
HXTT is a Java based application, written in java, which is able to change the character encoding of files and folders. It is a Windows application which performs the operation of converting text files from one character encoding to another encoding and backwards.
HXTT supports the following files:
1) UTF-8
2) Windows-1252
3) DOS
4) Windows-1252 (EBCDIC)
7) Cp1250/1251
8) Cp1252
9) ISO-8859-5 (EUROPEAN)
10) ISO-8859-2 (BIG5/Taiwanese)
11) ISO-8859-1 (AMERICAN)
12) GB2312 (China)
13) CP1250
14) CP1251
15) CP1257
16) CP850 (AKA?850)
17) CP1252 (aka?Windows-1252)
18) CP-1250 (Russian, Korean, CJK)
19) CP-1251 (Cyrillic, Cyrillic, Russian, Korean)
20) CP-1254 (MACRoman/LATIN7)
21) CP-1255 (LATIN5)
22) CP-1257 (MAC)
23) CP-949 (Japanese, Japanese-Koala, Japanese-JIS)
24) EUC-JP (Japanese)
25) Shift-JIS (Japanese)
26) EUC-KR (Korean, Korean-JIS)
27) EUC-TW (Taiwanese)
28) EUC-CN (Cantonese)
29) Shift-JIS-2004 (Japanese-2004)
30) EUC-JIS-2004 (Japanese-2004)
31) Shift-JIS-2004 (Japanese-2004)
33) ISO-2022-JP
34) ISO-2022-JP-2
35) ISO-8859-4 (GREEK)
36) ISO-8859-9 (CROATIAN)
37) ISO-8859-5 (SPANISH)
38) ISO-8859
HXTT Character Set Converter
This is a set of free tools to convert characters from one character encoding to another. The purpose of this program is to create a tool that would allow you to convert one encoding to another one. The basic principle behind this converter is:
— choose input encoding
— choose output encoding
— you can optionally check log box that will keep record of changes
To make a simple conversion, enter a file name and choose the encoding for you’re entry.
You can either use file system to convert a text file or you can set the input and output encoding directly.
To convert from one encoding to another, first open the input file in the same editor that you’re going to use to convert it. This is where you enter the input encoding.
Next, open the output file in another editor and change the first line to the output encoding.
Make sure you have the right character encoding for each input and output file. In addition, for some programming languages you need to know the byte order of character encoding (BIG ENDIAN or LITTLE ENDIAN).
The following chart will give you the need to know the input/output encoding:
Input Encoding: UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
Output Encoding: UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
Please read the following descriptions of the different encoding and their byte orders:
HXTT Character Set Converter
The Character set converter tool is a cross platform freeware for converting
encoding characters from one encoding to another.
Main features:
* Export to text file: export to a text file in Unicode and convert characters from one encoding to another.
* Convert selected text: perform character set conversion from one encoding to another for a selected range of text.
* Change Encoding to: change encoding of selected text.
* Log Output: enable to view and record log output.
* Export as: save output as different character encoding formats.
* Languages: support for Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese.
* Installer: prompt to install to your computer without effecting the file structure and any related files.
* Smooth Task Bar: to display this tool’s status in taskbar.
* Flatten: remove the unneccesary columns from Text File, in order to achieve better performance.
* Unicode Support: utf-8 encoding.
* GUI: user friendly interface.
* UnInstaller: prompt to uninstall this tool without effecting the file structure and any related files.
* Size: only uses system tools and Windows API, so it is very small and easy to use.
The «Character Set Converter» will convert a text file to Unicode text format by using the standard Windows API. In order to do this, Unicode is assumed.
The tool supports conversion between two character sets. If the input encoding is not the same as the output, then the text in the original file is
not changed, only the selected text is converted. For example, if you want to convert characters from a Japanese encoding to a Latin-1 encoding, convert a selected range of the text from a Japanese encoding to a Latin-1 encoding:
— choose the Text File
— select the input encoding
— select the output encoding.
The results of the conversion can be saved in different encoding formats. There are 5 different output formats:
— Unicode File (UTF-8)
— Latin-1 File (ISO-8859-1)
— Windows-1252 File (Windows-1252)
— Korean File (Korean)
— Arabic File (Arabic).
The «Character Set Converter» can be used on Windows platforms.
There are 3 interface modes for different users:
— GUI Mode
— Custom Mode
— Shell Mode
What’s New in the?
— Convert character-encoding or character-subset in a text-file
— Choose from the predefined character maps or load custom character set
— The original character set is preserved in the converted file
— The log option is designed for debugging purposes
HXTT Character Set Converter is a free stand-alone Java utility that converts characters from one encoding type to another. The tool allows conversion of text files from any encoding (ANSI, ISO-8859 and UTF) to another encoding type (ANSI, ISO-8859 and UTF) and vice versa. It creates a file containing the converted character codes.
The character encoding is chosen from the predefined character maps or from a custom character set. The original character set is preserved in the converted file. If the log option is selected, the log file will contain the original file to be converted, the conversion settings, and the converted file.
When selecting the input encoding, you must select from the predefined character sets (ANSI, ISO-8859 and UTF) or choose a custom character set. The input encoding can be selected also by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F9. The output encoding can be selected only when choosing the custom character set. The output encoding can be selected by pressing F5 or Ctrl+Shift+F5.
When selecting the log option, the log file will contain the original file, the conversion settings, and the converted file. The log file can be viewed by opening it with notepad. You can then make comments about the log and save it, by selecting File, Save. The log file will also be displayed in the main window. You can navigate to a specific part of the log and open it with editor. The log file can be saved to the project directory by selecting File, Save Log File.
You can download HXTT Character Set Converter using the following link
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System Requirements For HXTT Character Set Converter:
Memory Requirements:
CPU: Intel Pentium 1.6GHz or faster (8086) processor
Video card: 256MB DirectX 9.0 compliant video card (dedicated video card recommended)
1024 x 768 resolution screen
DirectX 9.0 (not recommended for hardware drivers that have not been tested with the latest version of the game).
Minimum resolution for full quality texture and model is 1024 x 768.
Windows 98/2000/XP or later
CD-Rom: Microsoft Windows 98/2000