DEXembed is a Microsoft Word add-in created specifically to meet the needs of indexers who use standalone indexing programs (such as SKY Index, CINDEX, or MACREX), and who need to embed index tags in Microsoft Word documents or DocBook XML.
DEXembed was developed in an actual indexing environment. It was designed to accommodate the various workflows and processes employed by publishers who import embedded Microsoft Word documents into layout programs such as QuarkXPress, Framemaker, and InDesign.
DEXembed allows you to write your index in a standalone indexing program and will automatically embed the entries into a document.
Here are some key features of «DEXembed»:
■ Locator Variety. A document may be indexed using locators that correspond to page numbers, paragraph numbers, or precise word placements. These locators are then used to embed the index tags.
■ Printed Pages or On-Screen. Indexing can be done from printed pages or exclusively on-screen.
■ Bookmarks Are Optional. Embedded tags can be produced with or without Microsoft Word bookmarks. (Bookmarks are used by Word to define ranges in index tags. In general, publishers do not want bookmarks in files that will be imported into a layout program.)
■ Automated Coding of Ranges. Instead of bookmarks, ranges can be marked with codes chosen by the publisher or indexer. DEXembed automates the process of creating beginning and ending range entries, adding the codes to those entries, and then embedding the coded entries as Word index tags-in one step.
■ Removal of Old Index Tags. DEXembed can strip out all previously embedded index tags in a single automated action-often used when a final edit dictates re-embedding all the individual chapter files (if they are available) or removing old tags from a previous version of the book.
■ Automated Final Edit Cleanup. At the end of the indexing process, the indexer often receives a Quark- or Frame-generated index (as a Microsoft Word file) with final pagination, and must then carry out a final edit.
■ Microsoft Word version 97 or later
■ 45 days trial
DEXembed Crack
This tool provides the most flexible and efficient way of embedding index tags in Microsoft Word documents.
The tool does not contain any other functionality, such as email notification or automatic synchronization to an online repository, and is intended to be used as a stand-alone tool.
The tool allows you to index Word documents on-screen and on printed pages, and is flexible enough to index books using a variety of indexing programs.
DEXembed is a Microsoft Word add-in, so you can get support for the tool from Microsoft.
Here are some key features of «DEXembed»:
■ Locator Variety. A document may be indexed using locators that correspond to page numbers, paragraph numbers, or precise word placements. These locators are then used to embed the index tags.
■ Printed Pages or On-Screen. Indexing can be done from printed pages or exclusively on-screen.
■ Bookmarks Are Optional. Embedded tags can be produced with or without Microsoft Word bookmarks. (Bookmarks are used by Word to define ranges in index tags. In general, publishers do not want bookmarks in files that will be imported into a layout program.)
■ Automated Coding of Ranges. Instead of bookmarks, ranges can be marked with codes chosen by the publisher or indexer. DEXembed automates the process of creating beginning and ending range entries, adding the codes to those entries, and then embedding the coded entries as Word index tags-in one step.
■ Removal of Old Index Tags. DEXembed can strip out all previously embedded index tags in a single automated action-often used when a final edit dictates re-embedding all the individual chapter files (if they are available) or removing old tags from a previous version of the book.
■ Automated Final Edit Cleanup. At the end of the indexing process, the indexer often receives a Quark- or Frame-generated index (as a Microsoft Word file) with final pagination, and must then carry out a final edit.
■ Automatic synchronization to online repositories. Indexers may want to synchronize indexes with online repositories, such as CINDEX and MACREX. DEXembed can be set up to automatically upload the index tags to an online repository whenever the index is saved. The tool does not currently support automatic synchronization to online repositories.
■ Microsoft Word document. DEXembed is
DEXembed License Keygen
■ Quickly and easily create beginning and ending page or range entries for Microsoft Word index tags.
■ Use the start and end codes when writing the index.
■ Create embedded tags from ranges marked with codes, or use existing bookmarks.
■ Embed books in QuarkXPress (as MS Word Files)
■ Embed books in FrameMaker (as MS Word Files)
■ Embed books in InDesign (as PS Files)
■ Embed books in any other word processing software (as text files)
■ Free, Windows software
■ Free, demo versions available on the Web site
Use with Microsoft Word Version 97 or later:
■ Create indexed books directly from Microsoft Word 97 or later files
■ DEX is included in the Microsoft Word 97 registration code
■ Reads both Word 95 and Word 97
■ Can handle any Word format file (e.g., Microsoft Word 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, XPS, PDF, XML, RTF, Rich Text Format)
■ Generate OLE
■ Generate ZIP
■ Generate.TXT
■ Works with QuickBooks, Access, and any other software that imports word files
■ No particular file size limit
■ No complicated installation procedures
■ No database connection required
■ No runtime license fee
■ No registration fee
■ No customer support
■ No trial version available
■ No restrictions on number of concurrent indexing tasks
■ No restrictions on number of concurrent users
■ Free, Windows software
■ Free, demo versions available on the Web site
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Rogue Wave Software Ltd
All rights reserved
For any inquiries, please email
Last updated: 23 October 2013
System requirements:
Microsoft Word 97 or later
Concurrent users:
Free Software
QuickBook integration
Unlimited Indexing
Supported file formats
Word 95 and Word 97
Free DEX plug-in
Printable Pages
Free Display
DEXembed Crack Full Product Key
DEXembed is a Microsoft Word add-in that indexes Microsoft Word documents or DocBook XMLs and embeds tags. It is designed to meet the needs of publishers that use standalone indexing programs, such as SKY Index, CINDEX, or MACREX. DEXembed supports various indexing requirements, from locators to bookmarks to page ranges.
Each chapter, section, or table can be indexed using a specific locator (such as a page number, paragraph number, or specific word placements) to ensure the index will be embedded accurately in Microsoft Word documents.
To embed index entries, click on the DEXembed icon and select the indexing and embedding options.
With DEXembed, you can start the indexing process with a complete set of indexing options and preview the index tags that will be inserted. If you have not selected a locator or a range, you can select the «Manual» option to create indexes without bookmarks, or «Automated» to do it automatically.
If the index tags must be embedded as Word bookmarks, you can decide whether to use actual bookmarks or code to mark the beginning and end of the ranges. To mark a range with codes, click on the «Range Markup» button and select your codes from the list.
When indexing a document, DEXembed calculates the page range for each section or chapter, and then embeds a corresponding page range and an embedded index tag with code. You can delete the current index tag and replace it with a newly created tag or use the «Remove old index tags» button to carry out a clean-up of all previously embedded index tags.
Embedding indices can be done from a printed index or solely from a screen.
DEXembed is compatible with all Microsoft Word versions 97 or later. The trial version will work for 45 days from the date of purchase.
A number of complementary features are available with this add-in:
■ Bookmarks — Either actual bookmarks or code can be used to mark the beginning and end of the page or range.
■ Bookmark Management — Allows the removal of embedded bookmarks or the manual or automatic creation of new bookmarks.
■ Grouped Indexing — Allows the indexer to group chapters, sections, or tables by page and provide an index.
■ Locator Variety — All of the index tags can be based on one or more locators, including
What’s New in the?
DEXembed is a Microsoft Word add-in created specifically to meet the needs of indexers who use standalone indexing programs (such as SKY Index, CINDEX, or MACREX), and who need to embed index tags in Microsoft Word documents or DocBook XML.
DEXembed was developed in an actual indexing environment. It was designed to accommodate the various workflows and processes employed by publishers who import embedded Microsoft Word documents into layout programs such as QuarkXPress, Framemaker, and InDesign.
DEXembed allows you to write your index in a standalone indexing program and will automatically embed the entries into a document.
Here are some key features of «DEXembed»:
■ Locator Variety. A document may be indexed using locators that correspond to page numbers, paragraph numbers, or precise word placements. These locators are then used to embed the index tags.
■ Printed Pages or On-Screen. Indexing can be done from printed pages or exclusively on-screen.
■ Bookmarks Are Optional. Embedded tags can be produced with or without Microsoft Word bookmarks. (Bookmarks are used by Word to define ranges in index tags. In general, publishers do not want bookmarks in files that will be imported into a layout program.)
■ Automated Coding of Ranges. Instead of bookmarks, ranges can be marked with codes chosen by the publisher or indexer. DEXembed automates the process of creating beginning and ending range entries, adding the codes to those entries, and then embedding the coded entries as Word index tags-in one step.
■ Removal of Old Index Tags. DEXembed can strip out all previously embedded index tags in a single automated action-often used when a final edit dictates re-embedding all the individual chapter files (if they are available) or removing old tags from a previous version of the book.
■ Automated Final Edit Cleanup. At the end of the indexing process, the indexer often receives a Quark- or Frame-generated index (as a Microsoft Word file) with final pagination, and must then carry out a final edit.
■ Microsoft Word version 97 or later
■ 45 days trial//
// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 15 2018 10:31:50).
// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard.
@interface _TtC13ContentKit25Embeddable
System Requirements For DEXembed:
CPU: 2.5 GHz, Intel or AMD Dual-Core or AMD Quad-Core Processor
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 or AMD R9 270 or higher
RAM: 6 GB (8 GB for CPU + GPU)
Hard Disk Space: 15 GB (free space must be at least 1.5x than the installed program’s size)
Operating System: Windows 8/10/8.1/7/Vista (32-bit/64-bit)
How to Install:
Please download the