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AutoCAD version 2019 is a release of AutoCAD and includes new features and enhancements.

What’s new in AutoCAD 2019?

The following sections list some of the new features in AutoCAD 2019. To explore the details and learn more about the latest AutoCAD release, please refer to the 2019 release notes for AutoCAD.


Revit capabilities are available in AutoCAD for Architectural Workgroup Edition and Enterprise.

The Architectural Workgroup Edition includes the following Revit capabilities:

Render Revit 3D models and surfaces using Autodesk’s 3D modeling tools

Use Revit rendering components (for example, renderers, matte tools, etc.) in AutoCAD

Import and export CAD models to and from Revit

The Architectural Workgroup Edition includes two additional free community editions of Revit, Premium Architectural and Design-Build Workgroup Edition. These editions contain Revit features available only in the Architectural Workgroup Edition.

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What’s new in AutoCAD 2019?

The following sections list some of the new features in AutoCAD 2019. To explore the details and learn more about the latest AutoCAD release, please refer to the 2019 release notes for AutoCAD.


Revit capabilities are available in AutoCAD for Architectural Workgroup Edition and Enterprise.

The Architectural Workgroup Edition includes the following Revit capabilities:

Render Revit 3D models and surfaces using Autodesk’s 3D modeling tools

Use Revit rendering components (for example, renderers, matte tools, etc.) in AutoCAD

Import and export CAD models to and from Revit

The Architectural Workgroup Edition includes two additional free community editions of Revit, Premium Architectural and Design-Build Workgroup Edition. These editions contain Revit features available only in the Architectural Workgroup Edition.

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Creating and editing lines, circles, polygons, and arcs

You can select and create a line, a circle, or a polygon or arc on the drawing canvas.

To select a line, circle, polygon, or arc, use the following methods:

Drawing objects

The default drawing object is a line. You can create, edit, and delete lines, circles, polygons, and arcs. You can also select the line

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It supports the following IDEs:
Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community for Windows.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code for Windows.
Microsoft Visual Studio Code for Mac.
Xcode for Mac.
Code::Blocks IDE for Linux.
Geany for Linux.
Eclipse for Linux.
Arduino IDE for Arduino for Linux.
Android Studio for Android for Linux.

AutoCAD also supports many online services that integrate AutoCAD into other apps or web services. These services allow users to access and edit AutoCAD drawings from any device, or from any application that allows web services. These include:
CloudApp Autodesk App Manager
Dimension Insight
Dimension Ultimate
SharePoint Online

In popular culture
The AutoCAD application was used to create the models of the Transformer robots in the Marvel Comics character The Amazing Spider-Man.

See also
Comparison of CAD software
Autodesk Forge
Comparison of CAD editors for CAE


Further reading

Category:2017 software
Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Graphical user interfaces
Category:Windows graphics-related software
Category:MacOS graphics software
Category:Unix software
Category:Post-GIS software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Post-GIS software
Category:Raster graphics editorsQ:

Excel VBA — RemoveDuplicates on a Range of Cells

I have a button that duplicates a cell if its value is not blank, its a bit to see, but essentially its «list» of orders.
The order number is a cell reference, and I would like to only show the value and not the reference.
However, the duplicates are showing up as, say, 3.
Is there a way I can combine the.RemoveDuplicates with a Range of Cells?
At the moment, I’ve got:
lastrow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

s =.Range(«M4:M» & lastrow).RemoveDuplicates

This is where the duplicates are removed, but it also removes the 4-5 rows before it.

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Now, you must wait until Autodesk opens Autocad.

Now, you will need to click on the «Create tab» on the top of the program

Now, you need to click on «New» and then you will be able to choose the part of the machine you would like to work on.

Now, this is going to be the part you are going to draw and all of the attributes you need to understand are in this screen.

Now, when you are done with the drawing, click on «Exit».


In the year 2015, The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) has launched a human trafficking project that targets issues of Human Trafficking in-possession of a firearm on School grounds.

Human Trafficking is a crime that is a felony in Canada. Prostitution is a federal crime. In recent years human trafficking has increased in Canada. The traffickers prey on our most vulnerable.

Canadian residents and international visitors who are trafficked to Canada are vulnerable to the violent and violent nature of the trafficker. In addition to being victims of violence, Canadian residents are vulnerable to the illegality of the trafficking business. The trafficking business and the act of exploiting a person for sexual or financial gain is unlawful.

Violence and deaths are a common occurrence. There are laws in place to prevent such incidents. But, they are rarely enforced. Canadian residents and international visitors are at risk of arrest if they are victims of trafficking.

This project aims to make it easier for victims of human trafficking to report incidents in possession of a firearm on school property.


Schools, principals and superintendents are the front line of this project.


The reasons for the project are two-fold.

Firstly, it is important to provide up-to-date information on the law regarding human trafficking in-possession of a firearm on school property. This law was introduced in April 2013 and the law states that if a student or teacher makes a complaint of being a victim of human trafficking, the responsible school principal and superintendent may contact the Human Trafficking Team to inquire about the possibility of a human trafficking charge.

However, the team must be made aware

What’s New in the?

Import photos into your drawings as a single layer or even just as a movie clip. You can see the resulting photos in the main viewport. (video: 1:07 min.)

Split import windows and make them scrollable, as you can see in this video.

(video: 0:38 min.)

Compare Revisions:

See the differences between two drawing revisions. Using multiple colors and icons, you can explore all revisions of a drawing at a glance.

Work with the traditional revisioning workflow in AutoCAD. This video shows how to modify the text of a revision. (video: 0:42 min.)

You can choose from multiple colors and icons to represent your current revision. The colors and icons in your revision palette appear in your revision markers. (video: 1:00 min.)

Revisions can be filtered in the Revisions palette. (video: 1:19 min.)

See and Interact with Annotations:

Use user-annotated comments to add notes to your drawings and make them more accessible and useful.

Type annotations (letters, numbers, symbols, and others) can be added to drawings, and the annotations appear in the color palette. (video: 0:53 min.)

Drag annotations from one drawing to another and view them together in the same layer. You can see comments and model blocks in your overlays. (video: 0:41 min.)

Add corrections to an annotation and automatically convert them to parts. This will simplify and speed up the part-based editing workflow. (video: 0:51 min.)

Let Me Draw (and Interact):

Use the let me draw command to let you draw directly in the main viewport. You can quickly erase any mistakes and start from a clean, clean drawing. (video: 1:15 min.)

Once you’ve drawn something, you can save it to the drawing history.

You can also use pencils to draw, too.

(video: 0:48 min.)

Draw Together, Interact Together:

Quickly share and publish your latest designs with colleagues, clients, and students. Publish a document or directly share models with them.

Publish one or many drawings to the cloud. Publish your drawing to one or many cloud services (email, Google Drive, and more) directly

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista, or Windows 7 SP1, 32-bit or 64-bit.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2.8 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Graphics: DirectX 9-compatible video card with at least 256MB of video RAM
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or later
OS: Windows 7 SP1, 32-bit or 64
