Microsoft HID API Usage page and Usage are both used to determine what this method does. The Usage Page corresponds to the physical key and determines what key the command relates to. The Usage is what the button is being used for and is an enumeration. 0 = Reserved, 1 = Key Lock, 2 = Reserved, 3 = Num Lock, 4 = Keypad *, 5 = Reserved, 6 = Reserved, 7 = Reserved, 8 = Reserved, 9 = Reserved, 10 = Reserved, 11 = Reserved, 12 = Reserved, 13 = Reserved, 14 = Reserved, 15 = Reserved, 16 = Reserved, 17 = Reserved, 18 = Reserved, 19 = Reserved, 20 = Reserved, 21 = Reserved, 22 = Reserved, 23 = Reserved, 24 = Reserved, 25 = Reserved, 26 = Reserved, 27 = Reserved, 28 = Reserved, 29 = Reserved, 30 = Reserved, 31 = Reserved
The Usage values for the keyboard are as follow
Ascii: 0 = Spacebar, 1 = Clear, 2 = Tab, 3 = Enter, 4 = Backspace, 5 = Print, 6 = Home, 7 = Up, 8 = Delete, 9 = Left, 10 = Right, 11 = PageUp, 12 = PageDown, 13 = End, 14 = F1, 15 = F2, 16 = F3, 17 = F4, 18 = F5, 19 = F6, 20 = F7, 21 = F8, 22 = F9, 23 = F10, 24 = F11, 25 = F12, 26 = Pause, 27 = Insert, 28 = Home, 29 = Function, 30 = LeftArrow, 31 = UpArrow, 32 = RightArrow, 33 = DownArrow, 34 = PageUp, 35 = PageDown, 36 = Emoji, 37 = Begin, 38 = Select, 39 = Num1, 40 = Num2, 41 = Num3, 42 = Num4, 43 = Num5, 44 = Num6, 45 = Num7, 46 = Num8, 47 = Num9, 48 = Num0, 49 = Odiae, 50 = ArrowRight, 51 = ArrowDown, 52 = ArrowLeft, 53 = Shift, 54 = Control, 55 = Alt, 56 = Stop, 57 = BackQuote, 58 = Quote, 59 = Hash, 60 = NewLine, 61 = Comma, 62 = Dot, 63 = Slash, 64 = Hyphen, 65 = Pound, 66 = Degree, d82f892c90
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Use this feature to open your desktop with a simple keyboard combination
Activate This Program
This feature activates the keyboard combination ‘Ctrl + Alt + K’. This can be used to open your desktop.
Activate This Program With Keyboard Combination:
This feature activates the keyboard combination ‘Ctrl + Alt + K’. You can use this to activate the software.
Brief description of how the icon will be used:
The icon will be used to open your desktop.
This software was created using PowerIcons 8.0 by Alexey Yakovlevich Kuznetsov.
Intended to replace the standard Windows icons in most applications, the Klingon Empire Icon Pack lets you use a unique and beautiful set of images that represents your favorite Star Trek culture. This package of icons lets you express your inner Klingon:
Here’s what you get:
8 new themed Windows XP icons
5 new themed Windows Vista icons
5 new themed Windows 7 icons
4 new themed Mac OSX icons
3 new themed Apple icons
2 new themed Linux icons
1 new browser icon
1 new file icon
1 new folder icon
3 new workspace icons
3 new message box icons
All of the above are in ICO format. This means that they are very easy to use. Install this pack today and make your desktop unique.
Keymacro Description:
Use this feature to open your desktop with a simple keyboard combination.
Activate This Program
This feature activates the keyboard combination ‘Ctrl + Alt + K’. This can be used to open your desktop.
Activate This Program With Keyboard Combination:
This feature activates the keyboard combination ‘Ctrl + Alt + K’. You can use this to activate the software.
Brief description of how the icon will be used:
The icon will be used to open your desktop.
This software was created using PowerIcons 8.0 by Alexey Yakovlevich Kuznetsov.
Trek Insignia is a beautiful icon collection featuring various badges from the Star Trek universe.
All the icons included in the pack are in ICO format. Replace the standard icons in Windows with the Klingon Empire symbol or the United Federation of Planets icon. If you are a Star Trek aficionado, you will surely enjoy this icon collection!
KEYMACRO Description:
Use this feature to open your desktop with a simple keyboard combination
Activate This Program
This feature activates the keyboard combination ‘Ctrl + Alt + K’.рўрёрјр-р-рр·рѕрѕрµ-urex7vdihr4i-pdjhx3zp0u-ssdp1rnm-imgsrc-ru/