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Foolproof Academy Module 6 Answers

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Argente — Process Manager is a software application designed to manage all the applications running on your computer. Once you start the software, it will be displayed in a list with each application identified.
You can view the list of applications running on the computer, close it or terminate any one of them. Argente — Process Manager also can display running processes in a tree list.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Python programming language and the wxWidgets framework to create a simple application. The resulting application will be a calculator with a logbook option.
Who This Tutorial Is For:
This tutorial is for those who are familiar with the Python programming language and have no prior programming experience with wxWidgets.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this tutorial, you will know how to use the Python programming language, the wxWidgets framework and how to build a simple calculator application using the PyQt4 and wxWidgets libraries.
In this tutorial, you will learn about how to program in Python and the basics of wxWidgets. Python is a general-purpose object-oriented scripting language used for developing applications. Python programs can be written to perform a variety of tasks, such as sorting, data analysis, solving complex problems, and much more. wxWidgets is a GUI development framework that is used to create graphical user interfaces in Python. PyQt4 is a Python binding to the Qt4 application framework, which is used to create cross-platform applications.
This tutorial was created by Skycode_Software on July 16, 2015.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to program in Python and the basics of wxWidgets. Python is a general-purpose object-oriented scripting language used for developing applications. Python programs can be written to perform a variety of tasks, such as sorting, data analysis, solving complex problems, and much more. wxWidgets is a GUI development framework that is used to create graphical user interfaces in Python. PyQt4 is a Python binding to the Qt4 application framework, which is used to create cross-platform applications.

This tutorial was created by Skycode_Software on July 16, 2015.

This is a rather old tutorial but I think it still can be very useful for some people who may not have the time to read the whole tutorial or
