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Rinzo is a XML editor for Windows. This includes functions for creating and modifying XML documents.
Some of the features of the Rinzo Editor include:
— Two pane mode: shows two views of an XML document. The left pane contains the document tree, showing the children and attributes. The right pane shows the contents of the document text.
— Complete as much as possible. Rinzo will warn you of incomplete tags, leading to problems later when trying to save your document.
— Find and Replace. You can search and replace text, with the option of replacing only part of the text (finding and replacing all instances of ‘foo’ and replacing it with ‘bar’).
— Realtime completion. You can type and receive immediate and useful suggestions.
— Ability to type comments. Comments are useful, for example, when you are copy-pasting the XML document.
— Save as Text. Rinzo has a built-in Editor for saving as a text file.
— Scripting. Rinzo has a scripting engine that allows you to write custom extensions.
— Tabs. XML documents can be opened in tabs to help with editing.
— Menu bar. You can create custom menus, with options for document, markup and scripting.
— Save. You can save your work in XML documents that can be reloaded at a later time.
— Customized Shortcuts. You can create hotkeys for your own custom commands.
— Recent Documents. Rinzo keeps track of the documents you’ve recently opened.
— Multiple Monitors. Rinzo can open documents in a separate window on your second monitor.
XML Creator
XML Creator Description:
XML Creator is a free, open source XML editor that makes it easy to design, modify and save XML documents. You can save your documents in a variety of different formats including the more readable text format (TXT), the more compact binary format (BIN) and HTML. XML Creator comes with a number of tools for modifying the text or binary data that you are writing, including a WYSIWYG text editor, a search and replace tool, and a spell checking tool.
XML Creator is based on the original XML Editor, an open source application written by Kandan Y. Oganda.
XML Editor
XML Editor Description:
XML Editor is a free, open source XML editor and console utility for Windows.
Key features of XML Editor include:
— Large-screen preview 384a16bd22

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Quality Managers have developed a powerful and highly sophisticated software tool that enables estate agents to input requirements and keep control of their property database, report, business emails, website, and other systems. KeyMacro gives you an integrated management system for all your business systems and is used to coordinate all staff actions.
KeyMacro is an integrated system that requires no programming. The new look interface displays all the screens and reports you need to keep control of all your property information and enables you to configure and view reports in a number of ways.
KeyMacro has been tested on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X and is guaranteed to run on your system without problems.
KeyMacro can be used in a number of different ways. You can set it up so that all the reports you want to produce are created automatically and sent to you on a weekly or monthly basis. This will save you time and effort. The system is fully customizable and you can create an endless number of reports.
KeyMacro has a simple drag and drop interface that makes it easy for anyone to use.
KeyMacro can export reports to HTML, Word or PDF format.
KeyMacro is a powerful software tool for estate agents. With KeyMacro, you can keep control of your property database, reports, business emails, website, and other systems. All these functions are managed through a simple interface that makes it easy for anyone to use.

Macaw! is an easy to use tool for designing press-ready color-tinted digital graphics for your web site, email or printed materials. Everything you see is drawn on screen. Choose any design element including photos, fonts, colors, and patterns and arrange them into a graphic.
Macaw! is a highly powerful, yet easy-to-use tool for graphic designers and also has all of the features of the best web publishing software. Macaw! can design and print:
Printable documents
Email messages
Website graphics
O-line Marketing
The Macaw! Media Kit is an educational CD that teaches you about Macaw! and shows you how to use it. Also included is a demonstration on how to create a custom design.
Macaw! looks great on both a monitor and a printer and makes a great image to download and use for printing. No proprietary software is needed to open the graphics created in Macaw!.
Macaw! creates:
Printable documents
Email messages
Website graphics
Printable images
Install on a network or
