This is a simple macro keyboard program. This program may be used for any computer except computers made by Apple.
With a macro key you can make a special commands. MACRO KEY is program in the security of your system. You need to activate it only once. When the program starts it will ask you for a password. The password you set is your own, nobody else has access to it. You may also need a «MACRO KEY» password. It’s just a second password, it’s only for the security of the «MACRO KEY» program.
It is assumed that you have the necessary authorization to use this program.
AUTHOR: Original by: Radoslaw Zawadzki
LaCie SAFE Drive est une solution de sécurité de stockage qui propose un accès sécurisé à des disques de LaCie.
Le logiciel offre de couper tout le stockage d’un disque avec l’aide de ce logiciel, puis l’enregistrer sous le nom de stockage crypté.
LaCie SAFE Drive est un programme logiciel qui offre une solution de sécurité avec les disques de LaCie et les protège de manière sécurisée.
Le programme peut effacer tout le stockage à l’intérieur d’un disque crypté connecté, il est donc recommandé de faire une sauvegarde de toutes les données importantes que vous souhaitez préserver avant d’utiliser ce programme.
LaCie SAFE Drive Description:
Ceci est un simple logiciel de clavier. Cet programme peut être utilisé pour n’importe quel ordinateur sauf un ordinateur Apple.
Avec un clavier macro, vous pouvez effectuer des commandes spéciales. LaCie SAFE Drive est un programme logiciel en sécurité de votre système. Vous devez l’activer seulement une fois. Quand le programme commence, il vous demandera une deuxième passephrase. La deuxième passephrase que vous avez choisi est votre propre, 384a16bd22
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A simple macro program for MS-DOS that converts your selected word file into a small PDF or image file. KEYMACRO can take advantage of many print utilities installed on your computer, to create output formats that include PostScript, HTML, RTF, HLP, plain text, ASCII, Windows Picture and Drawing (WinPNG) and many more.
All the saved documents can be added to your default printer so you will be able to print them at any time. KEYMACRO allows you to change font style, color, text size, image background and even image quality.
KEYMACRO is a command-line macro application. It means that there is no GUI (Graphical User Interface) and no visual user interface at all. The command line is the main menu. KEYMACRO’s command line interface is similar to a Windows console.
Download size: 1.8 MB.
File Detail
File Description
KeyMacro 2.1.5 — The easiest way to create and print your own business cards, flyers, bookmarks, business cards for your personal use. KEYMACRO is the only one software that allows you to print several different versions of the same document with one click.
KEYMACRO features for MS-DOS includes:- and more. — Provides a window where you can see each of your default printer’s capabilities. If there is more than one printer installed on your computer, you can change the default printer in the control panel. — Batch job support. Use the command-line interface to print multiple documents at the same time. — Command line interpreter. If you have a word processor that supports macros, you can control your word processor with KEYMACRO. — Easy to use. — Reads document text, logo and photo from standard input, and converts it to all supported output format at one click. — Font style, color, text size, image background and even image quality can be changed from command line interface. — Automatic extension for your documents. KEYMACRO automatically adds.KEYFILE to the end of your document if you ask it to. — Can import or export to/from your databases. — Add the generated files to your default printer. — Auto fit option to fill the page. — Auto print PDF. — Allows you to save every document in PDF format. — Allows you to insert the same document in several formats with one click. — Allows you to change your document’s text color to monochrome. — Allows you to set