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Allow you to quickly assign keys to macros and assign additional keyboard shortcuts to any other actions that you wish to perform in any browser window.
Windows 7 and Windows 10 users: How to add a keyboard macro to a browser without a keyboard?
Chrome extension Keyboard Macro Password Manager for Mac Description:
1. Save passwords on any website without typing them again.
2. Support proxy settings for any website.
3. Open the saved passwords in your password manager (if you use one) from Keyboard Macro Password Manager.
4. Support keyboard shortcuts and mouse right clicks.
5. You can have as many windows for password manager as you like.
6. You can add a window to the start menu for easy access.
7. You can set keyboard shortcuts for each window.
8. You can close any window by just clicking the X icon on the top right.
9. You can add a shortcut key to any website so that you can access your password manager from the menu bar.
10. You can easily drag and drop an item from the list and add to any of your windows.
11. You can save all the settings for each window.
12. You can add a short text for each window.
13. You can view the list of the windows in order from left to right by scrolling.
14. You can change the font size of the list.
15. You can view the list of the list of the windows.
16. You can copy/paste the list of the windows.
17. You can edit/delete the list of the windows.
18. You can view the current settings of the settings of the settings for each window.
19. You can drag and drop the settings of the settings to any of the windows.
20. You can view the current settings of each window.
21. You can create a shortcut key for each window.
22. You can view the settings of the shortcut key for each window.
23. You can easily add/remove/edit the shortcuts for each window.
24. You can copy/paste the shortcuts for each window.
25. You can view the list of the shortcuts for each window.
26. You can change the order of the list of the shortcuts for each window.
27. You can rename the list of the shortcuts for each window.
28. You can save all the settings of the settings for each window.
29. You can view the settings 384a16bd22

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This utility is a World Clock which will give you the current time for almost every location in the world.
Use the handy calendar and zoom controls on this intuitive Windows 95/NT/98/Me/2K/XP desktop utility to view the time for over 100 countries, cities, states, provinces, and regions. Includes the list of cities, states and regions. Includes the time zone map. Includes the list of time zones.
World Clock 5.8.0
What is new in version 5.8.0:
(Released October 19, 2014)
* Minimize to tray option is enabled by default.
The dates on the application main form may be displayed in a different language and display of months and days may be customized by clicking on the months or days.
* Every detail you specify for the clock while making changes will be reflected on the clock.
* The clock does not load when minimized to tray by default.
Bug fixes and improvements
What is new in version 5.7.0:
* In the options, you can save your settings.
* You can drag the clock to the screen top or bottom.
* You can change the settings for the clock.
What is new in version 5.6.0:
* The time is updated after you change the clock setting in the options.
* Now it is possible to change the name of the clock in the options.
* In the options, you can change the date and time format.
* You can save the settings when you minimize the clock.
What is new in version 5.5.0:
* In the options, you can save your settings.
What is new in version 5.4.0:
* In the options, you can save your settings.
* You can now change the time zone and the country when you open the clock.
What is new in version 5.3.0:
* The time zone can be changed from the main form now.
* The option to show seconds is now enabled in the main form.
What is new in version 5.2.0:
* The time format can now be changed from the main form.
What is new in version 5.1.0:
* The country and the time format are now saved when the clock is minimized.
* The minor changes.
What is new in version 5.0.0:
* You can now set the month and day format.
